Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1652

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INDEX. 2993 Large, Willmm, Page. Laughlin, gyrmgm _;·_ page, P6¤Si0¤ i¤m`€3·¤€d -·-··--·-·---.·. . ... 1685 l pension increased.; ,..,..,,,,,,,.,,___,, 1923 Large, _Th0m¤$ (son), Laughmr, Nathan, P€¤510¤ -·-—··—·--·-------- · -·-.-. 2045 pension increased .,.,,,,.,,, _ __,, 1477 L¤7"i’m€T, -Za’”'»€8 H. Laughtrm, John A., P€¤¤i0¤ mcrwseé --·-·····--· - ·--.----... 1643 pension increased .,., 2070 Larimer, John W., Laundries, Army, · pension i¤€1‘8¤·S€d --·-----.. . . 2036 outside work permitted by; use of pm. Larimore, Jams F. meds ,,_____,_ , _______________ _ 253, 1048 Lapzmnsio? ;lBCl’€3S€(i ... . 2065 Laurel, Miss., { b T 7% 0 7% construction 0 u lic buildin authorized Lapitnsiogliucriucd ..,, 1791 at ___,___ I3 ____________ ___________ 68 2 ' ln, I Y Laurel Raot, pepsion increased --. . 1713 duty ou, uumzmufactux-ed, cut mm blocks. 33 Larkms, Affred, Laurem, S. C., · Lape¤Si0§]1l1¤5f€ased ... . 1496 Tppropgiation for pulgic building ,___ _ _ _ _ 1375 rmiy, GT W, unit 0 cost increase , public buildin . . . 678 Lapen§io}1;lncrwsed 1803 Lazwdwr, William 0,, P g TOC , 0 TL, nsion increased _,,,,.,_,_______________ 1909 pension increased 1580 Lal;4€te»n,zenizeiser, Aaron, Larose, Joseph A., d Lapcnsion increased ... . ..., 1721 pension increase . ... 1742 va, Larsan, Gumwr, dut on, tips for burners .,.,,,,,_,_,,_____ 19 pension increased . ... 1925 on gee list, unmanufactured ,,,_..,,____, 76 Las Cruces, N. Mex., L¤’”¢7*·d€"» _ _ appropriation for public building .. 1375 011 {N0 list, 01] · -; -··-----·.- 77 acquir?1g for public building at, au- 691 gud F- (widow), 1562 onz ... · - ---·—---·-·----·- · -------. LM Vegas, N_ Mex', Laverty, Isgbella (wulow), appropriation for public building .. 1375 LaP;2S§(;ut;_rn%°°8°d ··················------ 1547 acquiring site for public building at, au- v . ‘ ·¤ thorized ,,_,_,_..,,___..__,_,__ 691 LaP1;*¤j1*°¤ - —t- - -21 ··-·····--·-----~-·-—----- 1767 Lash, Mama F. (mn), ‘ ’ .W'+*“~* ·· peDsi0D_______"•___··___'________________ 1557 LaP1§lj;;?)!I;sm€T8%Bd.. ·.·-· . .. . . 1857 Lash Simon P., .- . . . pension increased _,,,... . ..., 1826 apg) ggiggfsmt www °fapPmk1%· L°;gg;6n`?g;§a;8d_ j _____________________ 1826 La forzceigor Federal Reportensmd digest;. ’ 1419 · Laskzrwitz, Joseph, w> . nnin 1 19 pension increased 1819 Lagglisggrar C ‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···· 90 Lmw Namml F<>~¤¢, Oak appmpngém mr librarian em 480 1182 appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of . 427, 1249 Law 0800,. ’ ‘''`' ’ proclamation modifying boundaries oi 2775 p6;1SiOu{Dcl.m_Sed_ _________ _ _ ‘ 1648 Last Bl°"k*’» i Lawhom, George, duty on, rough hewn, etc . . ... 33 pension increased _ ______ _ 1672 Laéch Needles, 28 i Lawler, K. F', · -·-.. . . . . . . my On --···-··~-···-—--- · ····-·--······· ‘ rleficiexw a ro tion for S > iing ,_,___ : 5 Lathanl Eveline M, (widow), Lawler, Ma;-fginltp pm uv In La;;2ns101E_ ... . 1790 pension ________ _ __________ 1594 "0P» Fra ·» Lawrence, iza e (1 cw), pension increased . . .. 1655 ngigu _ _ ______ _ _______________________ 1611 Laéhék ood 33 Lrggrerzce, Enoch VK, ¤ Y <>¤, W -----·--—--·· · ·-—-····-— · - · pension increased . ...,,,,____ 1575 Latimer, Peter, Y Fpedg,- _ pension iD¢`!'G8S€d . . ...------- 1594 incrgagiijil __________ _ _ _____ _ _ _ 2052 LGHTTLCT, PZBGSGTIC I]., _ Lqwrgrwg, Henry, P€H¤i0l1 i¤<‘¤‘¢38€d .-·----···-···- · · · -` --·-· 2000 pension increased ...,,___ 1634 Latimare, Ruth A. (widovv), Lawrence, Jackson H., pension. . . ... 1841 pension increased ..__, _ ,.,_,_____ 1834 L“”·b¢mh¢i"w"» Adam, 1935 Lawrence, James, d pension increased . . . . nsion increase .. _ ,,,_ . ._____,_ 1547 Laudanum, _ Dzpzgrmce, Kam., duty 0n-. . . -----· 10 appropriation for Haskell Institute Indian Laurlerback_, Thmnas, school ..,.., 275, 1064 pension increased . . .. 1992 Lawrence, Katherine (widow), Lauderbaugh, Morgan S., pension . . . , ,,_, 1759 pension increased 2035 Lawremce, Lev rmrd, Laugh, Henry M. V., pension increased. .. .,,__ 1687 . pension increaqed .,.. 1941 Lawwwcburg, Kip, Laughlin, Benjamin F., Iowa Volunteers, construction 0 public building authorized pension increased ,,,,.. . . z ... 1594 l Bt -··-- I ·---- Z . . : ... _. . 681 Laughlin, Benjamin F., Missoum Home Laws, etc., Relating to the Dzstnct of Columbuz, Guards, I rjdegu 0]% _ pension increased .,., 1902 sppmprmuon or prepamtmn, etc . . .. 966