Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1443

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_sixirY-F11rsT CONGRESS. sm. III. ca. 285. 1911. 1419 ditions rmder which mining operations are carried on, the use of explosives and electricity, the prevention of accidents and other rngurrres and technologic investigations pertinent to the mining rn ustryl, three hundred and ten thousand dollars; For the analyzing and testing of the coals, lignites, ores, and other T°“““g ‘“°"· mineral fuel substances belonging to or for the use of the United States, one hundred and thirty—five thousand dollars; For tests or mvestigations authorized by the Secretary of the p,1Q§,‘,,'§_ "" °“‘°‘“° · Interior, other than those performed for the Government of the United States, a reasonable fee covering actual! necessary expenses shall be F°°"*°'”· charged, accordinv to a schedule submitted by the director and approved by the_Secretary of the Interior, who shall prescribe the ru es and regulations under which such tests or investigations shall be made an under which such fees shall be charged and collected. All moneys received from such fees shall be paid into the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts; , _ _ For salaries of two mine inspectors, authorized by the Act approved {:°,§{Bé?§?§°°°£”‘ March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, for the rotection of the lives of miners in the Territories, five thousand dollars; and said inslpectors are hereby authorized to ms act coal and other mines in the istrict of Alaska, to which District iilie provisions of said Act, except so much as requires six months’ residence in a Territory prior to appointment, are hereby extended and made applicable; For per diem, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary P" °i°’°’ °°°‘ of the Interior mag prescribe, in lieu of subsistence at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each while absent from their homes on duty, except while in Alaska, when such allowance shall be at the rate of Eve dollars per day, and for actual necessary traveling expenses of said inspectors, including necessary sleeping-car fares, our thousand five hundred dollars; d ger technical and scientific books and publications, two thousand B°°k" °°°‘ o ars; In all for the Bureau of Mines, four hundred and seventy-five thousand five hundred dollars. MISCELLANEOUS 0BJ1¤cTs, DEPARTMENT or run rurnmon. M¤•¤e11~¤w¤¤ Expenses of testimony in disbarment proceedings: For actual and w{Q§’}§{‘;§,f"°“* ¥"°‘ necessary expenses to enable the Secretary of the Interior to take Exwnwn testimony, and prepare the same, in connection with disbarrnent proceedings instituted against ersons charged with improper {gractices before the Department ofp the Interior, its bureaus and offices, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Su reme Court Reports: To pay the publishers of the decisions of ,,§‘§§f"°“‘° °°“" R° the girpreme Court for two hundred and sevent copies of volumes, two hundred and twenty-four to two hundredy and twenty-seven, inclusive, official edition, at two dollars per volume, and for fifteen copies of volume fifty-five of the Decisions of the Supreme Court, Lawyers’ Cooperative Publishing Company, at five do larsfper vol- _ ume, two thousand two hundred and thirtv-five dollars: rmrided, §{g',2{,Q§,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,_ That the Secretary of the Interior shall hereafter distribute the ¢¤i¤¢<>¤¤¤<>f¤vv¤¤¤ Supreme Court Reports to the libraries of the United States circuit courts of apgieals. _ _ To pay or books authorized to be furnished under section two Oggglfs *0 iudmel hundred and twenty-nine of the "Act to codify, revise, and amend ,1»¢&'p.11ss. the laws relating to the judieiary," sixty-four thousand dollars: Provided, That not more than two dollars shall be paid per volume P»qy·:»·>. for the Federal Reporter and not more than five dollars shall be paid P““°°`" per volume for Digests of the Federal Reporter. _