Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1539

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2880 INDEX. Deep Oreck, NZ C., Page Deficiency Appropriations-Continued. P¤8¤. preliminagy examination to be made of. . - 954 for Department of Commerce and Labor. . 125, Deep Bay, . C'., 215, 800, 1312 appropriation for improvement of water— Immigration Service . 216, 800, 1312 way connecting Swan Quarter Bay Standards Bureau .. 216 with . . 642 Bureau of Lighthouses ...,,._,,,___ __ 390 Deer Island Thorvughfure, Me., for Senate . ,_ 126, 216, 802, 879, 89], 1314 preliminary examination of, to be made. . - 671 for House of Representatives ____________ _ 128, Deering, Lucy A- (www), _ _ 217, 805, $80, 881, 891, 1317 pe;1sion. . 1485 forludgmcuts, United Statescourts. 128, 217, 1319 Deermg, Wdham, for judgments, Court of Claims 129 1><>¤¤i<>¤ mcwsd -----·------------------ 1655 218, 8% 891 1316 Decrlodge National Forest, Mont., for awards, Spanish Treaty Claims Com- , appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 426, 1248 mission . ... 129 218 807 proclamation diminishing . . . 2711 for Yrinting and binding. . . 129, 217, 806; 879, 891 trausferring part; of, to Beaverhead . 2713 for jbrary of Congogg ,... . .._.,,...,.., ’ 129 Dqfcctive, Al1Z¢na_Mprally or Physically, for Alaska.-Yukom acific Exposition . . . . . 130 D$_xcludeg aydmlmwu . . . 263 §0r Department of Agriculture . 215 1312 e ug , saac, or judgments, Indian deprodslaiou claims. ’ 218 pension increased ,.,. 2110 ’ Defending in Claims, for claims ccrtiiicd by account' ogg, 1320 apgropnauon for expenses .. . . 747, 1424 com _________ _ ___________ iuglg 808 1320 Dede_ ciegmcy apv]%<;£ristion for . . ... 798 for Poet Officg Department ___________ _’ 801;1314 ma any . postal ‘ ______ _ ____________ _ _ _ glridgc nutliorized ,acrom Okalwgill R·iVGl' for Civil sgertilritgc Commission ____ _ _____ gw, at ----------·-·--·--------·--··-·- 294 contracts for completing Panama Cana} Dcjirmce, Ohio, th ed ,__________ _ _____ _ W const;-ugtion of public building authorized 682 Natio11?a;i\V2§§rwa§s Commissionpsqéériéég; 130 _ 8- ···-··-· :--_ ······-· · -·-···~~-···- 9 .,:1 owe ____ _ _______ _ ________ 130 Deficnency Appropruztums, De or , J W. for Executive Office . 119 ]{91f5i9r?§n;f:]·ggégd _____ _ ____________ 1890 commisiou 011 railroad stock and bond Dqour, Augustus, `````` i$\1€S ..--.- - ·-··---·-·----. · 119, 774 p€I1Si()]] iI]c]'93&d ____ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ fm; Department of State. . 119, 203, Z74, 888, 1290 Degras, . oreign intercourse . . 74, 888, 1290 d t . .. for Treasury Department. . 119, 204, 775, 889, 1290 _Deg;1~u§:)g*mwn, ```'` 38 collecting corporation tax .. 120 ` ased. . .' ... géxblio buildings . .. 121, 206, 779, 889, 1293 D5z(;ESl,;:;I;n¢;;$»lo€(widaw), ```````` ` 1855 ash;1;11;?.ou, . C., new department pension ___________ _ ____________ _ 1782 b di11g¤, GV! ...·---·· ---·----·- 780 Del Rio, Tex,, ` _ ` -``' National Museum ... . .. 121 2. f f bli b `ld` mucus-bm cumncy 204 bY£¥§`$t£Z?4QZ,§p`§c,n2S “§i0"‘§;;,g,; · gx; Hm Engravin and Printing Bureau .. 205, 1293 Mexican bank from .. 353 mints angnmay o@ces ... . . . 206, 1292 terms of cmu-; gg _ ___________ _ _ _ I `````' 1127 internal revenue 780, 1291 Dqlqnmgcy, Adglbgrgy ``'```“ ` collecting customs revenue . . ... 781, 1294 pension increased ____________ _ _ 1799 SH1`i$hB0!1i8D_IDiftitHti0D . . .. 781 Delaney, William p_, ``'`` ° vemmeut m erriwries . 782 ‘ aged _______ _ _____ Rug; Hmm and Ms.rine·H0spita.l 129 p}$;§:QZj°_I}0$.I;$r;_, ‘‘‘‘‘······ 17*9 rvice . ... . . 5 ‘ ‘ md ____________ for Interstate Commerce Commission .. 121 Dgggglogtzzzg ````` `' 1803 for District of Columbia .. 122, 208,782, 1296 wagon inC,éu8Bd___ 1527 fvr War Department .·---- gg, gg?. 333, p,,;a,,,m wm ```‘ '````°`‘°°`‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Mvmry Academy. --·-----· 21¤Zv=>w<>2 Z,§§,’§‘iF£§‘§il2 £‘iId"2r`LE§£’“‘1?&,'ig‘s‘ ‘i1a=" Bm Volunteer Soldiers’ Home . . 211, 1301 at authorized g P lc u mg river and harbor work ...,,. 1301 ’ °‘' ‘ ‘‘‘····· · · 688 I”°hmi““ Cmd · -·-··········-··-···-- 211 Dggsggd to third judicial circuit for State, War, and Navy Department . ‘‘‘‘‘‘·· · · 1131 Building _ _ · _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ ________ 788 Delaware qnd Bound Brook Rmlrgad Company, for xmmm Department". 123, 212, 795, ass, 1305 my bgd]? §°l**W”€ Blveif L¤w¢r Make- Geological Survey . 124, 795, 890, 1309 ° · av to Ewmg, - J ··-·-·· - ~ . 959 Indian Department . 124, 212, 797, 880, 1307 D°'¤w•”¢ $*1% , Ca im] .,,,,..,..,,,,,,..,..,... 795, 889, 1306 “PPY0PnaU0H for lmPT0V€m€¤¥3 of harbor puglio was ... 796, 1307 Qi www ·--------· · ---. - oss, 936 pensions ____ _ _ _____________ _ ________ 1310 fol‘ ple! 111, HGH L0wes,Del. _ , I _______ 638, 936 forNNavy Department . . .. 211, 790, 889, 1302 f°1' **;;:;**1 t:“t°*'W3Y frvm Chlnwwague 639 avy - . ... 211, 791, 889, 1302 '» ·—···--- · -·--··-·- - -·... Muang Q _,______ _ ________,_,,__ 794, 1305 Delaware Judicial Daum, Nav;} A$;my- .. 1304 terms of court ... . .. , .._,_ _ ____ 1108 for Department of Justice him }§5, Delaware River, Pa., N. J., and D;1_, 466, _ , , 10 appropriation for im m t qi, from Uuzgtcd. States courts 125, 214, 799, 89ii 1311 _ Fishers Point to B:)l;$vu:1B• .. 637 United States Courtof Customs Appeals. 214 bx xmpmvemsnt of, from Philsdeifphia. to Oommezco Court ... 890 the sea; cont¤u;ts-. . .. . ... .1 986