Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/685

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SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 382. 1910. 661 Imlipoving Missouri River: For improvement and maintenance BeI§1*£u¤¤ °“Y*° *`°" from ansas City to Fort Benton, three hundred thousand dollars, ` of which amount one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended between Le Beau and Fort Benton. - . Improving Missouri River at Saint Joseph, Missouri, in accordance A*S°*¤*-'°¤°P‘*·¥°- with the re ort submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and) twenty-four, Sixtieth Congress, first session, seventy- _ five thousand dollars: Promkled, That no part of this amount shall §Q'{,'}‘f'{b,,u,,,, by be expended until the city of Saint Joseph, or other agency, shall have CRY- deposrted to the credit of the Secretary of War in some duly recognized United States depository to be designated by him the sum of seventy- five thousand dollars, to be expended by said Secretary of War, together with the amount herein appropriated, in the execution of the plan of improvement recommended) in the re ort herein referred to. _ Improving Missouri River at Atchison, Hansas, in accordance ’“A°°'““°"·K"““* with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seven hundred, Sixty-first Congress, second session, ninety thousand dollars: _ Provided, That no part of this amount shall be expended until the @,,,,,,0,, M city of Atchison, or other agency, shall have deposited to the credit City- of the Secretary of War, in some duly recognized United States depository to be designated by him, the sum of ninety thousand do lars, to be expended by said Secretary of War, together with the . amount herein appropriated, in the execution of the plan of improvement recommended m the report herein referred to. _ Improving Gasconade River, Missouri: Continuing improvement Mf,”l“°°“‘°° R"°‘· and for maintenance twenty thousand dollars. _ Improving Osage Ifiver, Missouri: Continuing im rovement and for OM? R“'°'· “‘* maintenance, thirty-five thousand dollars: Prcmidgd, That so much §,,°‘{"§;,d dum of this amount as shall be necessary may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be applied to work of completing the lock and dam on said river. · _ Improving harbor at Humboldt Bay, California: Continuing H¤¤¤b•>1d¢ ¤•!·¤•l improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Ninehundred and fifty, Sixtieth Congress, first session, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Oakland, California: For maintenance, and °“"*“‘*·°*‘· continuing improvement under the existing project, or, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, in accordance with the new plan of im rovement printed in House Document Numbered Six hundred and forty-seven, Sixt -iirst Congress, second session, two hundred P and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That if in the judgiment of the pl-g‘§i°',,g,,;,,,;_ Secretary of War the prices received in response to a vertisement for bids for dredging are not reasonable, so much of the amount herein appropriated as shall be necessary may be expended for the purchase or construction of a suitable dredging plant: Provided fur- ,0Tg*t§f‘*°' °‘ *""“€°’ ther, That the three bridges heretofore built by the United States in connection with this improvement may be turned over to the local authorities to be maintained and operated by them upon such terms as to transfer and control as in the discretion of the Secretary of War may be equitable and just to the United States and to said local authorities: Provided further, That of the appro riation herein made b,,}‘d;g,_““'· °“`·· '“° so much as shall be necessary may be expended) for such alterations and repairs to said bridges as in the discretion of the Secretary of War may be essential to meet the terms of said transfer. _ Improving harbor at San Diego, California: Completirig improve- S““”"*°·°'*· ment in accordance with the lesser project submitted in ouse Doc- I ument Numbered Nine hundred and sixty-one, Sixtieth Congress, first session, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. 88740°—-vox. 36, rr 1-11--44