Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1735

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00111 INDEX. Strumral Shapes, Page Sugar·—C011tinued. P°g°· duty on iron or steel. . . .. 22 duty {Hi, 08116 -·--·--—-·-··- - ··-·—····-—- 34 Stéychnia, or Strychnine, drawings ---·· · -~--··----···--——···- · - 34 uty on, and all salts there0f.- - .. 17 gTHP6 01* gl11C0¤9 - -----·--—·--·---- · ·--· 34 smug, Wesley A., maple".; . ...----------·------ 34 deficiency appropriation for legal services . 1300 refin6<i, tmctllféd, GW ·----···-----··· -- - 34 Sturgis, Mich., svqeepmgs;-_.. . . ; ..-----------··- , - 34 may dam Saint Joseph River,. _ ,..,. 893 spec1a1_ prgvmions for, xmported from Phd- Sguds, IPPIHG Islands .. - .. . 83 duty on bone, ivory, etc - 65 Sugar Beet Seed, for nongkidding automobile tires 28 011 free list .. . ..- . ..-.··------ 79 lathed, machined, etc .. 28 Sugar Becta, Stylographic Pens, ‘ uty 011 ...- - .··~-·-··---- 36 duty on .___,,,... 31 Sugar-Box Shocks, suzmmzm canes, uty on .. 33 authorized across Mississippi River, Cairo, Sugar Cane, . 111,, to Bird Point, M0 . . .. 336 on free list, for seed ... 79 Submarivw Mina, Army, Su ur Manufacture, _ ap mpriation for purchase, etc . 597, 1342 tfchciency appropriation for expenments ' gr operating, etc .. - 597 _ in .. - .. 1324 for expenses of torpedo depot .. - .’ 598, 1342 Sugar, Molasses, and Manufactures of, . for casemates, etc., for operating 1341 Schedule E, Tariff of 1909 .,.,,.. 34 Submarivw Tender, Navy, S ar of Milk, construction of one authorized; cost . , . 1287eighty on .. 36 appropriation for . .. 1287 Sugar Producing Plants, Submarine Torpedo Boats, appropriation for improvement of, etc 422, 12 construction of four authorized; appro- Suwun Channel, Cal., priation . ... 628 appropriation for improvement of; condiappropriation for, heretofore authorized - 628, 1285 tion - ...,.. 663 construction of four authorized; cost .. 1287 Sulphate of Copper, appropriation for . .. 1287 duty on .. 12 eight»h0u.r workday restriction on ex- Sulpho-Ricinoleic Achi, pcuditure .. 1287 duty on -.- . . ..,,. 14 Subsistence Department, Army, Sulphur, appropriation for pay of post: commismry duty on refined, or ilqwers of .,..,,,__, 17 sergeauts; longevity . 246, 1039 on free list, crude, in bulk .. . ..__, 79 for pay of ofncem, ongevity ... . . 248, 1041 lac, or precipitated ___,,_,,,,______ 79 for Supplies, 6*30 ·.-. 251, 1045 not otherwise provided for r .. 79 for transport service .. 251, 1045 ore ,.,,_,,,,.,.,,___,_,,,,,____,___ _ _ _ 79 for meals, toilet articles, etc. . . . . 251, 1045 Sulphur River, Tex. and Ark., fol' iw, \1£€DSilB, Bic .. 251, 1045 appropriation for improvement of .,.,,,___, 650 for food, etc., ride matches .. 251, 1046 preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 669 for payments ; commutation of rations. 251, 1046 Sulphurct of Iran, ` for special-diet rations ... 252, 1046 on free list, in natural state ... 79 for civilian employees, extra-duty pay, Sulphuric Acid, printing, etc 252, 1046 on free list, for agricultutal purposes; retalpnzes for qooks, bakers, etc . .. 252, 1046 iamry duty ..,., 80 for preservation, eic.,_ of supplies, . . . 252, 1046 not specially provided for ,_____________ 12 pagment for supplies furnished other Sumrw, _ *¤`€8\1¤» 9tc ·~-----·-··-··----- . 1047 duty on, extracts of ,,,, , ...,,_,____ _ , 14 pnces to other War Department und _________________________ _ ______ 17 bE¤'F¤*¤8 at cost -··-·»-··- · ------ 1047 Sungigy, Pa., . qddmoml ten per cent on other sales. . 1047 construction of public building authorized d8ECl€¤€y appmpnation for subsistence; _ 210, at ____________________ _ ___________ 683 issue to military ngzgé §}9,_%83g0. 1321, Sundance Natwkmgl Forest, Wyo., co c 1m1 ...1. appropria i n r ' for what of sufferers from mmm, Louis} Su t o 0 maintenance, etc., of. 429,1201 Submtmienigh- - - gg- - - - ·--·------·---- - -... 790 S Schedgle of 1909 _,__________ _ _ _ 64 PP » u iri ' _ sales to other bureaus, d3artments, and mr the igpreegiscieriippgglmrigmigzrnjtion of °mPl°Y°°° “\*th°'iz ·--·- - -·------ 1047 tariff laws, etc.} ... 703 1363

“<}§rp<})¤;¤¤ eflrlegeiplts .. {gg report on wo? and woolen Qliééiiriéf , . . ,1363

n ureaus m u' i u . ten per cent addetimtlet other departments, q :r1ignt{:f(etc-?].????  ? _S_?i flgpagtf)3 1363 etc - ·-·········—--·-··-····--- - - - - 1047 under Department of State, Caméian ' Subsmmesa Fisheries Commission ,,,___ _ _ _ _ 1354 on free hat, used only for l’I13X1Ul’€-. . .. 76 under Treasury Department for Substances, Earthy or Mmval, buildims ’ P 733 1364 duty 0H articles cf, not specially provided _ marine hospitéié: `'`'` ‘ °°°'’` ’ 710 ` SMD], $2; ···---- · ····-~-··-—··-·· - -—-·-—· 18 gggntigre¤eu¤¤iéIZZZZZZZZZZf[§§fjjf{ 710 I *9 · I =a1¤s¤¤1¤ri=¤¢i¤¤ fw rmbiic b¤i1<1i¤g --... 1382 1tevt$J;'?utEmE*,`SY ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Z}? Q; kmit of cost increased, public building ____ 679 Engraving and ···~- 712» 1389 8%% on mwcqlisneous, mtemnl revenue, etc- 713, 1390 ‘···························· · ···· 34 United States securities ..,.,,__ 714 1390

 34 , . . . r

'’`’'°°‘’‘'‘'‘°°‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ • ‘*··· Pubhfi buildings .. , ..,, 714, 1391