Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/850

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826 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 395. 1910. any woman or girl to go from one place to another in interstate or fore` commerce, or in any Territorgr or the District of Columbia, for lg;. purpose of prostitution or ebauchery, or for any other immoral purpose, or with the intent and purpose cpl the part og

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with or without her consent and wliro shall thereby knowingly cause or aid or assist in causing such woman or girl to go and to be earned or transported as a passenger upon the line or route of any common carrier or carriers in interstate or forei commerce, or any Terr1tor(y or the District of Columbia, shall be eilemed iguilty of a felony an on Punishment. conviction thereof shall be pimished by a ne of not more than five thousand dollars, or bg imprisonment for a term not exceeding five ylears, or by both suc fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of t e court. Imiucins. ew. in- Sec. 4. That any person who shall knowingly rsuade, induce mrmmgxi entice, or coerce anrly woman or girl under the agelbffeighteen years {,m};;;,,°{*' P"•°‘ from any State or erritogsorthe District of Co umb1a to any other State or Territory or the trict of Columbia with the purpose and intent to induce or coerce her, or that she shall be induced or coerced to engage m agrostitution or debauchery, or any other immoral practice, an sh in furtherance of such purpose knowingly induce or ?2£f?!;$€£ Ziéix E20? ti”§“1j£%Z°fo“3€£%?°d “ “¤£Z”°“g°’·‘“ an co on carrier rmummn. or carriers, shall be_deemed guilty of a felony, asiid on conviction tihelreof shag punished by a Hne of not more than ten thousand o ars or nnprisonment for a term not exceedmg' ten ears r ‘ by both suclir fine imprisonment, in the discretion of tlie C0l1l?l3. wxxsdieuou or 5. sirgy violationlpf any of the above sections two, three, ` ‘ an our s rosecute in any court havin `uri d' ti n f crimes within the district in which said violation w§s Jcorrirriizttgd, sir fro1n,;hr0L;gh, or 1::toi which any such womain 0: girl m2;y have been came or_ranspoe_asapasse ermmersat or - merce, or m any Territory or thenDistrict of Colu;1bia,(i:Ii$1i%11ia1?;$$)It1o M mm the provisions of any of said sections. _ o Iuggirgijg bwém Sec. 6. That_ for the purpose of rengulating and preventing the qasnqnsa. tra.nspo;·tationin fore1gr1dc<:1n1l§z1er<§ of 1en women and girls for dpur= poses o prostitution an e auc ery and in urs ce f f the purpose of carrying out the terms ,of the agiieenijeaiit oropriiiiact (dif VOL ,m,_,m_ 3rri;n§eme;r? the sigppreilssiogr 0; the iwhit¢=;~slavebtrafHc, adoplfed u wen - mneeen unean wo or tt ' respective governments by the delegates of varidluglliisdigdlrs Orepiielf sented at the _Pa.ris conference and confirmed by a formal agreement signed at Pans on May eghteenth, nineteen hundred and our, and a_ hered to by the United tates on June sixth, nineteen hundred and Amb rn I C0 grght, asl sholwn by the procla1nation of the President_ of the United mldmgrgegeml rr;} tates, ate June fifteenth, nmeteen hundred and eight, the Comimmigmm. m1ssioner—General of Immigration IS hereby desi ated as the author. 1ty of the United States to receive and centrainzeinformation congergimghthe propluration of alien women and girls with a view to their

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» _ s eu· 1 en 1 , an t ` gibm them who induced them to leave their native cdruntriegsigd zig qm¤m¤¤¢¤ rv- tively; and it shall_be the duty of said C0mmissioner~General) of I ii.l',101r to receive and keep on file in his office•the statements and gc arations which may be made by such ahen women and girls, argmgnoliadwhilglg are cléeremaftteig required gertaming to such alien ..,,.1 to f..m£§i.' r.J3?§ r..l“JZ.E‘i—? §t.1123{‘ or d° ““°"°"’ “* ““S °°“'*“>’· _ _ ents and declarations provided for in this act to the persons, respectively, making and filing them.