Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1641

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2982 INDEX. Judkial Code-Continued. Page Jurors, United States C<mrts—C0ntiuued. PagecH. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS-CODtiHu9d. no disqualification on account of race, ctc- 1165

 arrangement of sections no inference of service of vcnirc for; arsonal; by mail  1165

legislative construction - . . . 1167 completion of pauelpfrom bystanders 1165 title desiguat»edaaTheJudicia1 Code.- .. 1168 specia juries to conform to State laws . 1165 cu. 14. nzrmnmu mzovxsrous. grand juries, number necessary; vacancies laws repealed, sections of Revised Statutes- 1168 not to be iillcd from bystanders . 1165 removal of cases from State courts .. 1168 foreman to be appointed ; powers . . . . 1165 Lugies in prosecutions- ... not mmp; summoned unless needed; 1165 wman . se c appeals from District of Columbia and second allowed when required in large Territorial supreme courts 1168 cities .,, 267, 1165 Tucker Act ... - .. 1168 imprisonment before indictment, etc., modifying act removing causes from not extended 267, 1165 _ _S!t.ahc C0)1118 ... : .. . 1168 discharge when not uecesmry _. . . 1165 hmxtégg cnmmal cases 111 Supreme 1169 pent, not to serve; more than one term m a. urt . ... car .. 1166 suits for official services 1169 peremgtory challen allowed in treason appeals in iut»erl0cutor¥a0rders . 1169 and capital oggmes ..,,,..._,,, 1166 acts dprior to 1911, rc ting to . judges, other felonies; all other cases . 1166 mtricts, etc . ‘ . 1169 to be without aid of triers .. 1166 establishing Commerce Court . . 1169 disqualificatious in polygamy trials ... 1166 $@9 ¤“P°”°d°d hem ---- - ·-·-·-·---- 1169 Jury Commissioners, United States Courts, P°1'*·i°¤¤ ¤°t SHN? c°¤*·im*°d ·--· - - 1169 appropriation for compensation 750, 1427 effect of Act OH tenure of 0Ecc of present jwtum of the peace incumbents --··---· - ·---------·-- 1169 appropriation for, fees to, acting as com- P€¤di¤8 NBB, ew-, not agecwd ·-·--- - - · · 1169 missioucrs, United States courts. 750, 1426 prosecution of prior oEfeuscs,etc.,continued 1169 Judas, James, to take effect January 1, 1912 .,,,_,,,. 1169 pension increased _______ _ ________________ 1771 J cogrg-xitiop iq enrollment of, directed .. 2137 Juu, udwm Dwhuxsv t f I` ° I .. Jugvasgoitof me sms sm ... xxcwsv °“Jr$2L$”£';§ 5$T’}?-‘? X“T?.f?*T{‘T’?.. Z5 ww P¢¤$¢$» hos h d i r . . .. ¤mzr¤pri¤ti¤¤¤ for -----·-·------------ 529,1232 phi? w%v1;¤mm$>:1m giyzagnglc yam .. gg Judwwl Oficfm sacks, of plain single yam fabrics ... 51 t§gropna.t}ou for books for ..,,._, 1234, 1419 yarns ____ _ ______________ _ _____________ 49 J 7*;*, Bmky D-, ou hee list, not dressed or manufactured. . 76 v<=¤¤<>¤ mcrww ---·-·--·-·--·---·-··--· 16**1 Me, and Mmgifactww OL Jvdwz, B€’¤]<W¤'* F-, Schedule J, ariff of 1909 48 peusmu increasod 1514 Jute Buug, Judwn; ·’Q*¢Ph $· An 011 free list, not dresed or manufacturodn 76 r·¤¤¤¤<>2¤ ¤¤¢rs¤¤¤·><* ·—·-··············-··--· 18*** Jaw-Manu/accww Mummy, J'”·9l*mdWm 0% duty on .. 32 J 1;;, *1** M ···-···-···-·--·--····-·—··---· 77 Juvenile cjmqz, 12. 0.,


my ogrfrvit, ew., mt www pmwdw 41 “""'°".L2YT‘{‘T .‘?T.’}‘¥??t H’f’Y?‘}?’}.?{*?‘T‘?”.i03, 994 . ·····-··--- ; ·--··-······ · ····-·· for jurors; expenses, etc ... ; .. 403,994 Jug; f¤>g;1·¤¢» ¤•;;·<>;· ¤¤¤¤¤· md ·¤¤* <>¤=¤s¤·~ 76 moms paid for support pe sbupdoncd ""'z0n’”'9’ · · (’°”)# 2102 W1f9, etc., to be Qepomtad with col- J~’m“p»°“', PM M., de¤cieL°§°°' °§$“¥§°;-§Z?S;’”°?$$““;;z;I;‘ "°3 J ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "2” iq? ·--· R--? --~- - —-·~-----··-- 7§5»1297 Juxidozgi ml · _ _ _ _ _ O ··_ · _ _ _ _ _ . 2096 for inci ental expenses . 1297 umxru, , appropriation for public building, cxccu- K. tive mansion. . 1374 _ __ post. officc and cuatomhouse .. 1374 Kdmlui Hm' , H¢1"{70’¢’¢, · _ acquiring sims and erecting public build- . ¤PPFoPfi¤¤0¤ for ¤¤1P!'0V¢¤1€¤T» of; C0¤d1- ings 8;, authorized _,,.,.,... 684 u<>¤¤ ..·... .. 666, 952 Juniper, Kaibab National Forest, Ariz., on free list, oil . 77 appropriation for maintenance, em, Oi, 427,1249 Junkhm Y t ld 76 Kpgocljxgmcatigu modifying boundaries of . 2737 on ns , 0 ... am, o n ., Jupiter Inlet, Fla., _ pension iucrmged ,_____________ _ _________ 1554 preliminary exammatiou of, to be made.. . 670 Kuinite, Jurcrs, United States Courts, on free list ,_,,_____ _ ____________ _ ________ 76 aggmpriation for fees . 750, 1426 Kaim, Perry, d ciency appropriation for foes .. 812 Kpemyirm imrwggd _____________________ Y _ _ 1715 qualifications and exemptions of, similar aww, Frank, to highest court of the State 1164 ng-ion increased ____________ _ ___________ 2057 dm tmc—mt of commissioner; Kgser, Jacob, q Tw¤¤ ··-.·-·· · ···-----~--.· 1164 Kpemicn increased ... . ...,,.,,..,. 2091 tobcrqtumedfromysdouspsrtsofdis- ala·mazooR£·u¤·1licIa., tnct, as wm dmcu .·.-.---. - . 1164 appropriation {mimpmvementaf ..., . , . 655,947