Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1282

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1258 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 238. 1911. Preventin shi ` T $1 1* For the enforcement of sections two hundred and forty-one t bilégiop :1; md hundred and forty-two, two hundred and forty-three, and twoihiiifi ° p' ’ dred and forty-four_of the Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and mne, entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the ,,,§";,{§;’j,§’;8,g§{;fi penal laws of the United States," and for the enforcement of section mg)? 31 187 one of the Act Iopproved May twenoy—fifth, nineteen hundred, entitled _ '°‘ ° "An_Act to e arge the powers 0 the Department of Agriculture, prohibit the transportation by mterstate commerce of game killed in Eiolation of local laws, and for other purposes," twelve thousand - dollars; , `R¤¤¤rv¤¤<>¤¤ for Forthemaintenance of the M t N f 1B' R d h mu¤mi1Q°:g¤?;tr?»l` reservations for mammals az1d(l>Iird§?an?l£>Ii·&th<;iif)1i1forc‘ia11i(i;1`ie;l:1olgtseii; v°l· 36- ’· “°* tion eighty-four of the Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred , and mne, entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," fourteen thousand five hundred dollars, of which sum two thousand five hundred dollars shall be used for the gigpghase, capture, and transportation of game for national reservamkFw{,“,,8w"’T""· Foi· the f66d].Ilg· , rotect' d I f lk ' `em known as Jackson’spHole iiigl Oiiiatlga §tatduol’3hl,V§#;glrii1ii1Ig; · — _ twenty thousand dollars, to become lmmediately available, and remam_ava1lable unt1l expended ;

%<;gtg:%¤a¤;&{ mFor itogrestigatintg the tgood holliiits of ll;TorthuhAmerican birds and

_ 8·ID.lD_ m ro a ion agnc ure, orf d f t inclugaigt anddcganlionstrations lin dlgtrotlyling iiloligidiis amm ,_ y- ve thousand dollarsg,§,?§,§‘f‘°*‘ *“Y°°'·*· For_ biological investigations, incliiding the relations, habits geographic distribution, and migrations of animals and plants arid the grelparation of maps of the life and crop zones, twenty thousand _ dollars; ,,,’},,,,,,°”°*“*““““’° °" For general administrative expenses connected with the above- _ $rI;l:3§8g6;1;1ro;in;§1:;0;k, 1(pcludilng cooperation with other Federal

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fourteen thousand two hundred dollars; mm on request from them’ hullndragli foggoigml expenses, one hundred and fifteen thousand seven Total for Bureau of Biol IS h - ‘ thousand seven hundred dbglaiigs. urveyi one lmdmd and thirty mm buggecgggg gem: DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. “°*¤"°¤· Ssnamns Division A D . · of division and disbursirl clgglijizvzirlsoghldu liggggiilliiglirligniveqaggcbglgi the fiscal affairs of the department, three thousand seven hundred ‘ mw em for and fifty dollars; one assistant chief of division, two thousand five pom, S,,,‘§,,,,_ hundred dollars; one chief of office of accounts and fiscal a ent who ma%Vbe detailed to the Forest Service for duty in or out 0% the city of ashmgton, two thousand five hundred dollars; seven district fiscal agents, at_ two thousand dollars each, who ma be detailed to - the Forest for duty kin or out of the city of Vgashington · one supervising au r two t d t h d l - one auditor, two thbusand mkilllitpi; ori:)casliie;6aindndihilzift<`ilei1li)llt’iiviSd giglsgggsgggam; onlooglopiéity disbuosling clegk, two thousand, dol- ¤ I V1$mg 6 GI', on . two clerks, class four; ten clhrks, glassutsliiiee flgigtteileliiuglgflrgoldldgs two; nme clerks, class one; four clerks at one thousa i · 1 k y nd dollars each, SIX c er s, at nme hundred dollars each; one custodian of d d mts mum Stat 11 '°°°’ Sm dmd and t ut nd uwo undred dollars; one messenger, seven hunwen y o 8.1'S;`0I1€»‘ messenger, six hundred dollars.