Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/290

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266 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 129. 1910. all requirements of the homestead laws as to residence and improvement. comm , . 3. That all ts h t fore due and extended, and the ‘“§mX§°°h°0Ik'l$ pxgiiijents due or tdumrliie dxiedgdiiring the year nmeteen hundred walz: §:é¤d°°L‘°' and ten from entrymen who have made entry under an Act entitled

$ "An Act togpen to settlemgnt Hvg lgindrled aI.p1g_five thousatnd aerial?

°"°"°‘“’“""°‘ "fl d` Co ance an pace _1anreserva1ons h%%l·t§£·P·¤$- Okldlliomlg Te1?rivt?>i·y,"Hia. prowfed Jnme fifth, nmeteen_hundred and v°1`34’P'$°' six, and the Act entitledp ‘An Act giy);ngdprelf1e;·ence nghthto atituail ttl t tion n re the to pure ase an l§asefilrSto0i.1h¢i)1:i‘1S fii;6 agllliiiral purpuiilses in Comanche County,_ Oklahoma," approved June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and six, are hereb post ned and extended as follows: One of sa1d payments shall he mag; in nineteen hundred eleven at the tune when a payment would become due under existing law or one year after such payment became due in nineteen hundred and ten and the other — payments shall be madaeil annually thereafteniiuiintildall tggyiniiazats are "°”‘*°* mad : Promkled Th t ts t an ex e y e vnliiireerrié-mdstened provisions of Ast shallNi.lYi·l:ilv(sinintePr(i•;tpi1)t five per centum per annum from the date of such extension, and the interest when paid shall be credited to the procgileds of tp`; sale of the 4m0V1dBd ‘ cw-. ’ 'd A ts: And provided rther, at;nnthmg_ m . . °‘§‘?€m` W iiirtziid th;} time of yments inany satisfactiopneg of the mw - t beenfull rmed. - _, _

*§i•:g n0Sec. 4. Th)ati)§rfec(tion fm? of an Act e}nw‘f§An.A¤& 

th al ddis 'ti a rtino __ _ _

 so D; lafid; iii tiliie Chepgglneollticier aiid Siianding Rock dian reservations

mended. P` in the States of gmth Dakota and North Dakota and making apiiropriation and provision to carry the same mto effect/’ approved ay twentyajngh, ninegeenfhilindred and eight, be, and the same hereby is amen e torea as 0 ows: or of is . 4. Th t th ri of said lands shall be paid in accordance

iiE:i1$iii witlitthe rule; andc ri; cliations to be prescribed by the Secreta1y_0f

the Interior upon the Fillowing ter1§s:hO1ae;lfifth of tge purclglase ptgfle tobe `d tth t' fntryan te ancem veeu_ms · mentspiilie Erst viiritliidi gw: years and the remainder annudlly m three, four, five, and six years, respectively, from and after the date of entry. ma-mmm. In case any entryman fails to make the annual payments, or any of them, when due, all rights in and to the land covered by his entry shall cease, and any ayments theretofore made shall be forfeited and the entry canceled), and the lands shall be reoffered for sale and entry under the provisions of the homestead law at the appraised pmzm. rice thereof: And provided, That nothing this Act shall prevent gm¤*°'-gg}- ,2, liomestead settlers from commuting their entries under section twenty- s"m` °P` three hundred and one, Revised Statutes, by paying for the land entered the price tinged herein,hreceiviug crlegit of paynplenfs plreys- F cl is- 1 d.I d'f tot 'ceto ai orteante ‘*°‘f? an mmm giiirgiiiinnaiii ghallupsiy dhgudame fgesinalnd commissions at the time of commutation or final entry as now provided by law, where the price P¤¤¤¤¤¤· of land is one dollar and twenty—five cents per acre, and when the entryman shall have complied with all the requirements and terms of the homestead laws as to settlement and residence and sha.ll have made all the re uired ayments aforesaid he shall be entitled to a Cl P Be¤x>1>¤·¤¤¤1¤f1¤¤d¤ patent for the lands entered: Ami prmrided further, That all lands °°dm°°°°°‘ remaining undisposed of at the expiration of four years from the o ni of said lands to entry may, m the discretion of the Secretary ofxihenfnterior, be reappraised m the manner provided for in this Act.