Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1702

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INDEX C · · CXIX Radio Communicati¢rn—Conti.uued - Page Raigwa A · ocean oin steam l . y ·°m{lmt$’ . P°g°‘ Emi apm,°21`2$§°§%£?T?.??Y.??? 630 ?§’§§1’%’§“$L‘§.%}€§ f°°l`i{I2‘&’¤$EE '°"‘*““ °*‘ ”° °xclm·n€° wth Ollie? systems 1‘equired-. 630 interstate aria foreign corgirzgg lll penalty for_1eaving wmwug equipment; an _______________·_____ _ _ 350 R rum regulatmns ······--- · ·---··-—--—--·· 630 Om1B8i0D fiom annual hnancigl, etc., re- Oniwclist ----·-----~-- · -----··---·-·---- 78 enaltptlorlwll-U1;.-HUHnn-.-`-U-H 351 Ragpmd wm, power Ogmpan , Qvmy · “' “"" °"’P°'“ ················ 351 author1§ed4t0Ccomp§te daré etc., at Lock r >1nl;3p£3vt§;s?f?F8 Commerce com- 35] 0. , 0088 1V€[, 3 ____________ 939 iuco • · "·""":`: -`-``` granted water—power franchise for fifty publilclalizegnogfvgclphorésmte co (ms- - - 3 YWTS, l·€1'H1S, C0¤ditions, etc 939 reports notadmitted R?¤¥,g0;¤ w<><>¤¤¤ -----·--.. 53 ¤m§F$€§,`O"$t°s i,;,‘g,;.;,;.;;i1,,;,5 ···· §} · °¤_ list, Dol? SP€€i¤HY Pwvidéd fvf -·-.. 79 former Act repealed ’ . ' 351 "Razlroad,_" transportation subjeéifui lik} ````````'````` 351 term to mclurge bridglig and ferries used in in effect in 60 days _______ ````°` ` '``` 351 cormec lon Wlt ,,_________________ 545 Rail"; A *,,.*,.;*.0] · · ° '`'`-``` all roads owned or operated under con- ay Deggmu D` , Post Quia tract, etc _____,____________________ 545 3 m · ‘ ’ · · switches, terminals facilities, etc ... 545 pp pglglléxlfillllfllnlltendent, 1222

 ht d€p9liB, yards, etc ... 545 Railway Bars, l   ’

Rm Q¢7"""’¤}$'i<m$, SWR, ¢¢¢·, _ _ duty on iron or steel ..,. , ,,_,,,________ _ _ 23 complamt against carriers lg, to be mvest.1- Railway Congress, Interrumbnal,

 by Interstate ommerce Com- 551 R agpmpgtglou for pgymgnt of quota _______ 343

imsswn -·---··· - ----.··-·-·-·-----. at w ° criminations tgrsta

 Cormmorn Carriers, ay Commerce Regdgllongio In te

jurisdiction of circuit court, etc., in actions appropriation for expenses, regulating. 719 1396 _ for injuries to employees of . 291 Railway Employees, ’ Rmlroad Corrporatwm, appropriation for arbitrating differences conumgsmn authorized to investigate issue of _,____ _ _ _,,,,____,, , .,,,___,, 7],9, 1397 Q1 stocks and bonds by -····--·..·.. 556 deficienc appropriation for arbitmting deiicggncy appmpnatiqm for ,,,,.. 77 4, 1291 digerences of ...,... 782 expeptod from voluntary bankruptcy . 839 Railway Fiahplates, ctc., _ HlV0l\1DlA‘|g bankruptcy . 839 duty on iron or steel . . ,.._ _ ,,.,__ 23 Rmlroad_La»nd rants, _ Railway 1{ailS¢r1»ic¢, Postal Service, provisions for requiring deposits for select- appropriation for General Superintendent, ing, etc., unsurveyed lands under. . 834 assistant, clerks, etc 520, 1222 Railroad Routes, Postal Service, for division superintendents, assistants, appropriation for mail transportation by .362, 1334 clerks, etc .,.,., 363, 1336 pay to land-grant roads reduced .. - 362 allowance to clerks on duty over ton expenses of weighing mails ... . 1334 hours .. . ., 1336 deficiency appropriation for mail tmnspor- for travel allowances ..., 363, 1336 R I mdtgtron by ,. 224, 812, 1325 thirtykdays agnual loaie to clerks 6 ai r ies, wor ingsix u saweo ... - 133 duty on . . 33 for emergency scrvizo 368, 1336 Railroads, for substxtutes for clerks on vacation. 363, 1336 appropriation for ltabulating returns ggz 1335 for acting fllorks in plaoo of irnjxnnalag $ carrying mai s ... , out an owunvo . . »3, 1316 for establishing, etc., uniform system of for traveling expenses ... 303, 1336 accounts by .. : . 719, 1396 for miscellaneous expenses _ . . . 363, 1336 for enforcing use of safety appliances b%, for per dmm, etc., assistant sup<·nnt.e·n?:l- 336 etc ,.,...,_, . . . . 9, 1397 ents 63, 1 for securing, etc., reports of accidents on. 720 deficiency appropriation for salaries .. 225 for compelling use of safe locomotive for expenses 814 boilers by ,,,,,,,___ _ ____,,,,... . . . 1397 Railway 1{ost-Office Cnr Service, for investigating use and necessity for appropnation for. .. z . 363, 1335 automatic railway train control, etc., sanxtnry and sound cars required .. 363, 1335 by ______________________,,,,,, 720, 1397 restriction on wooden cars 1335 agent’s name to be posted at freight stations 548 steel construction required after July 1, forbidden to carry products in which inter- _ 1916 ... ; -...-...· · ---.. 1335 med __________________,_,,,,,..., 547 Railway Safely A pplumces, timber excepted . . .. 547 appmpnatnon for eniorcing use of ______ 719, 1397 grants for reservoirs, etc., to, on trust allot- Rai way Wheels and Tires, ments to Indians; payment .. 349 duty on iron or steel .,.. _ 29 safe locomotive boilers required on 913 Rainier Natzonal Forest, Wash., inspection, etc ,,.,..,,. 914 approprmtmu for ma1ntemu;qg, gt;-_, of 428, 1251 Railroads, Interstate, etc. (see Interstate Com- Rmny Rwcr Imp¤ryvenu··n.t ("mnpany, _ merce Regulations). n1aydamLakel\ 8I]18k2D,K€t(l8F8llE,1I1DD. 931 Railroads, Land-Grant, Ramy Rwer,_M·mn.,_ _ ___ appropriation for payment of Army trans- appropnation_iorl1ght1ng,  ; . . . . :54 portation on, not bond mded. . . 256, 1050 post_ lantern hghts authorized rn ,. . . . . 5.}} Rails, Iran or Steel, prehmmary exammatmn of, to be made. .. ol 2 duty on T __________________ _ _,_, , ,,_,,_ _ 23 Rqfdng, flat, punched ,,,,.,,,__,_.., . ...,,. 23 duty on ,,,,,_, _ ,,...,,_ _ , _________,, , , _ _ _ 38