Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1560

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INDEX. 2901 Elgm, Aaron, P¤z¢. { Elliott, Wilhhm T., P•x¤· fgelgmor; lncreaséd ··--... _ .-... 1573 nsicm increased ... . .. 1893 E vnwalum vfGmd¢ Urvmngs, D. C., Elllyuz. William J., approprmtion for expenses, Union Railroad } ngign increased __________ _ ___________ 1578 SYMZXOH--_ -··-·· _ ------.·.. . . 3 83 Elyaitt, Wz`Iliam M,, land for wxdenrng Fnrst Street transferred g nsion increased ,,.,_________,,_______ ]474 _ t0Com1nm10uers .. 383 Y Ellztt, Iwlhhm V., dxsposal penuxtted of land acquired fm-, nsion increased ,,...,,,_, , ,_,,_______ 1666 not needed for street purposes .. 383 EE, Brasier R., Ellzu Island, Bellingham Bay, Wash., ’ ension increased ., 1939 lgght and_fog signal station authonzed st. . 537 Eiga, Charles H., Eluubeth Cuy, N. C., 3 [pension increased ..-... - ... 1564 terms of court at . . 1120 ’ E is, Franklin, El12abeth_Ri1>er, N. C'., I nsion increased .. . ... 1676 Frelimmnry examination of, tobe made . 674 I EE; George, E u:abg¢h_Rwer, N. ., _ * lpension increased ... . .. 1681 lprchmmary exsmmatxon of, to be made,. . 673 Y E is, George M., E izabeth_River, Va., i nsion increased ... . .. 2056 prelimmary examination to be made of Eggs, Henry W., Wwtem branch of . ‘ .. 954 [pension increased .. . ... 1813 Elk, _ _ _ E is Island Immigration Station, N. Y., spproprxauou for feedmg, protecting, and appropriation for new cremawry . 764 _ removal ol, nn Wyoming .. . . 1258 or reconstructing ferry ack ... 764 Elk Rwer,_ Md., _ for new icc plant .. 1441 upgxrofgnatgnou for 1mprovement of . 639 for repairs, etc ... . .,. 1441 or nghting . _  : . dg>rseawal1,emc .. k 1441 mix exsmmatnon to ma oo 0 cieuc ap ro tion orequip con- Egan, Dtmic B., tsg’{0usg10sl:§·a1 . . . 126 gnsion increased . ... 1769 for remodeling, etc., main building . 216 E ns, John H., for uger elevator ... . .. 216 gusiou increased .. - ... 2107 for might elevator ... . 216 E na, Stephen B., late a Senator, for bot water and 0111115 systems 216 deficiency appropriation for pay to widow for rent of wharf an construction of _ of 1314 building adjacent to ce 216 Elhns, WZ Va., for dredging channels to atc. . . 801 construction of public building authorized Ellis, James S., at - . .. 683 [pension increased ... . .. 1736 Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order 06 E is, John N., loan of tents, etc., for reunion at etroit, Eension increased .. 1848 Mich 885 t E is, John W., Ellensburg, Wash., pension increased . ... . .,... 2073 appropriation for public building 1371 El ia, Joseph F., acquiring site for public building ut, an- [pension xncreasod ,.. . .. 1534 thorized .. 692 E is, Leven B., made port. of delivery. . . 579 , I;Iu·nsion increweed .. 1934 Ellcmvood, James R., E E in, Mattie J. (u·£dm•·). grxsion increased ... 2050 ’p¤·nnion ine~r•·an¤~d . . l503 E r, Robert W., L Ir} is, Oliver I’,, bwnsion increased ... . ... . . . 2100 { lzwpnniou im·r<·m¤·d . . HJ02 E in a1ndGilbert Islands, g E za, Thomas J .. articles from, admitted at minimum tariff. . 2683 ¥ [pension im·rmx·d .. 1509 Elliott, Aaron M., _ E is. William Il., Eension increased .. 1529 f {pension increased . . . . 1884 E iott, Alexander (svn), E won, (`hnrlrs P., Eension . , .. 1623 Evasion increased . . 2111 E iott, Daniel W., E Lmn. Wright T., Elpengion increased _,,____ _ ______,_..,... 1833 pension increased .. . ... 2008 iott, Elzka A, (TPIEJOIL'), Ells`u=0rth. Gnome O., Eipensiou increased ... . .. 1640 pension increased . -~... 1685 iott, James D., Ellszrortla, Me., _ deficiency ap mpriatiou for services .. 800 appropriation for public building 1371 Elliott, James lg, Elmsra, X. K, lpeugigu increased ________________,,,,.. 1953 Q terms of court at- ... 1120 E abtt, James J., _ Elplinz, William. Inilitgrv recgrd corrected ____,,,.. . .. 1655 'p0¤H10I1 ihC!'B88Qd . ..- 2117 Elliott, Jesse, t Elseser, Mmy (u·idou·», militarv record corrected ... . 1875 } p€¤5i0n ..~...- · -»·-...-··-»-..- E14 Elliott, John D., j Elson. Rirhard T., myensiqu iu(·g·gg__¤gd ________ _ _ ______,,,,. - 1972 ‘ p9¤Si0n iH(`f€S:¥d ... . -- . . 1 . . - . . . - 1899 iott,·Joseph, i Elton, Smnuel H., nsiqr; increased ______________ _ _ ,,,_.. 1608 ¥ pension iu(‘!'(·8E€d- - .. 1896 E§§>tt. Robert L.. I Elton, Thomas J., Extension increased .. 1953 Q pension increased ... . 2122 iott, Samuel, ; Elwell, Pmrley H., pension incrgaed ... . ,.. . . . 1569 , pension increased, ,. ..,.., , ,...,..,,. 1938