Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1708

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Revolving Pistols Page R ° nd Mach': Gu N my ··¤ ---·--- ? -··------~-----------· 28 Z3? riation ‘”" S23 Rm 1****3*% Rifles, Img Automatic ``‘`'‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘ °PP’°P¤¤*¤¤¤ *°€ 1***17*11 ¢¤i¤i¤s ¤¤¤i<>¤ - 609,1269 appropriation for puichase em or- min. ”°'g“°d **0 6¤=%13*d*°¤*1 drcldt ··---· · ··-- 1131 able for two years ’ .1 ’ 261 1053 Blade Idind J77dw¤¤¢ Ditvw, Right 0{ way `°‘'`‘’`'‘‘` ’ rms 0 co t ..,,,,_,_ _ __________ 23 ’ 1 ··1z7»de 187m§Z· U. s. 11 °r ° °°;iis}1g$Zrm,i£i1;),iiirZ»°rt;§isf°;iui»f1i°$ m“P£.;‘;{’“““°“ f°’ '°P’“” ··-·-····----·-· 620, 1276 ml;a.nds, reservations, ste _ _ _ _,_____ 1253 sm **,16* -·--···-·- - ---------··----·-... 76 g 0e1i10td`·i$Ehoferg .. Yi1il}Y i°.‘_Lj 333 Rvgbww, _ _ _ . _ _ _ Comanche Indian school lands, Okla 588 qty artificial silk our 1m1tation horse- 60 . R1£;ll Reservation, Wyo., to ·-··--·· · ---·-···-··-·----- · · - - 0 0 Co . . . 1012 "°““°“· d¤» 61** ------··-- - ·-····---·--- 56 . Laramie County for a pnIi1ki’1i:i·’oad.. __ , 1012 silk ·-··· - ··-···--- - -···---·-··---·-·-- - 59 Fort Leavenwort Military Reservation, , Vdvet or plE¤h -------...-. . . ·. gg Kaus . ...,_,.,...,,___ 815 unda Wuey 6 --—~ ----·---·---------- - - Fort Mackenzie Military Reservation W°°1¢¤ ··----···-- - ·-·------·---~------ 54 · . Wyo . . . . i . . .. 1011 Rice F ann mr ness " xml" dd*Y °¤ -···---·--··--- - ----·---·--·------ 35 Fgrrt Sille§iiB !a`in9•i2uCHa. . lig and °! m€¤r ·---·····--····-------·- . 35 Hot Sp Reservation, Ark ,_ 235 paddy ·-----···· -· - · = ------·-···--·---. 35 locks on lllionongahela River, W. Va 930 R? TM. 40 over Govemment tide’and shore lands, \1 Y °¤ ·-·-----···-·--·- - -·----------·~-· . . . . 1360 Richardson County, Nebr., , Siletz Indian Reservation, Oreg 582 payment pereapita to and Fox Indians %parta, Wis., military rifle range, etc 298 m ramage district No. r .. 368 icksburg, Miss., National Cemetery. . . 926 appropriation for assessment increased; re- stations required at town sites on, acm; imbuzsemeut . . 368 Indian lands .,, 859 ‘

 assessment, lands of Iowa In- 369 time extended for Alaska Short Line Bail- 459

Rtdaard•on’ _ , 1zf EQ "Q"f ``````'``'`````` i rm Niéiiiiéi ````'`` Qi.] deicxency appropriation for contested elec- Nebr ...,., 921 . tion expenses, House of Represents- Rio Grande, _ tives . . 806 appropriation: for two bridges acres, at In- Ridaardaon, Tenn., , _ dian pueblos, N. Mex _. . 1062 cable authorized acrom Mississippi River bridge authorized across, Del Rio, Tex., to from Morgans Point, Ark., to .. 586 Mexican bank",. Z 853 R12:hjield, Utah, _ El Oro, Tex., to Presidio del Norte, Mexappropriation for public building .. 1380 100 . . .. 853 acquiring site for public building at, au- between Laredo, Tex., and Nuevo thor-ized, . ,- , ,,,.,... . , 692 _ Laredo, Menico .. , . 188 Richmond, Cal., _ _ Rw Grande Imgatwn Project, Tu. and preliminaryexammatmontobemadeoihar- N. Mex., _ _ bo1·__ _ ____ _ _____________,,,,,,,,, , 955 lease of powgr priggege on, allowed for not 931 Ridmumd, K . excee ing years .. . ... terms of coiiit at .. 1112 Rio Grande Natimwl Fidreat, Colo., Richmond, Va., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1251 appropriation for public building . 706, 1380 Rwer and Harbor Aippropnatwns, _ gy muh __ _ ___________ _ ____ _ _,,,___, 706, 1380 unexpended ba lmves Of, for €$6¤t1al monument to be erected over grave of works, not to be covered in . 182 President Tyler, in Hollywood Cem- 1345 River and %rrbor {mprm·evr;en¢s,_ md W (8 __ _____________ __ ________ , _____ appropna mn Ot CODE mc 10n H1 term oi; cirrxuit court of appeals at . 1132 nance, etc ... ’ ... 630 ,933 terms of district court at .. 1128 for construction of works on, under con- Rivinolcic Acad, tracts. . ._ . , . . _ 728, 1405 duty on ____ , _ ,,.,..,,,,.. 14 Saint Croix Rxyer, Me,; gooperatron Rlulial River, Pa., _ _ Ywith Great Britain I; . ._ . 631 pre iminary exammation of, to be m27de.. . 675 Newport, R. 1:, contracts aut onzed . 632 Ryle, Colo., P!'OVldQIlC8·R·l\’€l’ and lilarbor, R. I., granted lands for public park . 460 contribution by Providence . 632 · · medals . rr u 10 » 1 .. RW “”"""*’· t., ’“2“i§°`i- ifi? lZr1,°‘Qe€‘$?J°§§,i° °°“‘ 634 appmillolilr  :.5 261, 1058 Hxrdson Rgqeii, NaY¥hgepr£xl plug;). . 635 _ R· e Raw , De aware wer, ep o ee rn iélfpropnftgon for land in Nebraska for . 722 Phdsdelvbm-, -·—----·-—--··—·—- 637 Ri gg contracts {],uth0f[;€d_ _______ , . .,,_ , _ 936 dma, Om __ _____ _ ___________ _ __________ 27 inland watergay lxorfolklsto Beaufort 640 · b` U I` h tgun d .. . 27 Inlet. ure ase o cans 2.- - dtdlnibllgliigilels tier b;e‘£h·loading sport- 27 SatI)anna§il§G¥§;hi})1§gg?;;, Ga., subgect 643 ing ---··-----·------·---------- ¤<>¤ , _ , , --·-·—---- _- - parts d bl b led Bl- ck \\ sm >1·, \\arr1or, and Tombrgsp:;1t?ng6liim·lii),g;\i. itil?. . . 28 gee Riverd, Ala.; contracts authorswcks for double-bmelcd spqrniue -----. 28 med -------------------·-·—--·--- 646, 942 88740°·—voL 36, PT 1-11--108