Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/173

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1386 sixrr-Tnmn coxvonnss. Sess. I1. cn. 219. 1914. "°¤““*”¤•*°d· Th nameofEliM drf,late {Com HE1venthReg1m' t mi Imam Illinois Y§1u11£ee1·(§a f1 and psgy himlieurignsion all the rate of $>3u6 per mon m uo the' now ·*-"“*“' W*“°"· name of Xrthur Watsoig late olfogiainpany C, Eleventh Regiment Indiana tlgolurilteer and pay a pension at the rate of $30 per mon m eu 0 e is now recei . w““'“° H·W"'°"· The name of William H. Wilson, latevcifvllroop F, First Regiment UnitedStatesCv ,and a him 'n ttherateof$36per mj m%s¤.u .;f“a'5’13.s..£J ...a$%g”°“’. J" I { ‘“‘° · na.meoMaryane y,wiowo amesKmse' ateo Company I, Fifth B.e$iment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and'pay her a pension at the rate 0 $24 per month in lieu of that she is now receivf,§',";,'f,",‘,,, ma, 0,, ing: Provhled, That in the event of the death of Emma Kinsey, help- ·*·•*¤<>f¢¤¤¤· less and dependent child of said James Kinsey, the additional pension herein granted shall cease and determine: And provided further That ,,,*},‘,§‘§,*§’;,§{’,,,°§{“d °“ in the event of the death of Mary Jane Kinsey, the name of said llimma Kinsey shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the 'on laws, at the rate of $12 per month from M sum. an:1l_];fter the0fd$te og sgi?) Mary J age Kinsey. name a o omany ,E1gl1' ty- t Pennsylvania Volgnteer an ami, lnm pensi t te mobmm of$30permonthinlieuof th2tyl1eis1i:>·:i*rmce 0na _ H ‘ name of Jacob Miller, late of Company D, eth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 . per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. °"""" S°‘“°" The name of Samuel Stalter, late of Company G, Fifty-fourth Begigcgit Ohio Vgluntiir pay a pension at the rate of mon in u 0 is now receiving. ""”" ’°‘w‘“"’* ~ Tg name James P. Walters, late of Company F, One hundred ‘“"‘ “°Y°“°’z%'°" "§‘..“é‘°.‘2*."“*‘*° "°"1‘a.*°°' %."‘°‘;¥".s.:“‘%.."“’ mm a pension a ra per mon in °eu t is now Pmsions. I-Bc81vu1g° . . . . rm,. Ann rms;. W32: nl:a1e§fCl;hebe Anpg novgrlgrémttaformer H1i?w of _ , mpany e xm an thirtie e en - no1s1Y1ohmteer Infantry, ahd pay her a pension at the rateg1di1$12 per mon H"' "' R° The name of Mag A. Robinson, former widow of Daniel P. Dewey, late of Comgany , Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer mm m___d Infantry, an pag her a Lginsion at the rate of $12 r month. cme num. The Dame 0 amel er, late of Company A,%ighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantig, and pay a pension at the rate of $36 Pmone per month m lieu of that e is now receiving. 4;,.,.,;,.,. m.,m_ The name of Caroline Blom, former widow of Frederick Hoelscher, laltke (1gyC0II£)8I1y hC, Twenty-s11?:l':hRe,g;i•ine;1§ Missouri Ytgilunteer an ,an pa era nsiona 12 . E$—“§Sij°.§'§i.lZ',°i'Y°”d' ( The DBD? igclivzoegizzshxper, wide; rdf Charles plilicnhiliir, late of Tompany , ven egiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry and pay her a pension at the rats of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. James e-. wimmw- The name of J ames_C. Wiedeman, late of Company H, One hundred and ninetiyi-§h1rdtl;;i.?1;;1l;znt Ohio Iiolurlilteer gxaflantry, and pav him a _ ) pensiona era 0 permont ` t th ` " . Henry .. . R T,. ,,..,.,.,_.f Hen$· C. pm., 1;*2. E? 3.m§miii§'“i$’§.§°§L‘m“i egiment Missouri olimteer Infantry, and pay a pension at I H Ty thehzrte of $34.} ger mogah in lieu hpf that he is now receiving. ¤¤¤¤¤· M- puameo ames .'I'yree, te fC G,TW Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantiy, (alfilalmpgf him aupieynseibcri) 1;.% the rate of $36 ger month in lieu of that he is now recei . uae. sewn The name of ames Ferguson, late of Company D, 'lwvlrigth Rcgi. ment Pennsylvama Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.