Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1288

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1264 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 238. 1911. egeld experiments. For conducting jggld cxpcriments and various methods of road {3011- struction and maintenance, and investigations concerning various road materials a(pdi prepaipations; for mvesgigatuig Qlld dpvtelppmg e uipment inten_ e or the preparation an app 1ca ion 0 _ 1 um1- DDUS and other bmders; for the purchase of materials and equipment; for the em loyment of assistants and labor; for the rental and erec- _ tion of bu5dings; su_ch experimental work to be confined as nearly as lpossible to one point during the fiscal year, ten thousand dollars; Peg*£;**¤*°*¤**'° °*‘ or general administrative expenses connected with the above- ` mentioned lines of investigations and experiments, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars; _ In alll, fplr gpréeriil expenses, one hundred and twenty-six thousand seven un re o rs. Total for Office of Public Roads, one hundred and sixty thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. ·]};¤r¤:P¥g,}g°¤;g_°¤bl¤ And not to exceed ten per centum of the foregoing amoimts for the miscellaneous exfpenses 0 the work of any bureau, division, or office herein·provided_ or shall be available interchangeably for expenditure on the objects mcluded within the general expenses of suc bureau, division, or office, but no more than ten per centum shall be added to any one iteni of appropriation except in cases of extraordinary emergxipcy, and then only upon the written order of the Secretary of Agncu ure. ~ Total, Department of Agriculture, for routine and ordinary work, fifteen million eight hundred and eight thousand and sixteen dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. F¤<>¤¤¤ ¤¤¤=· - And the Secreta of Agriculture is hereb uth ed t f r¤Y.°.§°¤`l§r;m °°°“° investigations on ge cost of food suppliesgatl themflfrm tgidollolllllg consumer, and to disseminate the results of such investigations in md t whéitever manner he may deem best. A if 1¤¤¤¢ ew · NFOROEMENT or THE msmrricxnn o•r:»·T bl th Se t ir.$;:°°°°°°3: °°‘°'°` of Agriculture to carry into effect the proviiir?n§n& the ict o?;;i·`ll " ’·"‘ ‘ twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled "An Act for reventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulteratecl) or mnsbranded Paris greens, lead arsenates, and other insecticides, and also fungiendes an for re5;rlating traffic therein, and for other purposes," in the city of Wa ington and elsewhere, including chemical apparatus, chemicals, and su pl1es, repairs to apparatus, rent, gas, e ectric current, official trave expenses, telegraph and tele hone service, express and freight charges, and all other expenses emplbying such assistants, clerks, and other persons as may be considered necessary for the purposes named, eighty-seven thousand dollars. m:=g;%g¤;ig>;sfgr¤s¤•· For fighting anuhpreiganlping forest fires m cases of extraordinary emergency, one m on dollars. _m¤_;=_<;¢j¤¤¤ me wk For the study and examination into the nature and habit of the stray, ece., cr. chestnut tree bark disease, and for the purpose of discovering remedies by means of which it may be destroyed, checked or controlled, five thousand dollars, to become immediately available.

mggg _ That the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriapufprintions, repear tions for the Department of A' iculture for the fiscal year ending

°"t,,,_ 3.,, ,,,_ mo, June thnrtieth, nineteen hundregr and eight/’ requiring the Secretary me of Agriculture to submit to Congress classified and detailed reports of receipts and classified and detailed estimates and re rts of expenditures by the Forest Service, and classified and detailldd estimates and reports of every subject of expenditure by the Agricultural Department; statements showiplg al appointments, promotions or other pggpflgsl made in the s aries paid from lump funds, are hereby