Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/542

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5].8 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 297. 1910. Nw ¥¤*°°· For surveyor- neral of the Territory of New Mexico, two thousand five hundred dolllars; and for clerks rn hrs office, ten thousand five » hundred dollars; in all, thirteen thousand dollars. _ _ For ay of messenger, stationery, printing, drafting instruments, plats, diawing aper, binding records, telephone, registration of letters, post·officeI>ox rent, drayage, towels, books of re erence for office use, and other incidental expenses, including the exchange of typewriters, one thousand dollars. °'°¢°¤· For s1u·veyor eneral of Oregon, three thousand dollars; and for the clefiks in his o§ce, eight thousand dollars; in all, eleven thousand dollars. For stationery, telephone, towels, binding, post-office box rent, books of reference for office use, and other mcidental expenses, mclud— · in the exchange of typewriters, five hundred dollars. S°¤“¤¤¤°*•· Tor surveyor- ner of South Dakota, two thousand dollars. For rent of oigge for the surveyor·general, pay of messengers, station supplies, drafting instruments, fuel, ice, bmding records, postofficgrbox rent, tele ams, registration of letters, towels, furniture and t writer repairs, iboks of reference for office use, and other incidentqrexpenses, including the exchange of typewriters, three hundred dollars. U¤¤· For surveyor eneral of Utah, three thousand dollars; and for the clelriks in his ofligce, ten thousand dollars; in all, thirteen thousand ` dollars. · · For a of °anitor stationery, lats and sup lies, rinting and binding? drrawifig tables, drafting iilstruments, pgst-oifipce box rent, t writers, drayage, towels, books of reference for office use, and olaffigr incidental expenses, including the exchange of typewriters, nine hundred dollars. wumugm. For surveyor-gleéieral of Washington, three thousand dollars; and for the clerks in office, nine thousand dollars; in all, twelve thousand dollars. For rent of office for the surveyor-general, ay of `anitor, furniture and repairs, stationery, binding records, Ifiooks, blanks, books of reference for office use, and other incidental expenses, including the exchange of typewriters, one thousand five hundred dollars. Wrcmiuz. For surveyor-general of Wyoming, three thousand dollars; and for the clerks in his office, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand seven hundred dollars. For pag of messenggr, stationery and supplies, lights, printing, binding, ooks;post-o ce box rent, draftinggnstruments, mounting maps, ice, towels, furniture and repairs boo of reference for office use, and other incidental expenses, including the exchange of typewr}:ters,do$e tlhlpusand dollars. h bl h f R -,,0,,c, rovie, atnoex nsesc area etote ore oi a roriahir•$gIclu° m tions for clerk hire anlde incidental expenses, in tli bxflicgsp ofp the surveyors-general, shall be incurred by the respective surveyorsgeneral in the conduct of said offices, except upon previous specific authorization by the Commissioner of the (fl-xneral Land Office. mmwwce neun- POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. py 0* P*f¤":S;°*· Orrrcn POSTMASTER-GENERAL: For Postmaster-General, twelve Ge mh cle u' t thousand dollars; chief clerk, Post—Oifice Department, including five hundred dollars as superintendent of Post-Oiiice Department buildings, three thousand dollars; private secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; bookkeeper and accountant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two stenographers, at one thousand six hundred dollars • each; appointment clerk, two thousand dollars; clerk, assistant to