Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1927

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3268 INDEX. Water-Power Sites, P"€°· Wfltkim, 7`<m¢’i·? M- » ’ P“g°· temporary withdrawals of public lands to Wpcnsion mcroascd 1769 be reserved for 847 atkins, William H. H., Water, Public Buildings, Wpensiou increased ..._,.,. 1984 appropriation for expenses of .. 715, 1391 atrous, Myron G., Waier-Right Applimtaions, etc., Wpcnsion increased ... . 1514 modification authorized of, nmder Reclamm atson, Amos B., tion Act ... 902 Wpension increased . ... 2096 Water Routes, Interstate Commerce, atson, Edwin A-., regulation of railroad rates in competition Wpensiou increased 2052 with .. 548 ataon, Elizabeth F. (widow), Water Supply of the United States, · Wpensiou increased .. . . 1783 appropriation for investigations to deter- ataan, James, Ohio Volunteers, mine ,... . .. 743, 1418 Wpeusion increased ...,.. . . 1708 Waterbury, Hamh E. (willow), utson, Jawws, Rhode Island Voluntemns, nsiou ..,. . . 1539 ngion increased . , ..,...,.., 1747 Wgtirce River, S. C.! Wgtzon, James C., appmpriatjon for unprovemeut of . 643 eugion increased ... _. 1562 Waterloo, Iowa, Wgtson, James F., Kansas Volunteers, terms of court at .. 1111 Wpeusion increased ,. . . 2099 Waterloo, N. YZ, _ _ _ atson, James F., U. S. Colored Troops, appropriation for public bmldmg; usc of nsiou increased ... . 4 . . . 1633 _ bahnge frcgm Horgclgl. 2 .. 707 Wgfsan, Joseph C., · ac \111'I.l1g sue or pu c u1 at, nsion increased 1934 q authorized .. 691 }VgZ;0·n, Lindley, WG¢€f7Vgan,_ Charles Maxwell, nsion increased . ... 1900 Wpcnsmn increased ... . 2001 Wgggn, Robert 0,, atefproof Cloth, pension increased ,.. . ..,_,,,,,,,_ 1687 duty ou, cotwp, ctc .- 50 Watson, Wiliam, mh Induma Volunteers, WGMJL Ellen (widow), _ Wpension increased ..,,,, Q ,,,,, 2095 Wpenswn., . _ ...----.-.- 1808 ahem, William, mh Indiana Vozumun, Gkffz Eliwbéfh ('w*d¢>w)» Wpeusion increased .. _ .. 1688 wpcnsmn mcmased ...·..-· 2104 umm, Wfillimn H., Kentucky Volunteers, M8; Ffvmk, Wpansiou increased .. . . 2047 WPGDBIOD ----------·--·----·--- · -·--·- . ---- 1860 atson, mllhm H, Mnnuota Voluntary, GMS; JGZVW8 I-, nsion increased .. . ...,.,,.. 1966 Wpc¤s1<?1l;1cre;scd ...- 1801 Wgzmn, mllium M, GUN, 6 Q1! -, maion increased ...,,, , ,_,,,,_,, 1667 Wpensiou increased . ... 2035 Wgg, Albgrl, - atersn M*”€ml» dc-; DBi0D iDCY€3D6d.-.. . - . . 2089 Wgtlgy -..- -·-··-·---·--··-·-·--- 40 Wggm, Joshua, -5 { Wm · -, nsion increased _, , ,,,__,___ 2112 Wpemuou increased ... . . . I 1571 Wggs, Cham; E, {¤*¢”h¢$Y8» _ _ _ _ _ nsiou increased ...,... . , .,,,,,_,_,, 1662 mvcstxgauou of, m connection with nm- Wgga, Franck M, hegrovementa of navigable streams. . . 669 mgm, increased _______ _ ________________ 1827 ' Water; _ of Navigable Sgreumaz Wggs, Geoygia Ann (,,,gd0,w), provisions for coopemuon with States for mgm] _______________________ _ _____ _ _ 2095 _ P!’€9§!'V3d0¤ of -------·--·-··---·-- 96i WEE.; Isaiah P., ` ` WMM Pmv NWC D- C'-. pension increased ,,..,___________ 1496 proceedings to condemn land for extend- Watts Jmu K in . ... 232 ’ · · " approgriatiou for expenses ° . 2 32 Wpcusmn Increased °`‘‘'’'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘ 1604 wummm Armmz, Mw., ¤”¤· ,J<>’·?M apipropriatidu for steam—hcating system 720 pensmn mF"°“°d ·-····-······- · -·-----·- 1482 or extending powerplant . . . 720, 1398 Wrath, _W¤{h¤W!0¤ W, . for crane runway in oundry . 720 P€¤¤10¤ 1¥1¢2I€3¤ed . ... , ,._,,, , 1742 W for testi}1g machines . 720, 1398 Wgus, Wilhhm, azqrtoum, ., _ Bficiency appropriation for services ______ 127 budge apttxopzcfl Qcmss South B1'8·11Ch of Watts, William R,, Kmtugky Volumggrg, t1\g1ss1ss1pp1 Rwcr, Campbclls Island 964 pension increased ___________ _ _ _ _ · · _ _ _ _ _ · 1786 Watem,ilk’ we- · · . _ I . l I - . . · - - · I I . I . - - . I · · . Watts; R-, Volunfggfy, appropriation for public building .. 1384 pensmn increased ‘····· · ····-··--·· · --·-· 1708 deficiency appropriation for public build- W°”9h; E"}°°h L-, ing, site ________ _ __________________ 207 Pénsxon 1¤creased .,,,_____ _ __________ 1944 Watervliet Arsenal, N. YT, Waukegan: UZ., apfpropriatiou for repairs and equipment- . 721 ¤PP1‘0p¤¤t10¤ for improvement of lm;. cr addition to gun shop, cbc 1398 bor., . , _,__________ _ ____ 658, 947 Waterways Cormmisawn, International, for public building ._,_____ _ ____ _ ______ 1384 appropriation for expenses .. . . 730, 1407 Wauker, Igyyigimcay

 g0’M'mi881b72, NNWMI _(9f€ ako nsion iucte3,ggd_ __ ____ _ _____ 1849

smgxml Yyatorways 1B&?I;26 Wis., ` ```` ```° expenses c eqzppyees, etc., cw m construction of ubli ‘ ‘ · ·1>r>¤>1¤¤·¤¤¤¤f¤r ----------·---~··· 130 at ... ? °5.lYY{lfT`{ ??}¥'X'Y°E°? 684