Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/448

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424 srxrr-Frnsr coucnnss. sm. rr. 011.256. 1910. sentatives, and Dele ates in Co ess remaining uncalled for on the first day of April shah be distribilgred by the Secretargy of Agriculture, 'ving preference to those persons whose names an_ addresses have gizen furnished b Senators and Representatives rn Congress, and who have not beibre during the same season been sup];-lied by the B*=P°¤°*P¤*°l**¤°¤· department: And pmmkled also, That the Secretary sha report, as m' provided in this Act, the place, quantity, and price o seeds plurchased, and the date of purchase; but nothing m this paragrap shall_be construed to prevent the Secretary of Agrlgculture from sending Pivmivn of ¤¤v¤> seeds to those who apply for the same. d the amount here1n ""“¤°° ‘°'b"m°°' appropriated shall not be diverted or used for any other purpose but for the purchase testing, ro agation, and distribution of valuable seeds, bulbs, rnulber and) oiilier rare and valuable trees, shrubs, P¤r<=¤¤¤¤ of me vines, cuttings, and rllirntsz Provided further, That forty-three thou- $gi&i’i°e2¤ii”°xp°“` sand eight hundred and eighty dollars of which sum,·or so much thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture shall_d1rect, may be used to collect, purchase, test, ropagate, and distribute rare and valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shrullms, vines, cuttings, and plants from forergn countries or from our possessions for experiments with reference to their introduction into and cultivation in this country, and same shall not be distributed generally, but shall be used for experimental tests, to be carried on with the cooperation of the agricultural experiment stations. Total for Bureau of Plant Industry, one million seven hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred and six dollars. nm service. FOREST SERVICE. same; Saurnrms, Fonnsr Smzvrcn: One forester, who shall be chief of bureau, five thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars; two clerks, at one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars each· four clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; five clerks, at one thousand and eighty dollars each; eight clerks, at one thousand and twentyi dollars each; ten clerks, at nine hundred and sixty dollars eac ; seventeen clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; four messengers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; four messengers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; three watchmen, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; in all, sixty thousand two hundred dollars. _ oenmrexpensa. Grmrzrzar. nxrnusms, Foansr Smzvron: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to experiment and to make and continue investi ations and report on forestry, national forests, forest fires, and lumiering, immerse wr·¤n.»a but no part of this appropriation shall be used for any experiment or Sam- test made outside the jurisdiction of the United States; to advise the owners of woodlands as to the proper care of the same; to investigate and test American timber and timber trees and their uses, and methods for the preservative treatment of timber; to seek, through investigations and the planting of native and foreign species, suitable trees pmvsm. , _ for the treeless regions; to erect necessary buildings: Provided, That °°“‘°""""l‘“g“· the cost of any building erected shall not exceed five hundred dollars; i;;¤re(i¤g0¤,_t€rc., or to pay all expenses necessary to protect, administer, and improve the “‘ ‘°"° °"°· " national forests; to ascertain the natural conditions upon and utilize sms crumbs:. the national forests; and the Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, permit timber and other forest roducts cut or removed from exception. the national forests, except the Black llills National Forest in South A _ _ Dakota, to exported rom the State, Territory, or the district of F£;g§H¤¤=>¤¤·>¤¤l Alaska in which said forests are respectively situated: Provided That the expp£at1pn_of dead and insect—infested timber only from said Black s National Forest shall be allowed until such time as the