Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/557

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1910. 533 CHAP. 299.-An Act Too n to se tlement ' June 17,1910- of the homestead ieee of thepllinited States ee?€e‘l.$‘i§€.’e`§'i‘.i°{£`§éi2°§?16’»£.`E2‘§.2? [H- R-Mi and for other purposes. [Pub1ic,No.215.] Be it enacted ky the Senate and lhuse 0 f Representatives of the United _ States of America in Clmgress assembled, That the following-described §eiiii1iii1:§i$1¤iéy·,ez¤,, tracts of land situated within the State of Oklahoma, to wit: Sections §‘§"§§a°,§‘§§€‘}'g§e§,?,‘} two, three, four, nine, ten, and eleven; the southeast quarter and the nousokia. east half of the southwest quarter of section thirteen, the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, and the south half of the southeast quarter of Section fourteen, sections fifteen, sixteen, twenty-one, and twenty-two; the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of section twenty-three, the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of section twenty-four, lots one, nine, ten, eleven, and the east half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-six; lots three, four, tive, six, and the south half of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-five, and lot five of section twenty- seven, all the foregoing being in township thirteen north, range eight west of the Indian meridian, and also the south half of sections seventeen and eighteen and all of sections nineteen, twenty, and thirty, in township thirteen north, range seven west of the Indian meridian, and also any other tract or tracts of land within what was formerly Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indian Reservation which heretofore may have been reserved for agency or school purposes, which in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior are no longer needed or necessary for the lpurpose for which said tract or tracts were originally reserved, sha be opened to entry by proclamation of the President of P°·”· P- me the United States within six months from the passage of this Act and be disposed of upon sealed bids or at public auction, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, to the lliighest bidder under the general provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and un er the rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior, and such purchaser must be duly ualiiicd to make entry under the general Hmm homestead laws: Pravided, That the money arisin from the sale of Proceeaé w man said lands shall be paid into the Treasury of the Ilnited States and °! mdm placed to the credit of the Che enne and Arapahoe tribes of Indians, and said deposit of money shall draw three per centum interest per annum; an the principal and interest of saiddeposit shall be expen ed for the benefit of said Indians in such manner as Congress may direct: Am 0, enum Prozzideclfurther, That the Secretary of the lnterior may in his discretion prescribe that said lands shall be entered in less than one hundred and sixty acre tracts, notwithstanding the provision of the homestead law permitting entries thereunder of one hundred and sixty acres or less. Sec. 2. That said lands shall be sold for not less than five dollars per M*““”“m P"l°°· acre, and shall be sold upon the following terms: One—fifth of the price Y“Y“"“‘*·"· bid therefor to be paid at the time the bid is made and the balance of the purchase price of said land to he paid in six equal annual installments; and in case any purchaser fails to make such annual payment when due all rights in and to the land covered by his or her purchase shall at once cease and any yments theretofore made shall be forfeited and his or her entry shall E; canceled. And no title to said land shall I““" °‘ p‘“"“"· inure to the purchaser, nor any patent of the United States issue to the purchasers, until the purchaser shall have in all respects complied with the terms and general provisions of the homestead laws of the United States. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby vested with full R°g“I°“°““· _ power and authority to make such rules and regulations as to the time of notice, manner of sale, and other matters incident to the carrying 88740°——-—voL 36, PT 1--11-—-36