Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/770

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746 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 384. 1910. Revenue-Cutter Service, inmates of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United States who are insane, all peirsons who have bpcolpieénsang ' th try into the mi itary an nava service 0 the nite Smgs wflllo hive been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, including purchase, maintenance, and driving of necessary horses and vehicles and of horses and vehicle for official use of the superintendent, three hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars; and not exeieeéling grge thousagd five hundredlpollars of , um may be expen e m e raym _ the expense 0 the remova 0 ietiengsgq theilir frienillsg no; excgerimipne tliogsaxid dollprs may be expen e in t ‘e ure ase 0 suc oo , perio ica s an papers as may be reqgired for the dpprposes Ecg the h§s£1tal]$nd(;§o1étl&e]p1ed1pal ` libr , an not excee g one thousand ve un e dollars or actiiliiirand necessary expenses incurred in the apprehension and return to the hospital of escaped patients. ¤{;$¤¤i¤s¤ •-¤¤ For the and grounds of the Government Hospital for the ' Insane as 0 ows: For general repairs and improvements, forty thousand dollars. For roadways, grading, an walks, five thousand dollars. ggtgpenémgé oonumnm INSTITUTION rox run DEAF AND mma. Hm . ' For snrpfporltogfgsthedipllstitution, including salaérips and ipizidental ` expenses, or an ustrative apparatus an or gener re airs and improvements, sixty-seven thousand _ _ P _ For repairs to the buildmgs of the institution, mcludmlg plumbmg and steam fitt , and for repairs to pavements within the ounds five thousand eliliillars gr , nowenn Univnnsrrr. H0wa¤1U¤iver¤ity. For maintenance of the Howard University, to be used in pa ment of part of the salaries of the officers, professors, teachers, andy other regular emdployees of the university, the balance of which shall be paid fropii Honagiongraplddoiiher sopraplei; of wlgcih sum notlless than one tousan ve un e oarss euse ornorma` t t' , flfgpthree thousand two hundred dollars; ms mc mn or t0o1s;,trl1;at(pnaal;£ fueliwpges of ipstructors, agd 0th•§·31e§essary ex nses 0 e e men 0 manua arts nine thousand dollars; hglhr adldiltigi to dine manual training and arts building, twenty-three thousand dollars; . hFor bgoflrs, is1helw(;ring1,3`u§11iture, and fixtures, for the libraries, one ’ thousand ve un e dollars- ‘ For improvement of grounds and repairs of buildings, four thousand dollars, to be immediately available; m;},*g‘“¤¤* d€P•¤*· Medical department: 0 meet in part cost of needed equipment, me, p. ws. laboratory sup lies, and apparatus, ten thousand dollars; For material) and apparatus for chemical, physical, and naturallgistogy iiturgeg, End use in laboratories, including cases and shelving, ve un re dollars; For fuel and light, three thousand five hundred dollars; In all, one hundred and four thousand seven hundred dollars. . FREEDMEN’S HOSPITAL. p,§}‘f°"“’°°" H°" For salaries and compensation of the surgeon in chief, not to exceed three thousand dollars, and for all other professional and other services that may be required and ezgpressly approved by the Secretary of the Interior; m all, twenty-nme_thousand five hundred dollars. A detailed statement of the expenditure of this sum shall be submitted

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