Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1363

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six*rY.FrRsT ooNon.Ess. sm. 111. on. 241. 1911. 1339 Supplies for the Rural Delivery Service, including collection boxes, 1%*** d°“'°'>’ °°P· furmture, satchels, straps, map supplies, satchels and furni- P ` ture, repairing, erecting, and painting co ection boxes in the Rural Dehvery Service, forty thousand dollars. To defray expenses incident to the shipment of suppliw, including www '°”“°‘ hardware, oxmg, packing, cartage, freight, and the pay of one carpenter and three a orers or assrgnment rn connection therewith, one undred thousand dollars. For rntaglio seals, foreign mail service, ten thousand dollars. B°°"‘·'°’°"“°°"i°°‘ For mland transportation by star routes (excepting service in ,,,E,‘,§,{_’°“'° "‘““’°" Alaska), mcludingl temporary service to newly established offices, _ seven mrllron one undred and seventeen thousand dollars: Provided, §f,§Q‘{gi,,¤m.,° it That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for continuance g°"°d W *'°'°’ d°”'· of star·route seryree the patronage of which shall be served U' errtrre y bgothe extension of Rural Delivery Service, nor shall any of ‘ said sum expended for the establishment of new star-route service ézr a patronage which is already entirely served by Rural Delivery rvrce. For pay of letter carriers, substitutes for carriers on annual leave, ,,,§§.,“"“ ‘*°“’°" °“‘ clerks rn charge of substations, and tolls and ferriage, Rural Delive ` Service, forty-two million seven hundred and ninety thousand ddl; lars: Provided, That not to exceed twenty thousand dollars of the summon cram. amount hereby appropriated ma be used for compensation of clerks in charge of substations; Prmridred further, That on and after July ¤•rr1er¤’•¤\•·¤¤¤· first, nineteen hundred and eleven, letter carriers of the Rural Delivery Service shall receive a salary not exceeding one thousand dollars &r annum: Provided further, That in the discretion of the Postmaster k°¥:k° ,Wi¤¤°P°•’·¤· neral the ay of the carrier on the water route on Lake Winnepe- ` saukee who iirmishes his own power boat for mail service during the summer months may be fixed at an amount not exceeding nine ‘ hundred dollars in any one calendar year. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the postal service, office 'f¤'¤l· °*°- of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General,_one thousand dollars. M The Postmaster General is hereby authorized, in cases where the °°°' mail service would be thereby improved, to extend service on a mail route under contract, at not exceeding] pro rata additional pay: Promkled, That the extensions beyond ert er terminus ordered during a contract term shall not, in the aggregate, exceed twenty-five miles. ` Sec. 2. That section two hundre and eleven of an Act of Congress r¤¤r.rr1=e¤: mrentitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws o the §°,§‘?,*,‘}{,,L{{ °°°°°' United States," a proved March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, ·¤}',g{hjd5~ P~ “’°· be amended b adding thereto the following: "And the term ‘rnde- rncrrrngrmopmur. cent' within tile intendment of this section shall include matter of a {1,§’§{,,§§d‘}“°“ “"°i°“ character tending to incite arSon,`murder,_or assassination." Sec. 3. That hereafter for services regurred on Sundays of super- °;ggg$g¤g;g,'{,g§;{¤ visory officers, clerks in iirst and secon class post offices, and city letter carriers, compensatory time off during working dgys in amount equal to that of the Sunday emgloyment may be allow , under such regulations as the Postmaster eneral may prescribe; but this provision shall not apply to auxiliary or substitute employees. Sec. 4. That a er June thirtreth, nineteen hundred and eleven, m$;{g¤y;¢_;_°*P°°°** where the salary or compensation of any employee in the postal service is at an annual or monthly rate, the fo owing rules shall be followed in compzting the amount due: An annual salary or com- nrvrrrentymcurrrr pensation shall divided into twelve equal installments, one of which shall be the pay for each calendar month; and in making pay- compurrrgr-ns or ment for a fractional part of any calendar month there shall be fpard p‘"°“ °"“°" such roportion of one of such mstallments, or of the amount 0 the montllily salary or compensation, as the number of days in the fractional part of that month bears to the actual number of days in that month. •