Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/898

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874 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 7-10. 1910. . . . Resol ‘ A th rising th postponement of the Fifteenth Inter- Fislrigyei gala nalzibhallgongiidgd on Hylgigilie ailid Ikmograshy. min. n¤.,No,1s.] ~ . . eeolved the Senate nd H Regesentatzves of the United ¤rsi•¤¤ wd De Stfteso a aswlejd, T tthe invitation extended "‘°'*'“""· ng- ° h nited States to the Fourteenth International postponement ct by the esident of the _ Fifteenth Inter· H ’ d De h in Qc¢0l'd8DOB with th6PYO‘ nationalcongresson Congress on ygmue y’ . . · • verse, p. mz visions of a joint resolution entit a *‘iJ)o1a:; Rllezolfzilpnl siuthucgizing th Pres'd t to extend an invitation e _ o _ ner ion Cc?ngress1o(inH no and Demography to hold its thirteenth congress in the city of l}$ashington,” approved February twenty-sixth, mneteen hundred and seven, shall be modified and amended so that it shall suc. nm. rovide for the holding of the F ifteenthdnternational Congress on Bygiene and Demog·raphy_at some place in the United States, to be se ected by the President, in the year mneteen hundred and e even or nineteen hundred and twelve. Approved, February 3, 1910. . A 4. ..`J'B.esol'Provi'fthii1lmg°fva1=anei’ hichooenrred r?d?ilr1ieiil'»;?i°' on[§d)nu;dy tv:e1:tly-seve:l:¤h?¤ninetee(i1ml¥un(li,ied°and ten? in the Bglardof Regents of

 the Smithsonian Institution of the clam other than Members of Congress.

Resolved the Senate and House of of the United smizunnnnnxnniru-' States of Abdlaerica in Congress assembled, That the vacancies which uliiiiin n. nenemnn occu on January twentgcseventh, nineteen hundred and ten, ID the m}§¤c{,¤•¤d¤* ,3; Board of Regents of the mithsoman Institution of the class other keanu. mlm than Members of Congress, shall be filled by the reappointment of John B. Henderson an Alexander Graham Bell, residents of the city of Washington, whose terms of office expired on that date. Approved, February 11, 1910. . , , ‘ ‘ ‘ A din Secti Ei { b mum, i ’”i%¥‘?»'f'¤¥§’$i‘° ,n,E£‘.2..? int? .§“.f§°l?§LL"2n€£ié‘s ··§n ie°iL p£'é3i'§’..? nE.°Ti.i.£t2££¥lK..n nn. p>¤¤.1zes,N¤.1s.; sequent decenmal’ censuses.” Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United '¤‘¤¤¤,:g¤¢¤ <{_§¤¤¤¤· States of America in Congress assembled, That Section Eighteen, of §E.$€,n.i?n°¤1$eAaea. the Act of Congresshagiqfoved iulydseccgnd, ninetleen hundred and ' roviding for the irtecnt an su sequent ecennia censuses

 sixth Staiutcs at Large, page seven), be amended by adding

ivan- M ¤<>¤¤r~¢¤¤¤· at the end of the section the wor sz " which may include a minimum Y°°‘ and maximum rate of per diem compensation to be tixed by him, the maximum rate in such mses not to exceed an average of six dollars per diem for the riod of employment, and actual necessary traveling expenses andxhn allowance in lieu of subsistence not exceeding three dollars per diem during necessary absence from their usual place of residence. ’ · _ Approved, February 15, 1910. ,. N.10. J'tReso1t‘ Cha' thftlfth lf·'h d Fititié? ii€’i° .,.2. E; n..ln..¥i§n c0¤.§‘’£. to .3§é'$§.eEn$n€& ws§§§ $$..2nY.-2L§ .‘;’n“E,.i{‘.2%.$f [mn. asn, un. 16.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the U 't d bigsrrict of <><>*¤¤=· Smtes of America in Congress assembled, Zlzhat the sealer of weigifts snpei-innneent of and measures of the District of Columbia shall hereafter be known }'.,‘i,'§,},‘};f‘.;t.["°‘f""°’“ and designated as the "superintendent of weights, measures, and New designation. markets. 7 ew Approved, February 19, 1910.