Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1466

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INDEX. 2807 · BMW Skigg _ P•8¢- Battenjield, John, P¤8¢· B onfrear t, for manure, grormd or unground . 76 B pension ingriteased ,,.,,,, _ ________,_______ 2106 ann yo., _ _ _ atteries for i of the Navy Sppiopuahon for public burlding 1366 appropriationfizr new sight; and modifying acquiring site for public building at, au- mounts 611, 1271 Boo., “‘°"“"’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘······ ***3 ‘°‘ ”'““g..i..€‘.?}T‘T.ff’f’FiT’E.”fTT‘Fi’..°i?T¥‘_Y in duty on, leather . 68 for iire;control instruments ... 611, 1271 wood, etc. porch ... 34 for fitting, etc., breech mechanisms . 1271 Bm, 4¤d{¢w do 1492 B for sind modernizing guns ..., 1271 pensronm _ . attery om as . Baa; Boioosglign., _ _ R_ 190 appropriatihn for light and fog signal sta- 3 may rr ississip 1 1ver . tion ,.,, , ,,.,_,. . ___________,______ 14 1 Barn, Qelina M. (widow), 1474 limit of cplet increased, light and fog signal pension .. sta t ,,___,_,,,.,,,__ _ _ 537 Ban Harbor Bar, Me., Battey, Frede:i];k8A., prelgginary examination of, to be made. - . 671 B pensicjéi increased . . .. 1627 Ban inn, attin, azel D. ` pension increased 1811 pension incredsed ...,.,_.. . ._,___ 2092 Baa, Robert, Battle Sanitarium, Hot Springs, pension increased 1841 . . Bassett, Elizabeth A. (wilow), appropriation ’for expenses, Volunteer Solpension increased ... . 1771 diers’ Home . ...,._ 735, 1412 Bassett, Perris, Battle of Gettysburg Commission, Ftytkth pension increased 1620 _Ann·wersag!¢;/é Bamoood, commission of _ Senators and three Bguty og, saweeglgoards, etc ... 33 Rexresentutryes appointed to confer 134 ver ww, - wr ---.-----.--..--~----. 2 apgrmiaiion for jinprovementof .. 650,944 Btlttlenterés Forest, Colo., tc f 425 1247 , ., pprop r tenance, e ., o . , pension increased 1982 proclamation ` . 2689 Batdnelder, Sewell D., Battle:hipa,_Firat Clan, pension increased 1915 construction of two, authorized; cost.. . 628, 1287 Batchelor, William, contracts to have eight hour restricpension increased 1731 tion 628, 1288 Bateman, James W, _ under: provisions of act of 1884; de- ' Bpension 1832 accepted in lieu of indemnity 8 ateman o . on .. 62 pension increased 1962 domestic materials, etc., required 628 Bateman, William R., _ only one to a bidder; one at a navly yard . 628 pension increased ... . 18% limit of cost increased for, to be uilt in Bates, Austin D., navy yards . ... 1288 pension increased 1657 Baugher, William H., Bam, James E., pension increased . , . . 1604 pension increased 1632 Baughman, John A., Bates, John M., only pension increased . . 1656 pension increased 1817 Baug man, Samuel, Bam, {Milton, pension increased . .., 1627 pension increased ·1518 Bauguese, Willmm H., Bates, Sarah E. (widow), 1670 Bpension pnigrexged 1500 n 'on inc ... . ... . aumgarte , i ibm B4?:;,SiSusan A. (widow), 2077 B pension gcreased., ... 1931 'on . . . . auzite or eauaite B4i?:mWillihm A., duty on, crude.; .. . ..,...,., ‘ 18 B pension irirclreased ...· 1482 B wgeiinegd . I 12 atenflle r., a en, mmm ., tomis ol court at . ... 1107 pension increased ...,,._, 1485 Bath, Me., _ _ Bay City, Mich., nppmprnmou for enforcing anchorage regu- terms of court at . ... 1115 1a{,fpnsbin1Kennebec River at 712, Bay City, Ter., f bh b ld 366 { u ic uid1ng` , aproriation orpu 'c ' . ..,. . 1 limi;. of cost increased, public building . . . 678 acguigng site for public at, autargus g <;:>;‘1rtDatb ... 1114 B J thzrized .,..,,,,,.,._,, 692 Bathi c , . ., ay, ae , appnrgpriation for expenses; additional pensihnzincreased 2107 gels .,.. . ... 389, 980 Bay, Mary (daughter), Batista, elchor,_oj Cuba, _ pension . ... 1486 admitted to Military Academy for rnstruc- Bay Ridge_C'hannel, New York Harbor, tion; imzndmons, etc . .. 1458 Bappzropnaltéoré for improvement of . 728, 1405 Baton Rouge, ., _ ay iver . ., ’ made subport. of entry New Orleans drs- 335 Bapparopriatrgn fopimpmvement of 641 trict ... . .. ay um or ay ater terms of court at - .·. 1113 duty on . ... ’ 40 Batt, Hannah M. (widow), Bayes, Philip H., pension . . ·-.--·~--- 1588 pension increased 2090 88741°-—vor. 36, rr 2-11—100