Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1384

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1360 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 279-281. 1911. CHAP. 79.-An Act Placin M. H. Plunkett, assistant engineer, United States iidiciii ikziiivih Navy, on the retired list with ax? advanced rank. [Pubm NO' mg`] Be it enacted the Senate and House of Rq>resentatives of the United Navy. States of Amerigt in Congress assembled, That M. H. Plunkett, assistb,Mg(i%,,§,l§‘,’2;k$§°,’§§{ ant engineer, United States Navy, retired with the rank ot lieutenant . of1ieutenant,retir€d· (junior grade) may in the discretion ot the President, by and_with the advice and consent of the Senate, be placed on the retired list of ` the navy in the grade of passed assistant engineer with the rank of lieutenant, and that this promotion and the increased pay incident thereto shall take effect from the passage ot this Act. Approved, March 4, 1911. llgmlla 280.-An Act For the protection of game in the Territory of Alaska. 1 [Pubns, N0. 520.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United dgiihsessen mr States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the K°fi°§iliirg§?’$?°fi§gQ passage of this Act it Shall be lawful to kill grouse, ptarmigan, shore ¤¤¤¢¤d¢d- birds, and waterfowl from September first to March first, both inclusive, anywhere in the Territory of Alaska. Approved, March 4, 1911. March 4, 1911. CHAP. 281.—An Act To authorize the Controller Railway and Navigation Com- [H. R. 32842.] pany to construct two bridges across the Bering River, in the District of Alaska, and

 for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of llepresentatioes of the United Aiafiksiw mum States of America Congress assembled, That the Controller Railway ¤¤(i1°i¥i$1§aa¤¤ Con; and Navigation Company, a corporation organized and existing under {QQY ,‘;§§ge‘;°“§§§“,,§ the laws of the State of New Jersey, its successors and assigns, be, Bermz River- and the are hereby, authorized and empowered to construct, maintain, and, operate, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six, two bridges across the Bering River, in the District of Alaska, to be mc,,,,,,,_ located as follows: The upper bridge to cross the said Bering River at a point near the mouth of Stillwater Creek, and the lower bridge to cross the Bering River at a point about four miles above Bering E==°¤¤¤i°¤ ¤* “¤°· Lake; also to extend its line of railway from the terminus of its line on the north shore of Controller Bay, as shown on its map of definite location tiled in the Land Department December fourteenth, nineteen hundred and ten, on and over the tide lands and navigable waters of _ Alaska in said Controller Bay to the main channel, and to construct, build, erect, maintain, use, and operate at the end of such line of railway, when so extended upon said main channel, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, necessary wharves, docks, slips, waterways, and coal and oil bunkers, provided that the extent of and the plans for such structures are recommended by the Chief of Engineers and approved by the Secretary of War, in accordwher-veaeu;. ance with the provisions of section ten of the river and harbor Act WL 3°* p' n°1‘ approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. ugggf, g,Q0‘g¤§uf_;’;’ _ `nc. 2. That the said Controller Railway and Navigation Company, its successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to use, in the construction and maintenance of said extension of said line of railway a right of way on, through, and over the tide and shore lands of 'tihe United States actually necessary to connect its railway with the navigable waters in said Controller Bay, not to exceed one hundred feet on each side of the center line of such extension of said line of rail-