Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/553

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1998 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHs.163,172—174. 1911. F¤g>§¤¤;{Y2%ig%1r CHAP. 168.-An Act For the relief of Francis E. Rosier. Trivatc. No. 234.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House qffRl;p¢'e&enlta¢s;·M(;e8 of the Uniteei Fr¤¤¤i¤ E- R¤¤i¤¤- States of America in Congress assembled t in the ministration 0

 r°°°m °°r` the nsion laws Francis E. Rosier, designated in the military records

as Flfmcis E. Rodier, who was captain o Company A, Twelfth United States Colored Heavy Artillery, s all hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States as a member of said company and regiment on the twenty- §f,°',§‘,§f;, pem,,,¤_ second day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five: Provided, That no pension shall accrue or become payable prior to the passage of this - Act. Approved, February 24, 1911. Febrrigy 6gi.]1911- CHAP. 172.-An Act For the relief of Charles T. Gallagher and Samuel H. ° PfID(}li|)f. [Private, No. B5.] Be it enacted b tie Senate and Houseo of the United snthhhiaihilctigialgrlhiet States of Amemga in Congress aasembllgi, hat in the administration miiiismymwmssm. of the pension laws Charles T. Gallagher and Samuel H. Proctor shall mm- hereafter_be held and considered to ave been mustered into the military service of the United States as musicians of the First Unattached f Company, Massachusetts Militia Infantry, on April twenty-eighth, ‘ ,Q;,°";;,’,b,, pemm ei%hteen hundred and sixty-four, the date of their enrollment: Proew. d, That no pay, bounty, or back pension shall accrue or become payable by virtue of the passage of this Act. Approved, February 27, 1911. FebrpSar_y642g.]1911. CHAP. 173.-An Act For the relief of James M. Sweat. EiG.TsT Nc. ass.] Be it enacted tfae Senate and Ilousegf Representatives of the United £$§rz;i,§éY)i3¤k0b gltates ojiAmi:z~tca (}bng§i¢asSmssw»:ba¢· , Tlpxt En agministration of me. e pension laws amos _ . wea ate o the ir U `t d Stat M Dragoons, Captain John S. Sitgreaifesfs company, War wilthe lvlexicgs shal hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably diseh€·ged fronkthe mn%;aryhse;·v1Ee ofdthe giptpd Stages as a member of sai organiza ion on e nr y- rs ayo . u y eig tee h d d d §'{,°;Q’;,’; em forty-eight: ]"ravuled, That no pay, bounty, or’other erixloldlrlielii sliiill accrue or payable by virtue of this Act, and that the ensionable status herein granted shall date from the approval of this Xct. Approved, February 27, 1911. resrpgn-;·8gr,]1811. 174.-An Act For the relief of David Jay Jennings, [p.·ma·,1•ze.2sv,] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ef;/,,8 Uni; cg Darid Jawenuinss. States of America in UOHQW bled Th t th ‘ °e ,e§§§“""'°°°'d °°" of any laws conferring righg,9 phiilgilleves; or lierigtitscuadgllildziimtiyln discharged soldiers David Ja J enni1i’¤··; wh · ru y A __ d , _ 3: _ ,,· , 0 Was B·I_f)I1V8,t6 in Compgug , bgccnb Rgggtiment Connecticut Volunteer eavy Artillery, ih; $1;:;, terh e and consldeféd for have been honorably disrgg rom the mi iter) service of the bmted States as a member Prom of Sm com(pany and regiment on the eighth day of November, eight~ No pridrpay, em een hundre and sixty-four; Provzded, That no par, bounty 01- gther emoluments shall accrue prior to the passage of this Act. ’ Approved, February 27, 1911. U