Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/158

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134 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. S. 1909. mQ,‘§§§},? “°‘ °°“‘ AR*rrcLEs Nor ENUMERATED AND Tnosn c0m=0sE1> or SEVERAL MATERIALS. m(i°·iIilZ°1¥ii€i1$·Iii¤°$i °` RULE 12. On any article, not enumerated in this Act, manufactured of two or more materials, duty shall be assessed at the rate at which the same would be dutiable if composed wholly of the component material thereof of chief {value; and the words "com onent material of chief value," wherever used in this Act, shall be lield to mean that component material which shall exceed in value any other single componriegilt Eieggréal of the grgcle and the‘val:11e qi eacf component materi a etermine y the ascertaine v ue 0 _ such material in its condition as found in the article. mfgghest Pm ¤PPli· t (ELHH twql or more Katie; lof dui? shall be applicable to any article, 1 s ay uty at the est o suc rates. m*¤¤¤•¤¤¤· ‘ (c) Nb customs officer shall give an advance opinion as to the m- { classincation for duty of any article intended to be imported: Pro- ,,0, ,,,§,,$,‘,,,‘§e,,T"*°'°‘ vided, That when an article intended to be imported is not specifically mentioned in this Act, the interested party or the importer may deposit with the insular collector of customs a sample thereof and request him_to ind1cate the paragraph under which the article is or shall be dutiable, and the insular collector of customs shall comply with such reiuest. In such case classification of the article in quesl210D,- upon the part1cular importation involved, shall be made acwwm cording to the paragraph so mdgcated. (d) alvage from vessels built in foreign countries and wrecked ‘ or abandoned in Plnlxppine waters or elsewhere, not otherwise pro- . videdhsfop, be dutiable according to the corresponding para- ' . grap o t ct. ¤g1;§°$ii·i°° pii°€is¤'Li°k - xmcnrncnns, rAcKAcms, AND mexme. "°t““l'““'k°°"“‘“°‘ RULE 13. (a) Whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, the duty shall be assessed upon the actual market value or who esale price of such merchandise, as bought and soldin usual wholesale qpant1t1es, at the time of exportation to the Phihppine Islands, in the principal markets of the count from wliince i)mpo}rt;ed,dancl(;1;_ the condition in which such merdzandise IS ere oug an so or ex ortation to the Phili ine Islands or cons1gned to the Ph1hppine Islands for sale, includi)ri)g the valud of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes, sacks, and coverings of any kind, and all otaher costs, glzarges, axllddexpeéisep mcgdent to placingpthe merc an 1se in con 1 1on, pac e rea y or s `pment to the hilippine Islands. ·*“°'“°“'° mm- (b) Whenever an article is sub'ect to an alternative minim d valorem rate, the alternative ad Jvalorem duty shall be ascerl:1§n’;d by applying the corresponding ad valorem rate to such merchandise, R mu k inclusive o all cpsts and charges mentioned in clause (a) of this rule. " P"' “g°”· (c) The term ‘reta1l package" wherever used in this Act shall be held to mean any article, goods, wares, or merchandise, together with the holders, containers, packages, or packmg, in which such article, goods, wares, or merchandise is usually held, contained, or packed at Weight of mmm the time of 1ts sa_le to the public in_usual retail quantities. m (d) Whereyer it IS prov1ded m this Act that articles, goods, wares, ‘ or merchandise shall be dutiable "includin weight of immediate conta1ners," the dutiable weight thereof shall be held to be the weight Frm?) of Tme, together with_the weight of the immediate container, holiler, ,m_,,C,;t,0n_ or ack1ng_0nly: Prcvzded, That wherever in this Act the term "in- _ giggling wirglplt of ignmedgilate c0nta1ners" anld the term " retail packare o use in e same ara ra or cl ‘ ‘ weight shall be the weight of the rgtailgpagkage. misc, the dutmble