Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1475

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 285. 1911. 1451 of the commission in his report for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve. . Ten per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available inter- I¤•¤¤¢¥;¤¤s¢¤¤1¢¤r> changeably for ex enditure on objects named; but not more than ten pr°pd°m°°°‘ per centum shall be added to any one item of the appropriation. No part of the foregoing appropriations for the ilsthmian Canal L¤¤s¤v¤v¤¤¤w· shall be applied to the payment of allowances for longevity service, °°°°° mamma` or lay-over days other than such as may have accumulated under existing orders of the commission, prior to July first, nineteen hundred and nine. FORTIFICATIONS, ISTHMIAN CANAL. F¤rti¤wi¤¤¤· For construction of seacoast batteries on the Canal Zone, two c,§,°:f%e "°“°"°“· million dollars. ` For the purchase, manufacture and test of seacoast cannon for S¢¤<>¤¤·¤t<>¤¤¤¤¤.erccoast defense, including their carriages sights, implements, equi ments, and the machinery necessary for the manufacture at tfie arsenals, to cost ultimately not to exceed one million nine hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars, one million dollars, the same to be immediate% available and to continue available until ex ended. Sec. 2. ereafter the Panama Railroad Company shallp carry no P~¤¤r¤¤B•i1¤¤¤<1¤¤¤ insurance to cover marine or fire losses, nor make any further payment fit! ,?.‘§¥¤.‘l‘§?.‘§'L°.Z: on the rincipal or interest on notes heretofore given by It to the United States for moneys appropriated for its use. . . Sec. 3. All funds co ectedj b the government of the Canal Zone mQg;;g¤¤¢*¤¤ ¤¢ from rentals of public lands and, buildings in the Canal Zone and the ` cities of Panama and Colon, and from the zone postal service, and from court fees and fines, and collected or raised by taxation in whatever form under the laws of the government of the Canal Zone are hereby appropriated until and inc uding June thirtieth, nineteen hundred an twe ve, as follows: The revenues derived from the postal service to the maintenance of that service; the remaining revenues, including any balances unexpended in prior years, after setting aside a·miscel aneous and contingent fund of not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to the maintenance of the public—school system in the zone; to the construction and maintenance of public improvements within the zone; to the maintenance of the administrative districts; to the maintenance of Canal Zone charity patients in the hosipitals of the Isthmian Canal Commission, and to the maintenance of a ministrative district prisoners. A detailed and classified statement of all receipts g,2§§Y°'“°“‘ ‘° °°“` and expenditures without the duplication of items under this paragraph shall be submitted to Congress after the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve. Sec. 4. All funds realized during the fiscal year nineteen hundred ,,,H`§,,'f‘2,‘{§T°‘“"‘°'”i°°" and twelve by the Isthmian Canal Commission from the performance c0§1;g&*§g;'¤*°d *0* of services by the commission, or from rentals, or from the sale of ` materials and supplies under the custody or control of the commission, are appropriated for expenditure under any of the foregoing classified appro riations for the department of construction an engineering; and) a full and separate report in detail of all transactions under this section shall be made to Congress. That until the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve, ,,§L'{,”§‘QYcl??§,t§§?g°§s`§{§ when any material, supplies, and equipment heretofore or hereafter "**h°“’°d'°"*’i°¥· purchased or acguired for the construction of the Isthmian Canal is ’ no longer neede , or is no longer serviceable, it may be sold in such manner as the Secretary of War may direct, and without advertising in such classes of cases as may be authorized by him.