Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/607

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2052 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 306. 1911. "‘“"‘“·'·°P*°· The name of William J. O ie, late of Company D, Forty-fourth Regiment Indiana Volunteer liifantry, and ay him a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars er month in lieu orP that he is now receiving, 1**** W·¥°N¤*¤- The name of Felix McNeill, late of Company A, Enghteent Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infanty, and CompanyuC, One undred an forty-ninth Regiment Ohio ational Guard fantry, and gay $ a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in 1eu of t at is now receivi . · N°'*°“ "·**"°°‘*· The name of Nnegson P. Atwood, late of Company A, Eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and Company E, One hundred and - twenty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and px? him a . pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in heu o that he . is now receiving. '1`¤¤¤¤¤ K•¤¤· The name of Thomas Kane, late of Company H, One hundred and forty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per month in heu of that he ‘is now receiving. - Frederick J- kw- The name of Frederick J. Lawrence, late of Company D, Fifty- "°°°‘ third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and fpay him a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu 0 that he is now receiving. mepn Black. The name of Joseph Black, late of Company H Fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cava ry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty- four dollars per month in lieu o that he is now receivin . aeorgeswueung. name of George Stoneking, late of Company I, Twentieth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per month in Ecu of that he is now receiving. 1e¤¤¤1·¤<¤· The name of Jesse_J. Cox,_late of Battery L, Second Regiment Missouri Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay him a ension at the rat·e_ of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. . ·¥¤¤¤»¤W·P•¤¤¤· The name of Joseph W. Patton, late of Company B, Eighteenth Reginnent Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at t_e_ rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ mma A.w•u¤¤. The name of Edwin A. `Watson, late of Company B, One hundred and forty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infant , and pay him

.1 pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that

e is now receiving. amt mma:. The name of Jacob Earnest, late of Company E, Eleventh Regiment, and CompanlyimH, Forty-sixth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per ·¤····¤·» ¤ Pm- ""i‘*J§‘ £.‘i.£Z“0?%l{Z.’¥i.,Z°i~iS %?‘” "’°"i'1"g‘f C I O · · . erson, a e o om , and forty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Iniiiiiy , anldg ltlyilciiiiii a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month inrlieu of that he is now receiving. Wil1iamW. vom. The name of William W. Voris, I te f C B El °- ment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pa? hginitmplejinsion aetviihleilisiiggiulf ` J A Sm twenty-four dollars per month in lieu 0 that he is now receivin ,

        • 1** · * EY- The name of James A. Smiley, late of Company F, Twcnty_%0u,.th

Regiment Indiana I ohmteer Infantiy, and ay him a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars per month m lieu olp that he is now receiving "°"*‘ "·”“°“°"· The ¤=¤¤° 0* L¢°¤S.D· Bucklesn me of Ccmpany H, Sixtweivhtli Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him anperibsion pgcthe rate of t irty dollars per month m lieu of that he is now eivmg. ’°**¤ ¤·H**"‘¤°¤· The name of John H. Harrison late of C E F‘ · ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cayally, anduiiggnlhmla pieiifildiihaléilile