Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/122

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98 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. nature incident to such production, together with the exlpense of pre a and putf up such merchandise ready for s ipment, andpan agidition of n$%ess than eight nor more than fifty per centum upon the total cost as thus ascertaineii; and inlno case shall such merchandise be appraised upon origina appraisa or reap raisement epeGii°¤°i:•»i°Zi. mm lu at les? thai; the flotal costhof pirloduction as ghéins alsri;-nrtpiired. f The actua mar etv ueorw oes e rice as e e y aw 0 any imported merchandise which is cdhsigiied for sale in the, United States, or which is sold for exportation to the United States and which is not acltiually sold oriifreely rilffered for salp in usual wholesalle; uantities in the o n mar et o the coimtry o ep rtation to a mg§}§*"*“’” ‘PP”"°‘ gurchasers, shall noltein any case be appraised at lessxtltian the wholesale price at which such or similar imported merchandise is actually sold or freely offered for sale in usual wholesale quantities m the United States in the open market, due allowance by deduction bemg made for estimated duties thereon, cost of transportation, insurance and other necessary expenses from the place of shipment to the place of delivery, and a commission not ezrceeding six per centum, i any has been paid or contracted to be paid on consrgned goods, or a rea-

orilable a lowancp for genlpralde  and profits (not to exceed

eig t per centum on urc ase g s. gene:-nl appraisers. _"Sec. 12. That theiie shall be appointed by the President, by_and

m';;‘;“°;°0*u"°°c'é with the advice and consent of the Senate, nine general appraisers ·

· · gg merchargdilseir Notlpiore than iiyg ol; suchtgenerrgl applrzliiers shi]; appoin e rom e same poi ca pa y. ey s no MN ** New Y°**· eriigaged in ainy othelri business, avolpait1<i,n, or erlpploymerpt. Thait the o ceo said ener a raiserss a eatt e orto New ork and thfee of them shallpbe on duty at that port Idaily as a board of genera ap raisers. _ _ _ $,g{{¤3*gj·p_ M_ ".all pfghe ggnerpll apprpilsers of rperchgngise hlerpfrifofg orilhereaéiter appome uner_eau orityo said ctsa 0 foc during good behavior, but may, after due hearing, be removecdrby the Pri? ent for thei following {pauses, and no other: Neglect of duty, ma easance m office, or me ciency. $***°’F· "That hereafter the salary of each of the general appraisers of Gwen, wen merchandise shall be at the rate of nine thousand dollars per annum. P0 "That the boards of eneral appraisers and the members thereof shall have and possess ai the powers of a circuit court of the United States] in prieserying prdeii, compelling the_attendance of witnesses, Appeals [mm mh anu X1 le pgp uction_<;_ evi: encip, and II;5)}l1llSl;IlIlg for contempt. _ _ ¥*·‘饷‘é·é‘°°"‘°°° ‘° .r..r”2."£?."Jr€`.,`¥‘2r.§”§ 2n$2u?.‘Z‘3¥".§.e `SS"rE'“”“"‘i.‘i“ °f my "°°‘Si°Zi · esc area eu onim ore merchaiidise, including all dutiable costs and cigharges, Iaind aspto all fees and exactions of whatever character (except duties on tormage), with the myoice and all papers and exhibits, shall be forwarded to the P Hm Hm rd board of nine general alppraisers of merchandise at New York to be '°" ° " · by ]'l1lB thereo assrgne or hearing or determination, or both. The Ifresident of the United States shall designate one of the board of Division intobmrm nge general} appraisprs of megchmdimsasdpresrclerit of said boapd and 0 ers nor er oac in isa sence. ai ener - chandise shall be divided into three boardg of tlhrggpriielrsiiellizig dgglli, ·*¤i¤¤¤¤¢¤*· to beddenonginlziteg reslpecltipfely Board 1, Board 2, and Board 3. The pres1_ ent 0 the oar s a assign thr n l t h of s?d_ boardihand shall élesigaate one riigpgliiexgltg eaiszlirgisgaill lioiiiids as c airman ereo , an suc assngnmen or t' be b him changed from time to time, and he may a;Sii§nnad1?illd;i’giriate all boards of three general appraisers where _1t IS now or heretofore was ggovided by law that such might be assigned or designated by the cretary of the Treasury. he president of the board shall be competent to sit as a. member of any board, or assign one or two other members thereto, in the absence or inability of any one or two