Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/395

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 243, 244. 1910. 371 CHAP. 243.-An Act Establishing a Commission of Fine Arts. g[¤Q7i;9Sg0i Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [Public. No- 181-1 States cfrlmerica in Congress assembled, That a permanent Commission of Commission ¤f Fine Fine Arts is hereb created to becomposed of seven well-qualified judges Ah°?»1°li;i3§ei6¤. of the fine arts, wlllo shall be appointed b the President, and shall serve for a period of four years eac , and untiltheir successors are appointed and qualified. The President shall have authority to fill all vacancies. It shall be the duty of such commission to advise upon the location of ,0A§§’§°{{,"§, "‘g§{,‘f“ fg statues, fountains, and monuments in the public squares, streets, and District ¤f €>¤1¤mbi¤- parks in the District of Columbia, and upon the selection of models or statues, fountains and monuments erected under the authority of the United States and upon the selection of artists for the execution of the same. It shall be the duty of the officers charged by law to gietermine such questgmls inxeaclimcase to call for inch advace. kifhe N t H I ore oin rovisions o t is ct s nota ly to the Ca ito bui in Q WP *****2** *° of the lgniled States and the building ofplhe Library lbf Congress? gglédirhrségsl mmm The commission shall also advise generall upon questions of art when required to do so by the President, or by any committee of either House of Congress. Said commission shall have a secretary and such Secre¤¤y.e:c. other assistance as the commission may authorize, and the members of Pm "‘ m' the commission shall each be paid actual expenses in oing to and returning from Washington to attend the meetings of said commission and while attending the same. - Sec. 2. That to meet the expenses made necessary by this Act an mffr§n¥:,¤d**¤1*¤ ¤¤· expenditure of not exceeding ten thousand dollars a yea-r is hereby 1>0¤¢,pZ·ns. authorized. . Approved, May 17, 1910. CHAP. 244.-—An Act To authorize and direct certain extensions of the City and g{{€lj.3§%16?j Suburban Railway of Washington, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreaentatw}vee of tlae United States of America in (kmgress assembled, That the City and Suburban bi2i°°"°° °' °°"""’ Railway of Washington be, and it is hereby, authorized and directed Rghyagnd S¤*>¤**>¤¤ to remove its double tracks from Michigan avenue, and to restore the extensions: mm. roadbed of the said Michigan avenue wit macadam, to the satisfaction °°°‘ of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, from the intersection thereof with Monroe street northeast eastwardly to the tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and to extend its double tracks on Monroe street northeast eastward] y from said intersection and over the Monroe Street Bridge to Twelfth street northeast; thence on Twelfth street northwardly to the Bunker Hill road; and thence northwardly, on such streets, avenues, or roads as may be designated b the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, to the boundary line of the District of Columbia. p · Sec. 2. That the removal of existing tracks east of the intersection tn§;;*°*¤l°'¢¤*¤*i¤8 of Monroe street and Michigan avenue and the extension of the new ` double track on Monroe street to Twelfth street northeast and on Twelfth street northeast from Monroe street to the Bunker Hill road shall be completed within nine months from the date of the passage of this Act; and the construction of that portion of the extension herein m;§f'”° °* °°'m"*° authorized from the Bunker Hill road to the District line shall be com- ` menced within one year from the date of the opening and grading of the streets as designated and completed within one year thereafter; and in default of the commencement or completion, by said City and P°°°“Y ‘°' wm Suburban Railway of Washington, of any extension herein authorized within the period herein set for such commencement or completion said company shall be liable to a line of twenty-five dollars for each and every day during which such failure or neglect shall continue, which