Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/28

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4 SIXTY·FI.RST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1909. or not= emplpggr or employee, °and, if employee, whether or not emplgycd at date of enumeration and the number of months unemploy during the preceding calendar year, whether or not engaged

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vo on .,£§i°°°'°’ °“" °°" Navy; and the name and address of each blind or deaf and dumb person; and for the enumeration of institutions, shall include paupeag sris<{)nershjuveni1e delinquents, insane, feeble-minded, blind, dea "dmmm  ;:ll1ed1:l::1i··esh(tinlg8:§`b<g!:i!;i1lt.:ruef;l1lBlllSinclude name, color and country of birth of occupant of each farm, tenure, acreage of farm, 1'¤•*·v·*¤‘- acreage of woodland and character of timber thereon, value of farm §nd 1mp§ovements, Laine of farm irgnlemgntsi nurglaer and value tif ve stoc on farms ranges num r an va ue o omestic anima s not on farms and ranges, and the acreage of crops planted and to be planted during the year of enumeration, and the acreage of crops and the quantity and va ue of crops and other farm products for the year ending December thirty-first next preceding the enumeration. ···*"·’··"·`·‘·f······=*°""f }.-¤“‘*;‘.?‘;‘i.‘;r"?‘Z%.Zfu%i‘;“‘:r“.?e?..':§2°i‘;%i‘i’.,.,.e“‘“*""“.‘;¥“..’.‘i“;.iT“"fidtaghi““£’ on es en · gharacter of organization, whether individual, cooperative, or other form; character of business or kind of goods manufactured; amount of capital actually invested; number o ro rietors Erm members P P 7 _ _ 7 copartnerix, stocikholdersa ap}? officetrgtani tgp amount of their salanesg number o employees an_ e anno o err wages; quantity an con of matenaés; use:11 $11 mariufgggureg amount of miscellgneous expenses- quan yan ue o uc · 'mt' ' _ the consul; year; character and quldntity of powgrlilisgcliedindoghaxldldtlg

°"· P- M- , and number of machines employed.

eriod el enumern- . , . mm. The census of manufactures and of mines and quarries shall relate to

z*;2;“s§:$.aa*b;; ztgesitner Pm2;‘i¤g me mrrmtion

mines an - facturing establishments which were in active operqdlziidhlcduggnglglllgr rmery mmm. a portion of that year. The census of manufactures shall furthermore Eggzxzhsgeilhtéofmggpfactupcng estsibhshmentz conducted under what is` $(:8: Piazza d household and hundygsgistgaésexc ustve of the so—called neighborhood ,,,,,,§i,{’duL‘,,,.P° ‘"‘ The inquiry concerning manufactures shall cover the production of turplecptrne and flosintpnd the report concerning this industry shall show p:cz;ur;;iopht’e tuggtitberafafts ccavpredfbty the rpgular sphedule of manun quaxyo u1 nine ‘ { . Mem fm tu%ani1 maiflceted, the sources, metbodsljimd eatlerht dfihrb ilddldlgtx. i,,q,,me,_ enever he shall deem 1t expedient, the D1rector of the Census

1Ia(yncg::5?€3}1;Hp;ll?ptiontgfblgiese statilsiticsuilipon special agents or

_ees em0e in tt. F°’“‘ °‘ *¤‘1“*'**‘~‘· 'léhe feng and subclivisibn of inquiiieys ne:e1ssa(i·`y tbeggsdre (thefggpatggréigusssthe foregoing topics shall be determined by the Director ‘ ¤¤ *0 be Pl-%·C_tg_u’g;?1;:;;4;ixlg§r4;?pr of the Qeniras shall, at least six months comm · · telengllli and each succeiiding decei1!i§i1rlgcen;u(;TLdnd;i@d(t§ tllietrlidrgbldf, w e erone or · , '~ f __ sm, the DistidlcttbfoO§dlld):il;ri;:)rdl?1sl;aB,nSziiiqdf(l§`o‘i·:tghlg:;,gGa}:1lddgrill Assn me Haw•w· define t}}et¢gis1g·gcts withilirwlinich they are to act: except that the Direc or o e nsus, in vs `= .t' d él · for alaska and the Territory df bid; idlggu (thb.€·:biB11i;§f‘B;xY1lSl)d·S appomunem. special agents as hereinafter provided. The supervisors shall bepap5f pointed bv the President, bv and with the advice and cons t f th

 Senate: Provekied, That the; Whole ll\IlDb€l`Of su rvisors slml got 6

pimms i,.,u¤d,,;,,,_ ceed three hundred and thirty: And prvtridedflzither, That so fare;