Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1263

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 238. 1911. 1239 lars each; ten messenglerrg or laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; twen3y—t e messengers, messenger boys, or laborers, at four hundred an eighty dollars each; six messengers or messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; one skilled laborer, one thousand dollars• thirty-three skilled laborers at nine hundred dollars each; two skilled laborers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; seven skilled laborers, at seven hundred and twent dollars each; one laborer, seven hundred and eight dollars; two laborers at six hundred and sixty dollars each; nine laborers, at six hundred dollars each; three laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; · one watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one charwoman, six hundred dollars; one charwoman five hundred and forty dollars; eleven charwomen, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; four charwomen, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; one charwoman, three hundred dollars; two charwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each; in all, three hundred and forty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Gmuzznar. Exrnusns, BUREAU or ANIMAL Irrnusrnrz For carrying G°“°“" °"’°"““‘ out the provisions of the Act a proved May twenty-ninth, eighteen V°*·2*’··P·“1· hundred and eighty-four, establilshing a Bureau of Animal Ingustry, and the dprovisions of the Act approved March third, eighteen hun- V°l'°”""°3°‘ dred an ninety-one, providing fldr the safe transport and humane treatment of export cattle from the United States to for countries, and for other (purposes; the Act a proved Augustalilllirtieth, V°‘- ”°· P-*1*- eighteen hundred an ninety, providing fldr the importation of animals into the United States, and for other urposes, and the ro- · visions of the Act of May ninth, ninteen hundlxled and two, extenging V°*- ¤· P- 1%- the inspection of meats to process butter, and providing for the inspection of factories, marina? of packages, and so forth, and the provisions of the Act approve February second, nineteen hundred V°*· °2· 1*-79*- and three, to enable the ecretary of Agriculture to more eifectually su press and prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases V I as ofllive stock, and for other purposes, and also the provisions of the °' mm"' Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain quarantine districts, to permit and regulate the movement of cattle and other live stock therefrom, and for other purposes; and for carrlving out the V1 84 M provisions of the Act of June twenty-ninth, nineteen iundred and °‘ ·" ‘ six, entitled "An Act to prevent cruelty to animals while in transit by railroad or other means of transgortation," and to enable the comming m,0m__ Secretarv of Agriculture to collect an _ disseminate information con- mm, ea. ceming live stock, dairy, and`other ammal products; to preprare and disseminate replorts on animal industry; to employ and pafy om_the appropriation erein made as many persons in the city o_ Washmgton or elsewhere as he may deem necessary; to purchase m the open hbmuun mmm, market samples of all tu erculin serums, antitoxms, or analogous ew. pTroducts, of foreign or domestic manufacture, which are sold in the nited States, for the detection, prevention, treatment, or cure of , diseases of domestic animals, to test the same and to disseminate the results of said tests in such manner as he may deem best; to plurchase °* and destroy diseased or exposed animals or qparantme the same whenever in his judgment essential to prevent the spread of pleuropneumonia, tubercu osis, or other diseases of ammals from one State to another, as follows: · _ For inspection and quarantine work, including all necessary q,f.’;{,§’,‘§,f;;,‘{,}‘,L “·"" expenses for the eradication of seabies in sheep and cattle, the tion of southern cattle, ·the supervision of the transportation of 've stock and the inspection of vessels, the execution of the twenty-eighthour law, the inspection and quarantine of imported animals, including the establishment and maintenance of quarantine stations and