Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1632

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INDEX. 2973 Jacquard Loom Designs, P¤g<·>· Janzen, Fritz, Y¤8<>- Jadlutjy; og, ruled cards or paper 63 pension increased ...,__,,,..,,.,. 1677 . , · - J n, appropriation for vrarden . 405 aalglpmpnation for ambassmor to ... 337, 1027 for_support of prisoners 405 for secretary of embassy. 337, 1028 deficiency appropriation for support of pris- for Japanese secretary of embassy . . . 338, 1028 Onsrs, etc -... . ... 209, 788 for second secretary 338, 1028 gor improvements . . ... 1'ggg ior third secrptary .. 338, 1028 `01' mam €D3HC€ ... . or assistant apanese e ., 338 1029 Jcorobinozd with Washgngton Asylum. e.,. . . 1003 for student interpreterzliir. .. 339; 1029 ai s see enitentiaries . ’ for cost of tuition ,,,,,,.,..,_,__ 339 1029 Jalap, _ for quarters for student interpreters. . 339; 1030 011 free list ... 76 for ground rent for embassy, Tokyo. . 340, 1030 Jamaica Bay, N. K,_ for mterpreters at consulates . 346, 1035 appropriation for unprovement of; condi- 34 articljols from, admitted at minimum tariff. . 2533 tion . . .. . .. 6 Ja alting Jamaica, Colony 0], dilitly on ..,,,._ 49 articles from, admitted at minimum tariff. . 2589 Jagurn Vamish, J , Frank N., 2010 Ja uty oni c . . 15 on increased e cing , James, Amelia (widow), Jdutyloéi. . .. 14 pension _,.. . ... 1960 apan Lea , James,_Fi1onin, duty on . _. ._ . 68 pension increased .,.,,.., . ... 1608 Jaquett, Wtzllmm H., James,_Henry A., pension increased .,,,,,.. 2101 pension increased ,,.. 1747 Jaqutsh, Willwm H., James, Isaac, pension increased .. . . 1720 pension increased .,.,,.,. 1975 Jaquith, Willahm H., James,_ Joltn R., pension incrmed 2112 pension increased ..,,,.,,, . ,. 1567 Jarnagm, Albert H., James, Mont M., pension increased 1977 pension _____ _ __.,.. . ... 1609 Jarnagin, Isaac M., » James River, Mo, _ _ _ - pension increased 1959 construction of dam authorized in the Big Jarrell, Nancy A. (mother), Bend of ___,,,_,. , .. , 929 pension .. 1827 James Rieer,_ Va., _ Jarrett, Jolmson D., ap ro melon for improvement of . . 640, 938 pension increased 1674 En Fighting ____ _ ,_,_._.,.. . ... 754 Jars, _ James, Wallmm A., duty on, glass, plain . 19 pension increased 1968 J glasg, decoroiog, etc . . .. 19 J , I R., arvis ate B. ow) aggiilgiiiii iqggsoased _______ _ __.. 1921 pension increased ’. . .. 1771 Jameson, Jane (mother), J¤7'v¤»_0¢*{W¢» pension ______ _ ____________.,... . ... 1806 pension increased ... . ..., 1948 Jmneson, Josiah C. Jasmine or_ Jasiymrw, J pgngionlgncrgaggé _______ _ _ __,_, . .,.,, , . . . J OD. EBC, oil . . . . . . . ... 77 7 . . · · apwgfgzn iiicmnéod ___________.. . .. 1534 appxiopriatiop for pubkp bngilgllipg 1374 Jamestown, N. Dale., scqumng Q1 6 of pu ic ui 1 mg, a noappropriation for public building .. 1374 t tolvflzilig . . ... . . . . logg acquiring site for public building at, au- §¤‘m¤ 0 CWR, 00¤18 fvqm 0 ··--.-- amazed ... 691 Jayne. Cm -» Jamestown, N, Y., pensionhincgeased ... . .,.. 2092 terms Of court, at ____ _ _____ _ _,,__,,,.,.. . gig"; I 1609 Jaggosofn, Hon,. William D., ed I - Jefwm, George C-, " ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ c1ency appropriation or contest e ec .011 incr 1 1837 tion expenses, House of Represents- 806 Je%?e,Q'§ Calvin P ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·····‘· ° Y ’) Jammin '`’‘' ```````' pension increased 1571 pemdoh v 1505 Je_fers,_ Chorles H., 1474 —-···---·----·--·· · ············· 1 nm reased J¤m» Paw H-. aiii-`S (Ewa? J1><>¤¤,<$ mciygsd ----··-----------·--··-- 1924 pension increased ..._.,. _ ..._ 1664 aneggiogyipir "1 2006 Jejerson Barraclx, M0., JPG aw ’‘‘°`'‘ ‘ ` additional public buildings authorized at. 697 pension increasled ,._.,,..,... 1729 Jciwm <?i¢y. M0-. Jams, Antoine, 8,._’ terms of court at . . .. 1117 payment to administrator of . 1687 Jcj”erwn Cmgnty, Ky., _ _ mam, puma Buildings, ¤1>1>¤>v¤¤t¤<>¤ for •~>¤¤b¤¤1¤¤s ish •¤¤1¤¤¤I appropriation for _____,, , .,,... . ... 714, 1391 i Btatmn m ·-·-- - ···--····-~—·~-·--— 1440 dencionoy appropriation for ,,.. 808, 1320 Jefersorn National Forest, Mont., Janitors to Committees, House of Representa- g ¤PPY°PFi¤ti0¤ for m$i¤l>6¤¤¤€€» etc., of- 427, 1249 [{1;;,;, ; SZTBCI NW, D. C., _ appropriation for _______,___,... - . 475, 1177 1 portion of, stricken from highways plan .- 240