Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1316

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1292 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 240. 1911. dise t ll rted to foreign countries specified in the Act Vo1.35•P·“° entitlzgl lglA15i Eiimto provide for refunding sthmp taxes paid under the Act of June thirtreth, eighteen hundred and mnety-erglg, upog foreign bills of excharhge drawn between July firstileigtgirtetianantian O1; and mnety-eight, an Jnme thutieth, mneteen t uaril e md té against the value of products or merchandise ac u y <;]xpo_ I ’°“"g” °°"“"“°§ mi? "t23*"é1‘.$£§ }.‘3,b“‘€>°Zt€‘§$‘§‘a‘2'i§ °£$.§&2.E°ifS§ hfeidufndxti tilviij tloglanilrlary fifteenth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purposes/’ approved February first, Hnlgleteen tl:;n<§·ed£1;:1i mne, pe, and is hereby, extended to December , mne n un d R¢f¤¤<¤¤s Musa anR:f1iiidEg intemakrevenue collections: To enable the Secretary ‘u°°°' of the Treasury to refund mone_y_covered into the Treasurygdas interna - revenue collections under provisions of the Act approved ay twenty- seventh, nineteen hundre and eight, forty thousand dollars. P'**’°" ‘°' ""‘“"~ Paper for internal-revenue stamps: For Haper for mtemal-revenue stamps, including freight, ten thousand dollars. Mints and any . IINTS AND AQSAY OFFICES. · olllcen. N"' Y°"‘· Assa Hi e at New Y k: Auth rity is hereby ted the Secrensairmvlggt of mw tary ofxtiie to iige of the iinexpended baiarrce to the cred1t_ of the appropriation for- parting} and refining bullion the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars fort e mom herein stated: To pio- X‘u‘£2.hg..'i.°ii“€.ti§¤‘“§”¤c¤s..y’ “°"`”£*.°*,?i‘.‘i.t... $..¥.‘E€§""L’.§Yi 2‘.§’J§?;m.i' including house telephone and) time and watchmaifs clock systemd and office f1u·niture; or so much thereof as may be necessary for the proapleriiquipment of the new assay office, the same to be immediately a e. ‘ b,{’,{,',‘jQ}f¢“““”“‘“*”¥ UAH laws and parts of laws, to the extent that they make a pert}¤<1g¤i¢¤l;rmgvrr manent indefinite appropriation for the expenses of arting and 'i$’&.i$§§°§rit1,¤b¤. reiininglbulhon, are repealed to take eEect from andp after June thrrtret , mneteen hun and twelve, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, and annually thereafter, submit to Congress, in the regular Book of Estimates, detailed estimates for the expenses of this service. eglgggg {g°'•°.,.gg‘; The uneifipended balance,_after meeting obligations,_of the1lpier·· uw. • manent in efimte appropriation for parting and refining b on _ remaining on the books of the Treasnuy two ears after the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve sliall be covered into the Cum Ne aa a miscegllaneous lireceipt. d d · "·,,,,,,,, nr Anson Evans: or i ental t' t mmmmu being for the iisoal, year nineteen llihjndred aiiii niiild, lii§;ndo8li{aii•·su?ai(i€.i niriaety-fouré d or inci ent an contingent peuses, be` f th ii al DM wd S mk. nineteen hundred and eight, Seveneiileen dollars {Engr] KQ ceiiizs. ye? A,,‘;,_,,;,_ · Assay office at Deadwood, South Dakota: Assayer m ch , addrtional compensation for the fiscal year nineteen hundred ahgiwelve, two hundred and fifty dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, new machinery, and soforth, one thousand dollars. ,,,§'}"°*‘°°‘*°“‘ ""“* mnnrnuimm ramsrmr. ‘{"§,°*¥°,m· mlm 'O£lice of Assistant T asurer t Chicago: F tim lark; at ez-*¤¤¤ee.i thousand two hundred rdollam ehch during thgrfiscal (year hundred and twelve, two thousand four hundred dollars.