Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/985

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SIXTYZFIRST CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Cns. 181, 185, 186. 1911. 961 vabel y owned lands lying within the exterior limits of the said national 1,,0,,,,,, forest: Provided, That the lands so exchanged shall be equal in area Value and urea. and substantially equal in value: And providedufurtlaer, That u u the umiifggm t° m` consummation of such exchange the land deeded to the Unitedxétates thereunder shall become a part of the Kansas National Forest. Approved, February 28, 1911. CHAP. 185.-An Act To authorize the city of Shreveport to construct a bridge “'i§’]{0§;;°iu· _ Bed Rivet irumie, No;434.] - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R@r of the United _ States of America in Omwgresa aasemb , That the city of Shreveport, §,j’§,§,‘,§{£_m_ my a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Louisiana, be, bridge- ·' and is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a trailic bridge and approaches thereto across the Red River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at Shreveport, in the State of Louisiana, V°‘· 3* P·“· in accordance yvith the provisions of the Act entitled "Au Act to regulate the construction of a bridge over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A’“°"‘*'“°“*~ expressly reserved. Approved, March 1, 1911. - CHAP. 186.-An Act To enable an State to cooperate with an other State or ¥¤¤=l¤!» 1911- sam, or with me Umm sem, sm the Erotectiou of me mamiieiis of mvigebie streams, and to appoint a commission for_t e acquisition of lands for the purpose of [Public, 1%.435.] conserving the navigabihty of navigable rivers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 the United _ States ¢;fAm,er·ica in Congress assembled, That the consentéf the Con- zafgemiiiigfiigzigmvi gress 0 the United States is hereby given to each of the several States sm:Tiiri?liiiz1i°5tri'iu?i of the Union to enter into any agreement or com act, not in conflict with any law of the United States, with any other State or States for the purpose of conserving the forests and the water supply of the States entering into such agreement or compact. Sec. 2. That the sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby _,p·g,gQ{,,°g“,*;}{g¤gg;g appropriated and made available until expended, out of any mone s fcrurepmwcuou. in the National Treasury not otherwise aplgropriated, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to cooperate Wit any State or grm?3 of States, when requested to do so, in the protection from fire o the forested watersheds of navigable streams; and the Secret of Agri- Forest mas on wa. culture is hereby authorized, and on such conditions agile deems ,t?$§}‘,°f“ °' ‘“""g°b‘° wise, to stipulate and agree with any_ State or group of States to . cooperate in the organization and maintenance of a. system of fire rotection on any rivate or state forest lands within such State or gtates and situated) upon the watershed of a navigable river: Pm· §’{uj'f,**$g, mqumd mkled, That no such stipulation or agreement shall be made with any ` State which has not provided by law for a system of forest-fire protection: Pmwlded further, That in no case shall the amount ngilxpeuditures nmexpended in any State exceed in any fiscal year the amount appro- ° priated by that State for the same purpose during the same fiscal year. Sec. 3. That there is hereby appropriated, for the fiscal year ending ,wgg,$,;$é>”*;jL§°¤S,a;g; June thirtieth, nineteen hundred) and ten, the sum of one million an nemwémskir mmdollars, and for each fiscal year thereafter a sum not to exceed two “”°*‘”“°°""‘ million dollars for use in the examination, survey, and acquirement of lalnds lcifgted on xehheadwlactegs of nagigable streams or those whic are ing or w `c may eve 0 or na able ur ses: Provided, That the provisions of this sectig; shall exgige by limigtion to ma on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and fifteen. *