Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1381

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SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 273, 274. 1911. 1357 CHAP. 273.-An Act Authorizin he Secre ‘ chang - Mai-cn 4, 1911. tain desert lands for lands within foresi:-lii,1 cgretiggnilmmor to ex B cer [H· R· 8°28°·] · Public, No. 513. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [ 1 States of America in Congress assemble , That the State of Oregon is °*°¢°¤· hereby authorized to relinquish its selection heretofore made under the cS°l°°¤<L*S, ungu germirpfthe Act §tfhA§1gust eighteenth, eiglhteen liiundred and ninety- qiiihigd. ° rc n` our went -ei tatutes ge three undre and sevent -two V°l· 2% P- 422 and Acts amiindgtory and suppleamental thereto of the followinglandgi Section three; east half, east half of west half, southwest uarter D¤¤¤¤‘lP*l°¤· of southwest quarter of section four; southwest quarter, west(l1alf of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section five; south half of section six; all of sections seven, eight, nine, ten, fifteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, and twenty- two of township twenty-f§ur§outh, gauge thigtygshrge east, Willamette meri ian, containing eig t thousand seven un re an ninet -three ` and forty-seven one-hundredths acres; and the Secretary of the Iriyterior, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture, may issue tent to said lands in exchange for and upon reoonveyance to the ex’g{J‘;‘;’ge$°”'°Y°d *¤ gnited Stgtes of the following lands within national forests in the tate of re on: All of fragtional section thirty-six, township twenty-one south, D°°°’*P’*°“· range twelve east; all of section sixteen, township twenty-one south, range twelve east; the southeast quarter of section thirty-six, township twenty south, range fourteen east; all of section sixteen, township twenty-three south, range sixteen east; the south half of northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of northwest quarter, the northeast qhuarter of northeast quarter, the south half of section sixteen towns ip twenty-eight south, range ten east; south half of north half of section sixteen, township fifteen south, range thirty-one east; northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section sixteen, township seventeen.south, range thirty-two east; all of section thirty-six, township three south, range fortg-seven east; all of section sixteen, township nineteen south, range t irty-one east; southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section sixteen, east half of northeast quarter, west half of northwest quarter of section thirty-six, township twenty south, range thirty-three east; all of section sixteen, township three south, range forty-one east; south half and northwest quarter of section thirty-six, township nineteen south, range thirty-two east; north half of section sixteen, township fourteen south, range thirty-three east; all of sections sixteen and thirty-six, township seven south, range thirty-four east; section sixteen, township eight south, range thirty-two east; all of section thirty-six, township fourteen south, range thirty-five and a half east; all of section thirty-six, township two south, range forty east, Willamette meridian. _ Irmzizlevi, That the timber or undecrégrowth shall not have been §[g;g,·*§;,n_ removed from said forest lands: Prom` ed further, That upon recon- tig:1¤;<};;;ged 00118- veyance to the United States the lands shall become parts of the ° national forests in which they are situated. Approved, March 4, 1911. CHAP. 274.-An Act To provide for the entry under bond of exhibits of arts, glvclgiéggaij sciences and industries. -+1+- ’ [Public, xo. sn.] Be it enacted the Senate and [[0use of Representate?/ves of the U71l·t€d States of Arnergzt In (Zbngress assembkd, That all articles which shall be imported from foreign countries for the sole purpose of exhibition S£;1;·r;:ge;;¤;1¤,i;)·%g§g at expositions of the arts, sciences, and industries and products ot the ,,_ éqmittgd under soil, mine and sea, to be held in ex ositions to be held in nineteen °·>¤d*¤*° °"*“‘Y· hundred ahd eleven and nineteen huudlred and twelve by the Merchants