Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/988

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964 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 187-190. 1911. shall make, or cause to be made, any discrimination against any person lawfully wearing the uniform of the Army, Navy, Revenue- Cutter Service or Marine Corps of the United States because of that uniform, and an person ma ing, or causing to be made, such discrimination shall, be guilgy of a misdemeanor, punishable by a iine not exceeding five hundre dollars. Approved, March 1, 1911. March}, 1911. CHAP. 188.-—An Act Authorizing the Moline, East Moline and Watertown Rail- [K· B- $2440] way Company to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto [public, N0_ 43;] across the South Branch of the Mimimippi River from apoint m the village of Watertown, Rock Island County, Illinois, to the island known as Campbells Island. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and }House of Representatives of the United § “,f{§{;w States of America in Congress assembled, That the Moline, East Moline me winémwn asn- and Watertown Railway Company, a corporation organized under the s‘{,'§,h°°g,§°:,{c'§,“°§§ laws of she State of i[)ll1nois, isi hereby apthorilized to construct, main}; wammwn, H1- tain, an 0 rate a ri e an a roac es thereto across the Sout Branch of lll; Mississip%‘i River iiigm a point suitable to the interests of navigation in the village of Watertown, in the county of Rock Island and State of lllinois, to the island known as Campbells Island, in said county of Rock Island, said bridge to be a wagon and street ‘ railway bridge, whose use is to be free to the public, the same to be vu. se, p. sa built in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March twenty~third, nineteen hundred and six. i Am¤¤¤¤¤¤*· Sec. That th; right't0 alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve . Approved, March 1, 1911. ' M¤¤’¤l'¤ I- lm- CHAP. 189.-A.n Act To authorize the ’ mmjn • ‘

 emacs on me eau coast cr me sues ct Floridcimblmhmmt °f ° ° b‘°l°g‘°“l

U C, i 0. . , . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ltepresentatzlzacso the United _£{g_{¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤si<=¤¤ States of America in Ovndqress assembled, That the Secretiy of Commminaneacu mor- merce and Labor be, an he is hereb , authorized, empowered, and · ‘d° °““ °°“‘* directed to establish a marine biologicallstation on the Gulf of Mexico _ P°"*l’·‘“°· at a point on the coast of the State of Florid to be selected by him gggiivhou {mm in said State: Preceded, That the State of Florilda donates and tranfers sms. free of cost, to the Government of the United States necessary land and water rights upon which may be erected such buildings, wharves and other structures as may be necessary for the proper equipment of said station, such biological station, buildin s, wharves and other ` structures not to cost exceeding fifty thousancg dollars. , W-;-gg_1;g::¤ fm i¤· Sec. 2. That_the professors, instructors, and students of the several land·g’1;mt, agricultural, and mechanical colleges of the United States shall admitted to said station to pursue such investigation in fish culture and biology as may be practicable, without cost to the Government, under such rules and regulations as may be from time to time prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Approved, March 1, 1911. March 2,-1911. _CHAP. 190.—An Act To amend section sixof the currenc Act of M

 gigyéegggrguhunrlrul, as amended by the Act approved March lfourth, nixiglgdguddiiedlrhgl

Be ite*ruwtedby theSev1ateandHmiaeo Re eenuuf ‘ gg§13¤;¤iIi12?,e¤c. Suites of America in Cmipress aasembled,jI`haiz)7se‘;ctionz7s'ie; (digi “mhedg,,_ ,;_ ,2,,, define and iix the stan ard_of value to maintain the parity of all · forms of money issued or comed by the United States, to refund the