Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1464

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i44O SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crr. 285. 1911. Ad“**¤***¤*“°“ °x· Expenses of. administration: For expenses of the office of the com- Penml missioner, including stationery, scientific books and lperiodrcals, and newspapers, for library, furniture, telegraph and te ephone service, repairs to and heatmg, lighting, and equipment of nurldings, and compensation of temporary employees, and all other necessary ex enses connected therewith, ten thousand dollars. _ P¤S·;Sv¤8¤¤¤¤ °¤· gropagation of food fishes: For maintenance, equipment, and pm operations of the iish—cultural stations of the bureau, the general propagation of food fishes and their distribution, including the movement, maintenance, and repairs of cars, purchase of equipment and apparatus, contingent expenses, and temporary labor, three hundred and twenty- ve thousand dollars. se}g¤¤*¤¤¤¤°‘¢°*"°¤· Maintenance of vessels: For maintenance of the vessels and ' launches, including the purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vessels, audi glllpther necessary expenses in connection therewith, sixty thousan dollars. I¤¤¤*'*°¤¤‘=¤P°°“¤8 In u' res cti food fishes: For expenses of the inquir into the f°iiieli<ili:fi»e¤¤e¤. cause; diythe dbzreallsi of food fishes in the waters of the Uniteil States, and for investigations and experiments in respect to the aquatic animals, plants, and waters, in the interests of fish culture and the fishery industries including expenses of travel and preparation of reports, and for all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, thirty-five thousand dollars. S'***¤¤°•“¤¤°”'Y· Statistical inquiry: For expenses in the collection and compilation of the statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, including travel and preparation of reports and all other Eecegsagd oiirpenses in connection therewith, seven thousand five _ un re dollars. p€I,{‘,}”$;f,§},”;f’8°“bl°°" And ten per centum of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous expenses of the work of the bureau shall be available interchangeably ` for expenditure on the objects named, but no more than ten per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation. §g;*;;§l*;,,{;fh°l{*rg*,kcg Protecting the_ sponge fisheries: For expenses in protecting the nigh M m sponge fisheries, mc udrng employment of mspeotors, watchmen and ‘ *"‘ ‘ temporary assistants, hire of ats, rental of office and storage, care of· seized sponges and other property, travel, and all other expenses necessary to carry out the pr·ov1srons of the Act of June twentieth, ningtegnuhundred and six, to regulate the sponge fisheries, five thousan dollars. F¤i¤>¤¤J<>*·· Biolo °cal station, Fai ort, Iowa: For continuation of biolo °cal B°`m°g°’°°°` station it Fairport, Iowallpincludi construction of buildings, pogids, and for equipment, fifty thousandndollars. §g%{;é*:*g?;_ Fish—cu tural station, upper Mississippi River Valley (Homer, ' Minnesota): For continuation _ of Hsh·cultural station in upper Mississippi River alley, including construction of buildings, ponds, rlqads, agddfqf equipment, to be immediately available, twenty-seven thousand dollars. §_'§°p‘,§{,?,‘;'é,L'g°· _ Biological station, Beaufort, North Carolina: For re airs to building and equipment, improvements to grounds, and purdhase of equipment, three thousand dollars. gtggzugp Jmmou For the establishment of a fislbcultural station in Jefferson County, County. Kentucky, including the purchase of site, construction of buildings _ _ and_ponds, and equipment, twenty-five thousand dollars. Qqgggygé swim. Fish-cultural station, Wyomiggz For the establishment of a fishew. cultural station in the State of yommg, including purchase of site, construction of buildings and ponds, and ui ment, at some suitable point to be selected by the Secretaryfdl Cgimmerce and Labor, I twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ gygign W Gnu Toward the construction of a marine biological station on the com Gulf of Mexico at a point on the coast of the State of Florida, twenty- five thousand dollars.