Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1063

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2366 rxmzx. Radio Commambation, P¤B¢- Railroads—Continued. _ _ Pavappropriation for enforcing, on ocean deficiency appropriation for ascertarmng gtegmgyg, etc .,,, _ .__...,... 501, 1043 physical valuation of property for investigating, etc., methods and in- of . . 212, 379, 1140 stmmsnts employed in . 1044 statement of all employments for, to Radio Engineers, Army, be submitted .. . .: 1140 a propriation for; limitation . . . 480, 1022 for investigating block signal systems Radio Qmfallatrbnalg f b t Alasulied on ... . .. : . 212 use o , on veme o elrgeren' wers, re- in a to ay on gross revenues rn stricted in Lgvat/ers of Canalpgone, etc. 2041 lieu rg tax. ... . . . 517 Radio Labora , avy, incorporate y o not wi 'urrsa propriatitgrxor instruments, etc ... 407, 946 diction of Feliieral courts, solely on Raagoactive Substitutes, that account ..., . ._ . 804 on tree list ... . .. . 161 inspection for safe locomotive boilers, etc., Radiotelegraph, Naval, · extended to entire locomotive, appropriation for maintenance of coast tender, etc . 1192 signal service _ 407 , 946 provisions for acquiring, constructing, arid for purchase of shore station sites, etc. 407, 946 operating rn Alaska ... 305 for construction, installation, etc., of high Rails, Iron or Steel, power, at specified locations .. 407, 946 on free list, flat, punched . 161 for expenses of experiments, etc .. 407, 946 T . 161 Radwckvmphib Gvnvmvwn, Inmariwwl, Railway Aajuuma mmm, pm om a pro riation forshare of expenses 450, 1123 Department, Ra¢£o¢e£>)9{¤Ph!/» , _ appropriation for superintendent, assistant, international convention governing ... 1872 clerks, etc . . .. . 495, 1036 Radial: Seed, Railway Bars, duty on . - .. 134 on free list, iron or steel -. 161 Radium, _ Railway Congress, International, on free list, and salts of .,. 161 a propriatron for quota. .. 448, 1122 Ragan,_Anna P. (widow), Ranguay Employees, , _ _ pension ... . .. 1422 appropriation for arbitrating differences Rogan, Tillard, and Sophia, L., _ of ,. .-. 28 payment of Court of Claims iindmgs to for expenses_ Board of Mediation and hens of. ... . . - 978 Conciliation of, differences 628, 840 Ragan,_ William, provisions for adjusting controversies bepensnon increased; ..·...· 1487 tween, and employers ... . .. 103 ’~*"~*'·‘%··":·C%*,:*:“», C,.-..,.. r,..l.·.,,, ,0 MW *"·~*m·;·*~ .1,-,. ,.,,.-.1, paymeu _ o 0 a priation or inv ma heirs of .. . 963 ppm used in . ... 503, 1044 Rags, _ Railway Frlshphrtes, ele. on free hst, crude paper stock, ... 160 duty on, iron or steel 124 nozotlhierwrsgrpecrally provided fcr.-.. . 161 Railway Mail Se;-visa; d R¤9•d¤_ . ame• ., appro riation or superinten ents, Rarzensnorizmbcrcrgeased --~.-··-·.-· 1230 passisuum, elem etc ... 300 » 0 . a pour' tments assign' ments repayment of Court of Claims findings to ad- pm-icwd _,,,,,,, _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,_, 300 _ Ih1!I.l.!f.l’lZ1'1X0f..-., 977 forhgvg]g]]gwgn(;gg____________________ 30] Rmlmad Lind GYGNU, _ _ for emergency service ,,,,,,.,,,,.,,.,,, 301 USB of fund fo¤;¤¤1;v¤Y¤¤g I·‘*¤d¤ 1¤» {GY ¤fB¢¤ for substitutes for clerks on vacation 301 _ W°*k§ bmi- ··---· ; -·-· · ·-·-·-- 494, 1085 for clerks in place of injured . 301 Railroad Room, Postal ·S‘ern·vc, _ disabi ity allowance . . 301 ¤1>£¤31>¤¤¤<>¤ for ¤¤2¤¥,¢¤¤¤¤1>¤r¤¤¤s>¤ by--- 300 payments in case ot death sor (18 CIBDCY SPPIOPHSUOD for mill HIDE- negligence { by {D Oompenn, portation by. . . 573, 1158 tion _______________________________ 301 Rgm :148. 130 for traveling expenses, superintendents, 301 ••··~•·¤·•··.»••••-••»-•··•• Q •_____________·__·_•__________· RG|.l7’00dB (SEG GISO Common for njscgnauggug exp°n·g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ appropriation for estabhshini etc-, uniform for per diem, ere., assktant superinsysteng of =¤¤<¤¤¤¤¤s y ~---- , 28. 027, 839 mama. . sor Y0? ¢¤f¤!’€1¤8 use 01 ¤\f¢tY ”·PPh¤¤°°¤ for General Superintendent, assistant, bl'--; ····--··~-—···--· ; ····—· 28· 627» 839 clerks, etc., in Post Office Departfor repvfis of 9·C¢1d8!1l¤, eh:627 839 ment _________ _ _ _______________ 495, ]03y m,·- ~---~· ·.»·-·--·-·-··- , dgQ° ° ° omcc , for investigating block si€¤¤l Md min . 333 ¢<>¤¤‘¤ _¤¥S*¤¤¤¤· ei?-. 0* -·-·- ; · - · 62% 839 for ex uses. .,,,, 33:1, 579, 1159, 1151 fvf PhY¤1¢¤1 V¤]“¤¤°¤ °§27 840 Railway Dmil Service Dimhon, Post Oiiee . . · · · · 1 ················ • apartment, {9* *‘°°“¤·¤¥ mf°*'m’·¤°¤ 97 °V’ck’» b°“d°· appropriation for General Superintendent, °¤‘·· <> ··; -·--·-—··-· —··-·-- 6273**0 assistant, clerks, eu- .,, .. 495,1037 transportation to be furnished em- Railway put 0.0;,,, ga, Swmbc, Pl0Y€€¤. €t€·, by; ¢0:‘p6¤69·¤0¤- ; · · 627 appropriation for _________ _ _______________ 300 f°!' °°YPP°m¤§ use of ° l°c°m°uV° sani and sonmd cars required .. . . - 300 borlers by . _ ... 28 , 627, 840 Rqgwagigplh Bm ` for expenses, hysrcal valuation of, first duty on iron or 81;;,,] 12* half of J ui; 1914- . 774 Rug W], · ````°` ```°``' '``'°` w way eeI| and Terea, _ °""°“d MF --···-··-·········-······ 775 duty on, mn or steel . . .. 128