Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1916

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INDEX. United Staxes C0urta—C0nti11ued. Page- Uptegmve, Thmmw, Page. jurisdiction in securing information for cm-- pension incrgaggd _________________ _ ______ 1545 poration-tax assessments ..,. 117 Uranium, under White Slave Traffic Act .. 826 on free list, Oxide and salts of _____________ gg marshals and rhief office deputies may ad- Urbana Creek, Va., minister oaths to accounts .. 927 aglpropriation for improvement of ... 640, 938 marshals, field deputies, appointment, `Ur na, Ill., cgmpeqsatxon, etc . T ... 1355 appropriation for public building .. 1383 money in regmtry of court, unclaimed for acqmring Slté and erecting public buildfive years be be deposited in the ing at, authorized ..,._,,,,,,__ 685 Treasury .. 108 Urbana, Ohio, permanent appropriation for paying, on appropriation for public building .. 1383 order of the court . . 1084 acquiring site for public building at, aunatumlization cases, allowance to clerks for thorized .._. . ,..,.. 691 additional assistance 830 Urgent Dqicwkn? Appropriation.: (see Defiparole of prisoners under sentence of .. 819 ciency ppropxiations). poor persons relieved from prepayment of Uruguay, 18 $98 and wats; -_ --·· - ·  ; - · 866 articles from, admitted at minim};1111 tariff- 2531 W1'! 0 €1’|'0¥`, PYOWBWUB _ OT Hm mg convention with, recognizing rig t of natu- Biiapggixigf }A!;)i€99du\8E OD ---·---·— ralization ...,.,.,..,., 2165 . cs . * wna ················ Uruguay Paraguay and, 2;;* Guys: Igaho ··············*······· apgarolgriation for miuigter to ... 337, 1027_ mu: 9 Y ····-··················· or secretary of legauon , 338, 1028 Charlotte, N, G 186 USM Lawmwc . CIIIHICOUZIE, M0 . . . 587 engion mcm“ed__________ ______ 1565 Clarksburg, W. Va. . 1014 P Clarksdale, Miss ... 932 Utah . . Coeur d»Al€nG City, Idah0_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ 928 approprgation for surveyor genera], clerkgis ‘ e C ..--.-------------------- .- - . &“;2s£?;?“1¢H$’ET·.;::;;t1:;:;::2:: gg for ¤¤¤v¢yi¤z <>¤r*¤i¤ ¤>w¤¤¤i1§ i¤ ------ 741 Hastings Neb': 294 for surveys, (§}%;_‘§§;d, Ironbo e, Sz;11 41 ’ " ``°````````'`'` Juan, an iugum unties. 41, 1 7 'ggggggmlkfx? '‘'‘'‘'’`' 332 im- mainmmucen etc., of detached In- McCook, Nebr ___________________ _ ____ 294 _ d1¤¤¤ 111 Sk¤·lV5=11<>y% ctc --··--· ; - · 1037 Mgytingbuyg W _ Va __,__,,.,__,.,.. 1014 d<=6¢¤¤¤¢{ , “§’P’°P’?at‘°u . 0* S‘u'Y"Ymg Moscow Idgho 928 pu gm ainds m certsuin conmues 1307 New Mexicm _ __________ _ _____________ 565 for xpm enta expenses, udum servxce m ___,___ . , . - . . - .. . 1327 §g;t*g*‘{;l1§§;"iié£; ···················· ggj assigned to eighth judicial cumin . 1131 Omaha Neb; ’’‘‘‘'‘‘`‘``'`'‘'‘ 294 Ash ey National Forest, Wyo., and, bound- P k rgb '```` `'`'`'``°'``` 1014 aries m0di.Eed . _ 27 50 Pgliigi nag, Ve - · _ _ · l - l I _ - . · _ i - I _ I - 1014 p°m%° °f’ t‘mm§°m£ 3 Umm '`' égég

  • ‘ ‘‘‘‘'‘'‘`‘‘‘°‘ ‘ ‘'‘° of ima trans err ... , '

gnoggegg; Idaho `‘```'``` ```` desert lands reserved in (1\iI;llar<% Couhity ’ ‘ ‘ ‘· ‘'°’‘‘‘` `°`` ```' for reservoirs, restore 0 811 ry UD Bt g E1§;10u)2`;`?'l°".`·"-..-l··."-..-.- publiq-18DlilBWS.».---.·-·~···· W'heelin{;,r,’\\?. {ra] I I I I i 1 I Z f i I I I I I I Z] 1014 ¤¤¤>* <{HL¤;g;_¤¤ $*5*;;*; "’*f“*j;;;;;;Q"ff"‘{j§¥ wumingma, Del .,. 466 . .a ‘ ’ 1074 Vvood d’Okl 825 cqmdnufuas . _ ... United sz¤v;;rsemnz?¤ (M securities, United h¤m°¤E$fd€°}:“m;:{Q_ji *`f*f‘f*f’_‘f{‘f·_‘f{{·j 904 Univcr8a?t;§;g‘ leave of absence ulgowed. T. . . 904 commission ix; relation to, authorized; scope 885 m“Y °°l*’°'* l““‘}° m °m°r let; n mn 285 limit to expenditures- report ______, 335 _ Reservation, ixvnder Cixgei ct.é. { W”*‘"z·lm‘“"*·1,°y'”°¤·t7:¤n "W: ,14,, “‘"‘“‘:§?¤&z2s"“‘..‘3i¢#*:...%.?:i*%.<_.·; Commerce mnt to ear sm to preven _. · ;· . M V U~¤=·~f··l R¤»¢r~M» Of COMMM <¤¢·= ·*¤¤· M“l‘“‘°$.E`{§Z,‘Z"{‘T. .Y‘TY'K'T7l `T'TT‘T'T‘?T‘Yi . T7? 2498 T trust Cases} Natural Bridges National Monument, area Lnwrwyhl M··¢¤l¤, _ . . Extended. , .. ... 2502 duty <>¤» M SP°*‘*°"Y P"”"d"°‘ "" ······· *0 Yebo xa¤0m11~*¤m¤¢, diminished mg U"'l"W°”¤. F’d"""‘d 8** 1979 · L portion Of, transferred to Wasatch. . . 27_18, 2721 UP§¥z**°2;¤?F*é*—"€d -··-··-········ · ··‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ Pocatello National Forest, Idaho and- dl- mm p » e u·¤.s ., · · had ________ _ ___________ _ ____ ;_ p"“"{°“ "'""“$d·j ···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘ ‘ 1905 Pgwgl%I;§0uaI Forest, boundaries modi- Uphami, John. J.,]1‘., _ HGd_ _______ _ ___________ _ _______ ,_ , 2744 UP;;¤;10¤ igcwwed ------·······-· · ······‘· bm Sevier National Forest, boundaries mvdi- 271 rv My tied -- - ----------- ; —--——-- .- ¤ duty on, comma, etc., Jacquard iigured 47 Umm National Forest, bmmdaneg mod;- 2"49 U ( JI, had Cr k, Va. Bed - - -»--·~-------—- - ·-··- * gggopgatiogc forefmprovhmeut of .--··- 640, 938 portion of, transferred to Ashley 2749, 27§0 U ,,3 Luuhp,. Shoe a of Ashley, transferred to . _ ... _. 27a>0 QQ ’0n ‘ ’ _ _ ____ _ ____ 68 ‘ \Vaggtch National Forest, boundanes m0d1- _ Y ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘’ ‘‘'``` ged ________ _ ________,, . ,...,.. 2721 U¥,;‘g{:fé£gQ;“c;‘;;S;r$· _______ 15,56 portion of New, mmaiened w .. 271:;, 2721