Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1401

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1910. 2761 It is not intended by this proclamation to release any land from *'°•°”°°°°d· reservation except the areas indicated on the diagram as eliminated, nor to reserve any land not heretofore embraced m a National Forest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at theC1ty of Washington this twentyfifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [sur,.] ten, and of the Indegégndence of the United States the one hundred and thirty- th. Wu H Tam By the President: P C Knox Secretary of Stale. Br rim Pnnsmmrr or rmt Unrmn Srranzs or Ammo; Deecm‘bu·s,xe10. · A P TION. . Whereas it is rovided b the Actof Co ess of March 4, 1909, wp L entitled "An Actlto amend Znd consolidate tig:. Acts respecting eo - 5 right ", that the provisions of said Act, ‘ ‘so far as they secure copy:-igt controlling the parts of instruments serving to reproduce mechanically the musical work * * * shall not include the works of a foreign ‘ author or composer unless the foreign state or nation of which such author or composer is a citizen or subject grants, either by treaty, convention, agreement, or law, to citizens of the United States similar ` hts": ngA.ud Whereas it is further provided that the copyright secured by the Act shall extend to the work of an author or proprietor who is a citizen or sub`ect of a foreign state or nation, only upon certain V°,_35p_w,., conditions set iorth in section 8 of said Act, to wit: ` (a) When an alien author or iproprietor shall be domiciled within the United States at the time o the iirst publication of his work; or (b) When the foreign state or nation o which such author or proprietor is a citizen or subject grants, either bg treaty, convention, agreement, or law, to citizens of the United tates the benefit of copyright on substantially the same basis as to its own citizens or cop right protection substantially equal to the protection secured to sucll foreign author under this Act or by treaty; or when such foreign state or nation is a party to an international agreement which provides for reciprocit in the granting of copyright, by the terms of which agreement the }lJnited tates may, at its pleasure, become a party thereto: _ _ _ And Whereas it is also provided by said section that "The existence of the reciprocal conditions aforesaid shall be determined by the President of the United States, by proclamation made from time to time, as the purposes of this Act may require": And Whereas satisfactory official assurance has been given that in Germany the law now ermits to citizens of the United States similar rights to those accorded in section 1 (e) of the Act of March 4, 1909: Now, Therefore, I, WILLIAM HOWARD TAF'I‘, President of the mms to snhiecu United States of America, do declare and proclaim that one of the of ,,,G£,L,“¤§?§§, alternative conditions sipeciiied in section 8 (b) of the Act of March ¤*¤¤¤<i¤¤¤•=·¤¤ 4, 1909, now exists an is fulfilled in respect to the subjects of the German Empire, and that the subjects o that country are entitled va seniors. to all the benefits of section 1 (6) of the said Act. In Testimonty} Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused · the seal of the mted States to be aflixod.