Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1475

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28 16 INDEX. Page. Page. Blue Vitriol, Board of Gmqral Appraisers of Merchandiseduty 011 ~·--·----·-----·-- - ·.·-· . . 12 final dC0py1nue<;. mlabl I mt Bluefield W Va., ccmous 0 , app e on y to co terms 6: com at . . 1129 of ¢1¤¤¢<>¤¤¤ ¤r>p¤¤\¤ ·----- _ ---· _ ------- 1 145 Bludrill, Me., COIIIPIZC-;€SD of appeals pcnding lll other 1145 l' uw ‘ ‘ b mad r cc -... pm winner _____ T ?_ 953 appeals from decisions bf, to be made to Blues court of customs agwals ... 1146 d¤€m¤, Berlin --.---... . 15 limiig owimc; extgmd for Alaska and 1146 C _ ,,_________ _ __________ _ ______ 15 1115 arposggggmnm ________________ contagsrging férrocyauidc of iron 15 Rmcedmei d¤¢i¤i¤¤¤ of 00uTt final --··-- 1146 Prugian ____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ 15 8Ct»10l\ of, 011 decisions of court _______ _ _ _ _ _ 1146 ultxamarirzno- . .•.·. ,_,__ ____ _ 15 B 3P§1‘0?1'i2ti0l1 for fc'?} (gc ., gllvitness before 1424 ‘ ‘ muin ___________ 15 our 0 4 arti tion Blum Jghzogmming ultra Q apgampriatiou for gebrgml expense; . 599,1344 ’ · · ma., Bed or CiV]·l18D' mem _,,_____________ _ 599, 1

 Ulu-U-U"""`°°`~°" 1832 fo{test,gofaxpe¥img¤¢?]guu§,ggc___ 599,1344

penéion in » 1621 Board wagto nght of mvent10u‘etc . 599, 1344 --··---—----·---·-----·· o uz Blush, Samml, appropriation for expenses, Military A ad- . pension increased 2012 cmy .. ; .,, 317, 1021 Bly, Wggggam ,g_, ~ for expenses, Naval Academy ... 624, 1283 pension increased. . .: 1479 Bogefgéigegllm, Baal, Jonas J. . C ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···‘ pension incréased 1724 H _ _ 1965 B0¤1·*»;70$€PhP-» Bom·dm¢m,Le0nard 1>¤¤¤¤>¤ ¤¤¢r¤¤¤¤<1 ----------------·------- 1656 pension mmmi ...,,,.. 1734 Board, _G'¢ogge W, Boards, _ peuswn increascd . . .. 1549 duty 011, sawed cabmet wood .,,,_._,____ 33 Board of Charities, D. C'., sawed whitewood, sycamorc, and bassappropriation for expenses . ... . . 405, 997 wwd ·--—· _ ----·--—---·-------·---· 33 Board of Engimcrs for Rivers and Harbors, I Mw (w°d°w)· 1546 ¤¤ wvi¢`;·;v¤;1}{smw¤¤ on examinations mgm 956 * Bgu ·-···························--··· S -·.--.-----·... . . - . . , _ · d z f h , ii ml ... Board of Exaynmcrs, Swayn Engmecra, D.C,, Bm\;m);,$,?He:,:w8§_’m] C ’ etc 66 ¤1>pr¤p¤¤¤<>¤ for ¤¤1¤¤¤¤ ----... 279, 972 pension __________________________________ 1627 Board o General Ap aiaera 0 Merclumdzhe Boca del Toro, Panama, apponfxtment. of nge memécrs; sessions, at suspension of tonnage dues on vessels from, Nglv York. . . Ei .. gg B revglcizgl .. , .,,_ 2498 tenure; ary· gene powers uu, i iam F., appeals from ciggiaions of collectors of cus- 8 B pznsion increased .,., 1521 toms to sent to . 9 oc `ngs, designation of resident ..,.,. 98 dut on ...,___ _ ________________ _ _ _ _ 55 division into time boards; assignments. . . 98 Bocooi, Samuel TC, authority of boards ... 99 pensnon increased .,,,,__ _ ________________ 1588 rules of procedure to be established ... 99 Bodmatein, William, authoritieof president .. z . _. 99 pension increased . ... 1515 no mem r to sxt on appeals from Ins decx- Bodeu, Nazmre, sions .. . ... 99 pension increased ... 1927 rchearingn authorized . . .. 99 Bodkins appeals to, for rcappmisement by collector duty 611 metal ... 28 or importer 99 Bodley, James W, authority to determine; hearings, etc. - , 99 pension increased 1982 dpcxsnons final .. 100 Boeuf Rwer, La., decmions of collector as to duties, ctc., final 100 appropriation for improvement of . 647 appeslq allqwcd to board . .. 100 · Bcgard, Jeremiah, dBt8!'I!l1I13t10!1 of, final ,,.,.., , . , 100 l pension increased .,. . ..,,..,. 1684 apreal t0·COU1’t. of cugtoms s.§J>eq.ls_ 100 . Boggesa Thymas S., genera agilgmgem authorized to mmmter 100 B pensmn increasgd . . .. 1510 oat , e c . . oggess, ., examinations by general appraisers, cus- ‘ pension increased .,.,.. . , 2014 toms officers, etc ... 100 Boggis, Elizabeth P. (widow), preservation of testimony. . . T .. - - - 100 , pension increased . . ...,__,,,, 1750 penalty for failure to gave mformaucn, Boggs, Dand S., ew ··----··-----··---------------. 100 , io ased ...,... , 1675 punishment for false swearing, etc .. 101 i B pei? GI;¢:r¤gr%T forfeiture of goods 101 (gg aio waged 1651 ··•·-····--·-- · ··-- Y-\ H ¢ . . .. decisions of general appraisers to be pm- I Bogue Falia, La., B8fV9d» 69 ·---·-·-·--·---·-·------- 101 - Sppmpristiou for improvement of, ,_____,, 647 to be reported to Secretu¥0f the Treas- Bogue Souing N. C., • ury and board at New ork; samples. 101 appro ’ non for nugdlightn . 1430 publicatnon of abstracts 101 n.¤g¤l{gn,¤ authorized ____________________ 535