Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/485

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 267. 1910. 4:61 To the town of Gunnison, county of Gunnison, the northwest quar- G“m“°°”- ter of the northeast quarter of section fourteen, and the south half of . the east half of fractional section eleven, the south half of the west half of fractional section twelve, and lots three and four in fractional section twelve, all in township fifty-one north, range one east, of the New Mexico principal meridian, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter o section thirty-one, township fifteen south, range eighty-four west, of the sixth principal meridian, containing three . hundred and twenpy acres, more or less. To the town of itkin, county of Gunnison, the south half of the PRER- northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section two and the southeast uarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the soullheast quarter of section three, township fifty north, range four east of the New Mexico principal meridian, containing two undred and forty acres, more or ess. To the cig of Durango, count of La Plata, a strip of land lying D“’“¤°· along the v e of Junction Creek, a tributary of the Animas River, a distance of aliout four and one-half miles from the city of Durango, and not exceeding in the aggre ate six hundred and forty acres, and being a part of an unsurveyedg strip in the southeastern portion of township thirty-six north, range ten west, of the New Mexico principal meridian, and extending up said creek throu h sections thirty- five, twenty-six, twenty-three, twenty-two, and figteen, all in township thirty-six north, of said range ten west, of the New Mexico principal meridian. ‘ To the town of Dolores county of Montezuma, the north half of D°]“'°" the northeast quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of section nine, township thirty-seven, range Efteen west, of the New Mexico principal meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. To the town of La Veta, county of Huerfano, section thirty I·¤V=¤· township thirty-one south, range sixty-nine west, of the sixth principal meridian, containing six hundred and fort acres, more or less. ` Sec. 2. That the said conveyance shalfbe made of the said lands P¤¥¤¤•=¤*- ¤i¤- to the said cities and towns, respectively, by the Secretary of the Interior upon the payment by the said cities and towns for_the said land or such portions thereof as they may select, respectively, at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and patent issued to said cities and towns for the said land selected, respectively, to have and to hold for public—park purposes, subject to the existing laws and regulations concerning public parks, and that the grant ,,QQ&L§‘? “‘“' “°‘ hereby made shall not include any lands which at the date o the issuance of patent shall be covered by a valid, existing, bona fide right or claim initiated under the laws of the United tates: Pro- §'§‘}'*$d mineral vided, That there shall be reserved to the United States all oil, coal, ¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤’*¤<*· and other mineral deposits that may be found in the land so {granted, and all necessary use of the land for extracting the same: nd provided further, That said cities and towns shall not have the right to ,,§§§'°'“°“ °“ ”°“‘ sell or convey the lands herein granted, or any parts thereof,or to devote the same to any other urpose than as hereinbefore described; and that if the said lands shali) not be used as public arks, the same, or such parts thereof not so used, shall revert to the llinited States. Approved, June 7, 1910.