Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/883

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2332 o0NvENT;roN~stJBMAR1NE MINES. ocmm is, 1907. 0¢wb°¥18-IW'- Oonrvention between the United States and other Pqwers relative to t/ie `-___U`_` laying of automatic submarine contact mines. Signed at 172.6 Hague October 18, 1.907; razgyieation advised by the Senate March 10, 1.908; ratifed by the President of the United States February 23, 190.9;_ ratification deposited with the Mtherlwnda Government November 27, 1909,* February 28, 1910. , [ BY THEERRESIDENT or me Unrrnn STATES or Anmmoa. A PROCLAMATION. $¤¤¤1•¤¤¢ ¤¤¤¤>·¤* Whereas a Convention relative to the laying of automatic sub- _ miiigmbie. marine contact mines was concluded and signed at The Hagie on October 18, 1907, by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the nited States of America, Germany, the Argentine Republic, Austria- Hunga , Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Denmalilrc, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Ital)y, J apan, Luxembuxig, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Paragua , the Nether ands, Peru, ersia, Roumania, Salvador, Servia, éam, Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, and Vene— ` zuela, the original of which Convention, being in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] VIII. VIII. CONVENTION CONVENTION RELATIVE A LA Pose mz MINES RELATIVE TO rum LAYING or AU- s0Us—MAmNms AU•r0MA·rrQU1=:s TOMATIC SUBMARINE CONTACT me CONTACT. ‘ Mums. 0¤¤¤‘¤¤¤¤8P<>W¤¤· SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR His Majesty the German Em— D’ALLEMAGN E, ROI DE peror, Kin of Prussia; the Pres- PRUSSE; LE PRESIDENT ident of Une United States of DES ETATS~UN IS D’AMERI- America; the President of the §UE; LE PRESIDENT DE LA Argentine Republic; His Majesty EPUBLIQUE ARGENTINE; the Emperor of Austria, Kin of SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR Bohemia, &c., andA ostolic lgng D’AUTRICHE, ROI DE BO- of Hungary; His giajesty the HEME ETC., ET ROI APOS- King of the Belgians; the Presi- TOLIQUE DE HONGRIE; SA' dent of the Republic of Bolivia; MAJESTE LE ROI DES BEL- the President of the Republic of GES; LE PRESIDENT DE LA the United States of Brazil; His REPUBLIQUE DE BOLIVIE; Ro al Highness the Prince of LE PRESIDENT DE LA RE- Bulgaria; the President of the PUBLICQZUE DES ETATS·UNIS Republic of Chile; the President DU BR SIL; SON ALTESSE of the Republic of Colombia; the ROYALE LE PRINCE DE Provisional Governor of the Re- BULGARIE; LE PRESIDENT public of Cuba; His Ma`esty the DE LA REPUBLIQUE . DE Hung of Denmark; the President _