Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/922

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898 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 39, 42, 43. 1911. ' 'vil d 'minal arising in or coming from county and bgsiiiu and unndihlg at tlie date of the taking effectof this Act, and of all criminalpbffenses committed in said county prior to the date this Act goes into effect, the prosecution of which has not been begnm, as completely as if this Act were not passed. Approved, February 7, 1911. "°""g'·;{4% mh CHAP. 42.-Au Act To provide a commimion to secure plans and designs for a

 monument or memorial to the memory of Abraham Lincoln.

C, 0. . Be it enacted by the Senate and Houeeqfllqreaeezlativee %.Z]l6 United 0‘·*¤°!",l!“,¤,,{‘,;';'{g,';,*" Statesof America in Oongresa assembled, That William H. aft, Shelby c¤mmn¤·>n.¤¤¤é•. M. Cullom, Joseph G. Cannon, George Peabody Wetmore, Samuel "°°‘ Walker McCall, Hernando D. Money, and Champ Clarkpare hereby created a commission, to be known as the Lincoln Memorial Commission, to procure and determine upon a location, plan, and design for a monument or memorial in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, su ject to the approval of Congress. employment of Sm. 2. That in the discharge of its duties hereunder said commis- ""“‘“* °°°‘ sion is authorized to employ the services of such artists, sculptors, architects, and others as it shall determine to be necessa , and to Commision M Pine avail itself of the services or advice of the Commission of Eno Arts ‘“}"“,,,,_ ,_ 3-,,_ created by the Act approved May seventeenth, nineteen hundred and ten. Selection ofdte. Sec. 3. That the construction of the monument or memorial, herein and hereby authorized, shall be upon such site as shall be determined by the commission herein created, and approved by Congress, and comemenonew. said construction shall be entered upon as speedily as practicable after the plan and design therefor is determined upon and approved by Congress, and shall bedprosecuted to completion, under the direction of said commission an the supervision 0 the Secretary of War, under commas a contract or contracts hereby authorized to be entered into by said °°"· Secretary in a total sum not exceeding two million dollars. F*¤¤¤8 *¤•=¤¤·=*¤¤ Sm. 4. That vacancies occurring in the membership of the commisgon shall be iilled by appointment by the President of the United tutes.

  • v¤>¤>v**¤***¤*- Sec. 5. That to defray the necessary expenses of the commission

herein created and the cost of procuring Klaus or desi ns for a memorial or monument, as herein provided, there is hereby appropriated the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be immediately availalile. ·*¤¤¤¤* *>¤**¤>¤*¢¤· Sac, 6. That said commission shall annually submit to Congress an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be expended each year _ { l to carry on the work herein authorized. ,,g;,‘i‘f,'$}‘”“ "° Sec. 7. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are °'· 3* P- “'* hereby repealed. Approved, February 9, 1911. rebrpggéggilisii. Act To amend section one hundred and eighty-three of the [Public, No. 347.] · I Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House ofltepresentat fhg U ’; ,3 Ingres in n;·¤¤¤s2;· gtggeq (;£'1£1g,erieafi31 Ogng-·e.s.s_ ¢§v€§nbéed,fThlat Gectiovrig giie huyildiid .s.,se¤. yp. .an eig y- reeo e eviseu u so t `tedSta “'“°“d°°‘ is hzgeby, amegdcd so as to read as follows: 6 m ms be, and oamgro wmiessos. " `nc. 183. n officer or clerk of - f th d partm r;e$¤u_v¢; teomcea detailed to investérate frauds on, or aittginlpts tg d:fraud,c3l·l2lg:svvf;1;;5; “‘“’ " ““‘“’ ‘ ment, or any irregularity or misconduct of any officer or agent of the