Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/777

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 384. 1910. 753 month each, ten thousand five hundred dollars; in all, fifteen thousand six hundred and twenty dollars; . . In all, for yipnitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington, forty-seven thousand six rmdred and twenrtiy dollars. For support of the National raining School for Boys, District of ScI§¤*§°?¤lB0TmI*;i¤s Columbia: For superintendent, two thousand five hundred dollars; sdirréii YS' 'C' assistant superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; teachers and assistant teachers seven thousand eight hundred dollars; matron of school, six hundred dollars; five matrons of families, at two hundred and forty dollars each; foremen of and skilled helpers in industries, three thousand eight hundred dollars; farmer six hundred dol- ' Iars; assistant farmer, our hundred and twenty dollars; Horist, engineer, baker, cook, shoemaker, and tailor, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; assistant engineer, three hundred and sixty dollars; laundress, three hundred and sixty dollars; two dining-room attendants, and -housemaid, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; nurse, thme hundred and sixty dollars; watchmen, not to exceed eight in number, two thousand eight himxlred and eighty dollars; office clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars ; assistant office clerk, four hundred and eighty dollars; paroleoificer, nine hundred dollars; secretary and treasurer to board o ·tr·ustees, six hundred dollars; in all, twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars; For support of inmates, including groceries, flour, feed, meats, dry Maintenance. goods, leather, shoes, gas, fuel, hardware, furniture, tableware, farm implements, seeds, harness and repairs to same, fertilizers, books, stationery, plumbing, painting, glazing, medicines and medical attendance, stock, vehic es, fencing, repairs to buildings, and other necessary items, including compensation not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars, for additional labor or services, and for transportation and other necessary expenses incident to securing suitable homes for gislgharged boys, not exceeding five hundred dollars, sixteen thousand o ars; ‘ For extraordinary repairs to buildings, and for connecting buildings nepuu. of the school with the city water supply and with city sewerage siystem, and for a proaches to buildings, four thousand three hundred ollars; In all lbr National Training School for Boys, forty-eight thousand _ eight hundred dollars. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ,,,,Ym‘f‘m°“‘°“""' To enable the Secretary of A culture to test such plants and woods ,0§’§§‘,'_§g,,°“‘l ‘;f’°°° as ma require tests to ascertaizrilif they be suitable for makinglpapep, etggnpe including rent, and the employment of abor in the city of Was ington ’°‘ ‘ and elsewhere, and all other necessary expenses, as an additional amount, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be immediately available. UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. mf,’,$}g",{},‘{{*}f‘,{,j’,§ff°m‘ Lrorrr-nousn nsrxnnrsnnnsr. ,,};§§,‘g;;§°“S° mk Su lies of light-houses: For supplying fog signals, light—houses, Suppliesand gtiirer lightsgwith illuminating, cleaning, preservative, and such Am'p`537° other materials as may be required for annual consumption; for books, boats, and furniture for stations, traveling expenses of civilian members of the Light—House Board in attending meetings of board at Washington, actual hire of special conve ance when necessary to inspect light stations, and not exceeding tliiree hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and professional books and periodicals for the use of the Light-House Board, and for all other necessary incidental expenses, including the pay of employees other than clerks in