Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/167

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1380 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sms. II. C11. 219. 1914. 1·¤¤u¤. ThenameofMaryE.Greiner,f rmerwid fIraE.Y ,1 t f 1!:·¢lliifi41o. Company H, One hundred and niiith Regintixis) New Yor1IigV1olui11?egr Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month. N'°**°'“ BMV- ThThe mémfd of Brady,BheRless and tdlepfndent c§1d of omasry,a man , enty-nin imentass chusetts Volunteer Infantry,Pan<l7 pay him a pension atllihe rate of $ll2 per month. · ¤*°• ¤¤•vP¤*· C0'l'he nami,o§ I(%lapper, Ecxrémer of (i};a·;k Clapper, lgte of m y eglmen rmon , her eiupension at the rate of $126per montlalm may an Pay §,\"l,‘;P;‘§g‘§,{,‘f°" The name of Susanna Reitz, widow of William D. Reitz, late of Company H, Fifty-eighth Rgment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infan- {$1%, psy her a pension at e 1-ate of $20 per month in lieu of that P""““"‘· _ 'lhe name of Jmiiie L. Tallman, now P k , f `d f ““"‘°‘* ""°' Abram rsumim, nm of Company o, s¤vsily?im¤°11'f$;T1ml;iit°v1is(;v York Stax Militia Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per mon P°'“‘°"‘ *“°'°"’°"· The name of Zelotes B. Partridge late of Com F Thirteenth zemm nrmndge. , . . ’ PUIY » Regiment Illinois Volnmteer Inf , d him pens' t th S rate of $36 per m0nth_in lieu ofngitiizhznis EZ; recei8` . mn 3 0 l""°" "““""" The name of Francis S. Altman, late of Companilllf Fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pay un a pension at Dam the rate of $36fper month m lieu of that 0·1S now receiving. T“’°'· The name o David Tanyer, late Unassigned One hundred and forty-nmthtI$.;hegimet;it y, and pay him . apensiona era o 3 permon in 'euo theisnowreceiv· 6,,,,:, .,._ Km, e name of George T. Kennamer, late of Independent Alabama m¤r· Scouts and Guides, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. P°'“*°¤*¤°'9*'°d· 'l'henameofJose hS.W`11e lte fCo K,E' hthR ` Jmph I wm"` Illinois Volunteer Iiifantry, ;ay(l1im_l:TIpe&h1.§ion atlghe ratggciln peiriinonth mgieu of Xhayt he 1S•I&0W rpceivmlgl. J 1 {00 ,m,yA_,m_ ename_o ._une wi owo . une, ateo m any I, First Regiment clugan lingineers and Mechanics, and pay ger a _ pension at the rate of $12 month. `m"’m· m.‘.?2°M‘$“E§°‘ {‘#"i““1‘.}.‘.‘&*§r"°"‘· **3 °‘ "`i’..”.%&’““,,...’ G.; “`°"'*‘i‘.*‘°*"‘ c an o un an an ‘ mum, Sum of $40 per month in lieu of thattrlie is niigvyreceivznlg. fm at ti 6 mm ` mT".s°g...“°“€r%f¥£}£§-h“é?£l‘.§’hZ;.}¤“‘,§.§fh(£°m“£“p‘¤FL‘Eilil°gi?;°“¥ $36 r month in lieu of that he is now receivm . 0 m 0 {2.",.§,"}‘}·N,,,,._ Thfname of Mar§J._Neary, former widow og Joseph Mackle, late

·€]31t:¤;:k°F;fmr;tl;>crel;€1;p1e;1it Kansas Cavalry, and pay her a pension

§$§"g},",$"_,;’f"°‘*· The name of David Bowen, late of Compan F, One hundred and

’1g. Néevélgork Volnmtiieer Ixliigintrytalgd pay him a

__a era o permon meuo teisnow receiving. §Zf$`飧‘i;. wm;. C0'Lh;L:¤¤-rig <g°N¤btl;i¤ E. Vigard, for:n§r vvi<%pw1;>§fAllen Wale, late of , ven_ egimen ew o tee Inf t , P _ and paylier a {pension at the rate of $12 per nliontliilm I- an ry ,:;‘,‘,g°'g,*,{*d,°’,’§°,f*fd· The name o Hildnth, late of Compan B, One hundred gm] thirty-fifth Regment Pennsylvania Volunteer Iinfantry, and pay him a pension at e rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now ‘Z,°"‘““} The naine of John C. Denbo, hel 1 d d Marc ’ ‘“"’ """‘°“ R. nmbq, nm or Company D, oiissiiiiiilmsripsiiiliixiitiyliiltiriciih ns; ment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month.