Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/313

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch.140. 1910. 289 affairs of all Indian tribes for whose benefit estimates of appropria- ‘ tions, except for the purpose of fulfilling treaty stipulations, to be paid from either public or tribal funds, will be made for the fiscal A year nineteen hundred and twelve; and such statement shall show c.·e·iiiim°°° t° thm (1) the total amount of all moneys, except the unexpended balances of appropriations made for current and contingent expenses for Indian affairs for the fiscal (pear nineteen hundred and ten, from whatever source derived, stan ing to the credit of each such tribe of Indians, in trust or otherwise, at the close of the present fiscal year; (2) an neaiiea analysis, analysis of such credits, by funds, showing how and when they were created, whether by treaty stipulation,·agreement, or otherwise; (3) the total amount of disbursements from public or trust funds made ·'*“‘“"““w¤°¤*¤· on account of each such tribe of Indians for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten; and (4) an analysis of such disbursements showing D""‘“°d ¤¤¤*>’¤*¤· the amounts disbursed (a) for per capita payments in money to Indians, (b) for salaries or com ensation of officers and em loyees, (c) for compensation of counselpand attorney’s fees, and (d) for suppogt and civrilglzation. 1 I d d h I d Mmm M ‘ Ec. 29. e severa. agreements conc u e wit certain n ian °¤ °*°°¤¤· tribes hereinafter mentioned, as evidenced by the original papers on r-iiitggiiiu oimmuu A file in the office of Indian Affairs and the copies thereof transmitted to Congress by the President and contained in Senate Document Numbered Three hundred and fifty-eight, Sixty-first Congress, sec- — ond session, for the commutation of their perpetual annuities under trealfly stipulations, made in dpursuance of a provision of the Act of V0l.35.P•73• Ap thirtieth, nineteen hun red and eight, authorizing the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, sub'ect ter the approval o Congress, to negotiate with any Indian tribe foF~*Ee commutation of peggetual annuities due under treaty stipul&s, are hereby ratifi and c0Tl1ecd’mwit: h h S f h M b Sm d1' °* agreements wit the acan oxo the ississi itri e of ew"' °’°’ Oklahoma and Iowa dated February twenty-seventli;p nineteen th Emmy" hundred and nine; The agreement with the Pottawatomie tribe of Kansas and Wis- ’°“"""°’¤’°'· consin dated March sixteenth, nineteen hundred and nine; And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and ·*”‘°“““°"°°"°"· directed to place upon the books of the Treasury to the credit of the said tribes, respectively, the sums hereinafter specified, said sums bein a ca itahzation of the perpetual annuities of said tribes on the lgasis of) five per centum, and the same having been accepted by said tribes in the agreements heretofore mentioned in lieu o and as a commutation of said perpetual annuities, to wit: _ The Sac and Fox of the Mississippi tribe of Oklahoma and Iowa, imend Foxes. twenty thousand dollars; '°'28°‘ The Pottawatomie tribe of Kansas and Wisconsin, one hundred Y°*°¤W¤¤<>¤¤i¢S· and eighty thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars; _ And the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to withdraw said “'“*“"¤W¤*· funds from the Treasury for payment to said Indians, or expenditure for their benefit, at such times and in such manner as he may deem ` prcrippr and under such regulations as he may prescribe. _ e sums Yplaced to the credit of the respective tribes less dig- I¤‘€¤>¤* ¤¤¤W*1*d· bursements therefrom as provided for herein, shall draw interest at mymeuu the rate of five per centum per annum; and the interest accruing on said principal sums may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be paid in cash to the Indians entitled thereto annually or semiannually, or expended for their benefit in such manner and under such regulations as he may prescribe. Approved, April 4. 1910.