Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/273

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SIXTYCFIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 115. 1910. 249 MrsoELLANr:oUs. M*S°°““°°“*’· For pay of seventy—i‘ive hospital matrons, nine thousand dollars. H"”¥’“*"m“"°“S- h Fgr play Hf one Superintendent Nurse Corps, one thousand eight F"m“"’N“'S°C°’P°· un re dollars. _ For pay of one hundred nurses (female), sixty-seven thousand $?,{°s§”§l?l’S;,1?d‘q53_ eight hundred and eighty dollars; and the Superintendent and ‘*m°”d°d· members of the Female Nurse Corps shall hereafter be paid at the following rates: Superintendent Nurse Corps, one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; female nurses, fifty dollars per month for the first period of three years’ service; fifty-five dollars per month for the second period of three years’ service; sixty dollars per month for the third period of three years’ service; and sixty-five dollars er month after nine years’ service in said Nurse Corps; and all ilemale nurses shall hereafter be entitled, in addition to the rates of pay as herein provided, to ten dollars per month when serving beyond the limits of the States comprising the Union and the Territories of the United States contiguous thereto (excepting Porto . Rico and Hawaii), and to cumulative leave of absence with pay 0,(;“b’;§}gg*'° ’°“°° at the rate of thirty days for each calendar year of service in said ` corps; and when serving as chief nurses their pay may be increased by authority of the Secretary of War, such increase not to exceed thirty dollars r month; and the superintendent shall be entitled ,,$§g§gg,$°S°°““P°" gi) the same allllfivances, when on duty, (as the members of the Nurse ‘ lx; pay of forty-two veterinarians, at one thousand seven hundred V‘*‘°’“““““"" dollars each, seventy-one thousand four hundred dollars. ‘ For additional pay to such veterinarians, for length of service, to L<>¤¤<·>v*¢Y- be lpaid with their current monthly pay, eleven thousand dollars. or pay of thirty-one dental surgeons, fifty-seven thousand nine D¢¤¤¤*¤¤¥g¤<>¤¤· hundred and sixty dollars. ‘ For pay of contract surgeons, thirty-sixthousand dollars. °°“*’¤°°¤°’8°°¤¤· For pay of ninety paymasters’ clerks, one hundred and forty-three P¤Ym°¤*m’ °]°’¤~ thousand and forty-six dollars. For pay of paymaste-:rs’ messengers, eighteen thousand dollars. M°”"“¤°”· For traveling expenses of Ipaymasters c erks and expert accountant T"’“’°““¥°‘P°°’°°- of th?] Inspector—General’s epartment, eighteen thousand five hundred ollars. For expenses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry and military ¤<»¤r¤·¤¤¤¤i¤1.¤r<=· commissions, and compensation of reporters and witnesses attending · the same, thirty-five thousand dollars. For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildings and a¤%m;g{{nd¥g_¤gdé¤r¤ grounds at Vlfashington, District of Columbia, one thousand collars. g " ' For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty Commutation or without troops at stations where there are no public quarters, four q““"°"" hundred and hfty thousand dollars. For travel allowance to enlisted men on discharge, one million one m§,j**"’· €““"’*`d hundred thousand dollars. ° h For clothing not ldrawn due to enlisted men on discharge, nine C*¤*{¤i¤g¤°*d¤*W¤· undred thousand ( ollars. For interest on soldiers’ deposits, one hundred thousand dollars, I““"°"°“"°P°S“·"· and so much as may be necessary to pay back such deposits. For pay of translator and librarian of the military information T’“"·‘““°'· division, General Staff Corps, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For pay of expert accountant for the Inspector-General’s Depart- Expm “°°°““‘°“"· ment, two thousand five hundred dollars. For extra pay to enlisted men employed on extra duty for periods ,01;§,,?’Q§_§,§‘,§’,g_°°“°°““° of not less than ten days m the offices of district artillery engineers, and district ordnance officers, and as switchboard operators, at seacoast fortiiications, ten thousand nine hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty-five cents.