Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/38

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14 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. S°“°'”·* A- density twenty-eight d Baumé three-fourths of one cent per

d pound; extracyfs of heiiilock bark, one-half of one cent per pound;

extracts of sumac, and of woods other than dyewoods, not specially provided for in this section, iiye-eighths of one cent_per pound; a extracts of vegetable origin suitable for dyeing, colormg, staming or tanning, not containing alcohol and not medicinal, and not specially provided for in this section, fifteen per centum ad valorem. seam. 23. Gelatin, glue, isinglass or fish glue, including agar-agar or J ap- . anese isinglass, and all fish bladders and fish soun s other than cru e or dried or salted for preservation only, valued at not above ten cents per pound, two and one—half cents per Bpound; valued at above ten cents per pound and not above thirty- ve cents ·per pound, twenty- five per centum ad valorem ; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifteen cents per pound and twenty r centum ad valorem ; gelatin in sheets, emulsions, and all maniiflxetmes of gelatin, or of which _ gelatin is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this section, t511l'b{—ilV8 per centum ad valorem ; glue s1ze, twenty-five per centum a va orem. 24. Gl cerin, crude, not purified, one cent per pound; refined, ee cen s per un . thr xt po d 25. Indigo exgracts or pastes, threeifourths of one cent per pound; indigo carmine , ten cents per poun . 26. lnk and ink lilczvders, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 27. Iodine, resubed, twenty cents per pound. 28. Iodoform, seventy-five cents per pound. 29. Licorice, extractsdof, m paste, rolls, or other forms, two and one-half cents per poun . 30. Chicle, ten cents pg pound. 31. Magnesia and car nate of, medicinal, three cents per plound ; calcined, medlicipal, seven cents peri pound; sulphate of, or psom salts, one-fift o one cent per poun . C¤¤'°**>“P'°°“°‘·* 32. Alizarin assistant, sulpho-ricinoleic acid, and ricinoleic acid, and soaps containing castor oil, ag-fy of the foregoing in whatever form, in the manufacture of which _ ty per centum or more of castor oil is used, thirty cents per gallon; in the manufacture of which less than fifty per centum o castor 011 is used, fifteen cents per gallon; all other a 1zarm_ass1stants and all soluble greases used in processes of spf;e1plpig£ydy§;n(gH§1;1fIi1n;s(;ii;1i;,=iBr1;o]t specially provided for in this sec o e . °“¤· 33. éastor og, thirty-five cents per gallon. 34. Cod-liver oil, ii teen cents per gallon. 35. Flaxseed, linseed, and poppy-seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, fifteen cents per gallon of seven and one—half pounds weight. 36. Fusel oil, or amyhc alcohol, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 37. 5Iemp-seed oil, ten cents per gallon; rape-seed oil, ten cents per ga on. _ _ _ 38. Ohve o1l, not specially provided for in this section, forty cents . per gallon , in bottles, jars, kegs, tins, or other packages, containing ess than five gallons each, fifty cents per gallon. 39. Peppermint oil, twenty-five cents per pound. 40. Seal, herring, whale,_and other iish o1l including sod oil, not spec1ally provided for in this section, eight cents per (ga lon. ,,p,um_ Opium, crude or unmanufactured, and not a ulterated, ,con— taining mne per centum and over of morphia, one dollar and fift cents per pound; opium of the same composition, dried, powdereclj or otherwise advanced beyond the condition of crude or unmanufactured, two dollars per pound; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids of opium, and salts and esters thereof, one dollar and fifty cents per ounce; cocaine, ecgonine, and all salts and derivatives of the same, one dollar and fifty cents per ounce; coca leaves, five