Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/472

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448 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 258-260. 1910. $§§f’°‘”,;l_‘ p_ ,5,, Sec. 8. That section ninety-two of said Act is hereby amended to amended. read as follows: _ P°yi°°r°°'°°d‘ "S1:0. 92. That the following officers shall receive the following annual salaries to be aid by the United States: The governor, seven thpfmand dollars; the secretary of the TerritoE·yi1 folur thousand dollars· the chief justice of the supreme court o the erritory six thousand dollars; the associate justices of the supreme court, ifive thousand five hundred dollars each; the judges of the circuit courts, four thousand dollars each; the United States district attorney, four thousand dollars, the United States marshal, three thousand ollars. And the governor shall receive annually, in addition to his salary, the spsm of five hulnlcéred dollars fpilstalgpenergg, postgge, and incidegals a 0 is trave expenses w ° e a nt rom the capita on o cia business, apd the sum of two thousand dollars annually for his private secretary} l€°*“’*“'““°"- Sec. 9. That section one hundred of said Act is hereby amended by " axécgnihedlilk pl ISL addighg thereto the following: wiirigieeg, eéifgud “ records relating to naturalization, all declarations of intention ‘°{,’g{}g,_2‘·;;_§Q,’§- to become citizens of the United States, and all certificates of naturalization liled, recorded, or issued prior to the taking effect of the naturalization Act of June twenty-ninth, nineteen hrmdred and six m or from any circuit court of the Territory of Hawaii, shall for all purposes be deemed to be and to have been made, filed, recorded, or ·1ssued by a court with jurisdiction to naturalize aliens, but shall not be by this Act further vahdated or legal1zed." Approved, May 27, 1910. 1(§!;7§§3}g· C CEAP£h25;t;1gAri1(;1a<{tfTo_gmt1;t Fedggepublic land to the city of Santa ' TIIZ, lll 0 0 1 0l'Dl8, OTS PIIIPOSGS. {rum: ,r: an.] _ . _ _ C 0. Be zt enacted the Senate and House of R;·:Ppresentatzves of the United I §,*;';{’},{’,f"}f,i§f,°,}h,,d_ gtatee of {-g2zerz%zhz¢z_ Ugngrgss asseixnbledh hat the Secretary of the ng site granted zo. reasury an e IS ere y authorize to grant relinquish and ‘ convey, by cjuitclaim deed, to the city of Santa Cruz, in the Staite of California, a strip of land twenty feet in width ol} of the Water street side of the site o the federal building in said city of Santa Cruz, and extending along Water street a distance of one hundred and twenty feet, more or less, the said strip of land to be used for street purposes ggmbu M m_ only: Pb·ovz'ded, however, That the city of Santa Cruz shall not have . he right to sell or conve the land herein ranted or an rt th f °*°' t g Y g' . y E8 _ ereo , or to_ devote the same to any other purplose than as ere1nbefore described, and in the event that the land s all not be used for street purposes rt shall revert to the United States. Declaration of forfeiture under this Act may be declared by the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, May 27, 1910. . , . CHAP. 260.-A A T h ' ' ‘ _ "*i’é.“i’»~·?.i‘° gu. and , tufts‘i41‘iie§Z‘§§§“vi’?;il’si»?.$1%°5L?£iii ?Jé°i'%L32b‘Iid°i§&'.`§L [p,,b;;,._ N0_1g4_] eservatron in the State of South Dakota, and making appropriation and provision to carry the same into effect. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives the U 'ted Reiixgggn gaggz., States ry America in Congress assembled, Tgtthe Secrgjtrary oflihe Sm 0, ,,,;,1, ,n_ · Interior be, and he IS hereby, authorized and d1rected, as hereinafter- %l‘0Vld€d, to sell and dispose of all that portion of the Rosebud Indian eservatron, rn the State of South Dakota, lying and being within the counties of Mellette and Washabau h, south of the White River new-spoon. and being described and bounded as foliiwsz Begimrin at a point ori the third guide meridian west where the township line between townships thirty-mne and forty intersects the same, thence north along